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Spiritual awakening

Get Ready For September.



You are coming upon one of those dates right now as your September equinox approaches.

You are ready for more than you think you are.

You are ready for more information, more of your gifts and abilities coming online,

and you are ready to simply up-level your physical bodies.

Each step that you take upon the earth is a remembrance.

Not so much a remembrance of the past but a remembrance of the Creator…present within your being…

as well as your relationship with the Creator , a unique relationship that creates bountiful blessings for you, for everyone, and for the entire Universe of the Creator.

We will tell you that the reason that it is being kept as a secret, as you say, clandestine, as you might also say,

is because there is so much that cannot yet at this point be revealed. It must be held back.

It is part of the plan because you see people everywhere are not as awakened as you are and in many cases are still quite somewhat asleep.

And to bring all of this out at once would completely shock their nervous systems.

And that cannot be allowed to happen. So it must be given in small helpings here and there as it can be.

But we will tell you that if you are coming to a point here where the Why is going to be answered very shortly here and continue to be answered.

Many old timelines influence your personal growth.

The blockages arose in a traumatic past, in which old family lines caused a major drain in the ancient monetary system.

A kind of reverberation that vibrates and fans out to all layers and levels in society.

In principle, the old system no longer exists in the energetic layers of the earth and the cleanup is as good as complete.

The manipulations arise from old traditions that cannot be abandoned in the lower dimensions,

in which many types of monetary systems control matter and therefore play a major role in influencing rich and poor.

The coming generations may be hindered in their light consciousness and a letting go process is necessary.

We are talking about those selves that exist in parallel realities, and in your so-called past and in your so-called future.

There is an integration happening with all of these various pieces of you, and in the collection of all of your various pieces,

you become more of your higher self. As you awaken to more of the truth of who you are with the help of energies from above,

you then begin to shine more brightly and more people take notice of you.

Those of you who are awake do find that you tend to attract a crowd and that many people come to you for advice.

Many can feel your vibration, even if they wouldn’t be able to describe it in that way, or they sense your wisdom.

That will continue and it is one of the nice little byproducts of you being able to handle the incoming influx of energies for the equinox.

You all have so much more to share with this world, so much more to uncover within yourselves, and so much more that you are becoming, that you are evolving into.

As you inquire about your alignment, you can begin to rebalance and reprogram your being; connecting with higher vibrations of light,

bringing frequencies into your being that serve you in creating what you wish to experience and to embody.

Let us first imagine an area of your being. You can, in fact, choose any area of your being.

Let us choose your Crown Chakra.

As you take your attention to your Crown Chakra and you begin to inquire…

to become sensitive to the area of your Crown Chakra at the top of your head…

it is as if you are sitting and listening to the presence of your Crown Chakra.

You can ask your Crown Chakra to show to you or to demonstrate alignments that it currently holds.

You might experience an alignment with love or the angelic kingdom, maybe with your soul, the Creator or a guide.

It could in fact be anything.

Wake up and realize that everything is going to flow the other way around, it seems as if the clock is running backwards and the cosmos is turning differently.

Chaos arises in the brain when you hold on to the old system.

The more you fight to keep the old, the more exhausted you become. This can even lead to chronic diseases and ultimately death.

Rethinking works best when feelings and intuition open up. Accept the new wave,

then the life energy flows through you and you live from abundance. Let go of the struggle and allow love to come.

Be flexible and relax. No one can understand or control this new energy, tune in to the heart.

Then you hear the voice of the new age, because it calls you and shows you the way.

You can connect with an area of your body that is stuck or experiencing pain, or a wound.

You can connect with an area of your mind that is in turmoil, or your emotions which are unsettled.

You can connect with your entire being or your entire energy field.

You can also hold, within your mind, something that you wish to create in your reality and then ask, which area do you need to connect within your being?

Which area do you need to connect with to be aware of the alignment of the highest potential that is needed to be created,

so that you can download the creation energy, the alignment that creates what you wish to experience,

into that area in order to create what you have in your mind, your awareness, your dreams or your desires.

You have the power to realign all aspects of your being with the highest potential or with an idea of creation something that you wish to experience in your reality.

Wherever you place your attention, you can create new alignments.

You can bring the creation energy into alignment that serves you in creating whatever you wish to experience.

Change your life if you keep getting stuck and start anew every day with attuning to the changing energy.

Create a vertical line of light with the Divine Source of love.

Follow your intuition: This way you will get through this innovation well,

sometimes there are moments when you no longer know, but this is only temporary and very normal.

There will be many resets that will be opened by the photon light and the guidance from the starlight will be very great, they activate the path of the heart.

The light consciousness now also enters the shadow fields, to free many young people from an old downward movement.

The release of a strong dark current in the layer of the new children and young people,

will cause a lot of commotion and the dismayed feelings that arise will eventually be calmed down in a loving harmony.

We must explain this, that the realm that you are living on is a delusion and an illusion because those that participate do not have the capacity to know the truth.

You see, that is why there are a handful that manage the white hats and there are a handful that manage the activities of the cabal,

because the majority that walks around on this planet are highly hypnotized, highly programmed, you see.

So if you told them the truth, they wouldn’t even believe it anyway.

They would not believe what they are hearing. Often, you will find this.

You will speak to those in your circle that are asleep and you will tell them what you know and they will think you are a nut job.

You see, because they are not awake. So you must understand that the secrecy, the hush hush,

the management that is going on on your planet is for the good of those that are asleep as they could not handle it.

So you must just wait, you see, and focus on your spiritual maturity. Focus on your emotional maturity.

What you need to do to elevate in consciousness because anything else outside of you is irrelevant.

And every single one of these big dates on your calendar is an opportunity for those like us, and the Arcturians and Pleiadians,

and all the others to share with you energetic transmissions that we know will help remind you of who you really are and what you are capable of.

We expect that many of you will be opening yourselves up to these energies on the actual equinox, but why wait?

And even after the date on your calendar has passed, you can continue to receive the benefits through the end of September of these magical energies coming to you from above.

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Spiritual awakening

Pleiadian’s Time



We have established many wonderful working relationships with those of you in human form there on Earth.

We know that some of you recognize us by our vibrational signature, and some of you even remember us from your Arcturian lifetimes.

We know that to others we seem somewhat familiar, but you are unable to place where you know us from,

but suffice it to say that we have a connection to every single being there on planet Earth.

And when you fall asleep and travel through the astral plane, that’s when things get very interesting indeed.

We walk the same path, and you are with me. I was a kind of flag-bearer in the time in which I lived.

I planted seeds, but it was never intended that I would do this alone. What I did was not something by myself.

What I did was connected with a soul group of kindred spirits to which you belong.

This is a time for harvesting. Through planting and growing, through the germination of seeds,

through the rising up of new shoots, a new light is brought into this world, and you are those germinating seeds and shoots.

You are connected with me in the grand field of the Christ energy.

What is the most precious thing that is developing during this time is who you are.

Turn your back on the darkness of the world, dear ones, and turn your sights to the light that is there and the light you wish to see.

There are plent of people stirring up hatred, but so many more acting in love.

Think of the loving souls often until you feel those good feelings rising from within.

There are things you wouldn’t want to eat that would make you sick, but there are so many more good things that would delight your body and tastebuds.

Think of those and watch your body react with delight to the inner stimulus that feels like health and love.

When the outside world makes your happiness hard to find, turn inward.

Think of something that inspires you a tropical beach, a puppy or kitten, a loved one,

a stained glass window with sunlight streaming through and causing the colors to dance on the floor, your favorite car, God and your angels infinite love for you…

There are so many thoughts of goodness you can think of, and while you are thinking of external objects,

you are bringing them up deliberately from within to inspire your own good feelings.

You are not relying on the outer world. You are finding the frequency you wish to feel from within, and in this moment, you are the master of your own reality.

Now, you don’t only come to visit us in the astral plane, and we do not get jealous when you visit the Pleiadians or Sirians.

There are many, many beings and collectives for you all to visit in the higher realms,

and all of those perspectives that you receive while you are speaking to us are a part of your thoughts in the waking hours of your lives.

We offer you downloads, activations and upgrades, as well as attunements, and some of you even remember your Arcturian lifetimes in dreams that you download as you awaken.

Therefore, you are already making contact with all the time, but it is soon going to be much more conscious and much more deliberate and while you are awake.

But these meetings in the astral plane prepare you for what is to come, and we help you with the day-to-day concerns that you have living there on planet Earth.

It is important that you recognize the inner world the world of your feelings, your psyche, your thoughts as the primary source of all creation.

You have become indoctrinated by a worldview in which the inner the intuitive and the spiritual is neglected.

There is an excessive focus on the outer world, on the material.

And when you go along with that, you undermine your own powers of creation, because the source of each enduring creation is always inside you.

You are not dependent on forces outside you, and your realizing this is a big step, because it sets you free from the outer world, which then loses its power over you.

When you realize deeply, from your divine core, that you are a creator, the social rules and ideas,

the fears that are prevalent in society, gradually lose their influence over you.

That is also the message that you are bringing to people in this world.

Nothing brings a person into their own strength more than does the realization that he or she is the center of their own world,

and that from there you attract and create what is right for you.

Thus, the energy of fear and illusion loses its influence over you. This is the true breakthrough everyone is looking for.

I ask you to now connect with your heart. When I am speaking about the heart,

I am not talking about the physical heart, but about something much more vast and deep; namely that part of you,

your unique soul, which is connected to the whole, which vibrates in a field of love that is your home,

the place where you belong. Your physical heart is the most visible material manifestation of this inner center,

but it is no more than that. Your true heart is much more vast and not bound by time and space.

The Shift is the awakening of humanity’s heart.

This transformation of consciousness, the greatest one ever recorded, first became apparent in the mid-1960s and has been building momentum ever since.

The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual’s step into the New Reality.

Each person, in their own time, is moving forward into a stage of consciousness which brings a wider vista and an awareness which springs from the heart.

When enough people’s primary attention becomes focused through their heart chakras, then the hundredth monkey effect will occur.

When enough people have gone through their personal version of The Shift to the new consciousness,

then a critical mass will form and suddenly everyone will become aware of the New Reality and its heart-centered values.

That is the day when heart-centered values will become the focus of everyday thinking for the vast majority of people.

That is the day when humanity will begin to look back on what has changed and realize that a massive shift has occurred,

one that will be simply be referred to as The Shift.

Now, go with your attention to your heart center and feel who you are.

Also sense the talents and gifts that you have developed in other lives,

because the heart operates from a timeless awareness and has access to all the varied manifestations or incarnations you have ever had.

Feel the energy of your heart come to you and surround you. Let it shine light upon a problem that you are experiencing in your everyday life.

Many problems arise or become bigger as you become fixated on external things, or on your own body, on the tangible, the physical.

You want to find solutions on that level. But by connecting with your greater core,

with your heart-consciousness, you will get access to sources of wisdom that can help you much more.

The solution is never on the material plane; it is within you.

Descend all the way to that level, and see a flame of light in the middle of your heart center.

This light connects you to the Christ field, which protects you and cares for you allow it to enfold you.

Feel that you do not depend on powers outside yourself; feel that you can live from ease and love, from lightness.

You have been so indoctrinated with thoughts of fear, struggle, and survival that it seems impossible to live from lightness, gentleness, and love.

This is the shadow that hangs over all of you: the belief in fear, struggle, and control.

We help other beings from other star systems as well, and we learn through your experiences more about ourselves than we ever could if we took a policy of isolation.

Therefore, we encourage you to never diminish what you are doing there on Earth or what you are experiencing.

Do not see it as less than what anyone else is doing or experiencing throughout the entire galaxy.

You are the ones who agreed to experience that level of density, that level of polarity,

and everyone benefits from what you are living throughout all of Source Energy.

Therefore, it is not a burden to us at all to help you, to send you energies, and to continue to love you unconditionally, which is the only way to be loved.

There is another power within you that can help you realize what you deeply desire.

But that power is not of a dual nature, one of struggling against something.

Feel the power of this force, and go to where you experience a problem that gives you concern, makes you worry and think.

Go to where you feel you are losing your strength, that you are not able to live with joy but have the feeling of being threatened by something outside you,

something you do not understand, or by something that keeps arising and never seems to be able to get resolved.

There is a kind of knot in your energy, in your thoughts about your own powers of creation. There is a sense of powerlessness. There is a blind spot in you.

Feel the great power of love. Look at your life and ask yourself: Where do I experience love the most?

In which activity or with what person or at what moments do I experience a feeling of sincere joy and happiness?

Where do I feel at home, relaxed? I mean times when you literally feel lighter, when your body vibrates at a higher level.

Look for yourself where and in which situation you feel that the most, and take that as your criterion or guide.

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Spiritual awakening

The Divine Plan Is Happening Now



The Matrix was created from a lower vibrational field based on fear, which emerged when the human race lowered their consciousness and forgot who they were.

The timelines were shifted, and though this belongs to history, it is crucial to understand.

If you wish to release the Matrix, ask for our support, and we will come to help you.

We will position you on a joyful timeline that you are meant to experience.

The whole terrestrial space is continuously permeated by these radiant waves.

Passing via people’s Souls and consciousness, they scan, segment and redirect men to a reality’s branch that corresponds to individual energy vibes and embedded potential.

And in a new space, they can live on and realize their capabilities in the best possible way, according to the settings and resonances checked in contact with the Light rays.

Forgiveness is often misunderstood as a passive act of forgetting past wrongs.

However, true forgiveness is a powerful tool for liberation.

It allows us to release the emotional burdens of anger and resentment that weigh heavily on our hearts.

forgiving oneself for perceived shortcomings or setbacks is vital. Understanding that healing is a non-linear process with its ups and downs can help in fostering a forgiving attitude towards oneself.

By letting go of self-criticism, we make room for healing and personal growth.

Unconditional love transcends all conditions and expectations. It is the purest form of love that nurtures and heals.

For those on a healing journey, cultivating unconditional love towards oneself and others can be profoundly transformative.

It involves accepting oneself fully, with all vulnerabilities and imperfections, and extending the same grace to others.

This form of love can create a supportive environment that fosters healing and strengthens relationships.

We notice you having your moments there of struggle, your moments of dissatisfaction,

and we notice you when you are in those moments of despair, and we wonder how we can get through to you when you are having those moments.

This is the type of challenge that you face in the twelfth dimension.

How do you help? How do you get someone’s attention when they are so focused on the struggle, focused on the problem?

We attempt to distract you. We might send a gentle but loving breeze, the sound of birds singing.

We might give you an idea that will sit in your energy field until you are ready for it, until you can open up to it.

We still find ways to help and to get through to you eventually, but here is our encouragement for you in this transmission.

The next time you find yourselves in a seemingly impossible situation, let go.

Let go of the need to figure out what the solution is right then and there. Let go of your fear of that situation, your fear that it might get worse.

Meanwhile, stay connected with the gateways on your planet. Visit the sacred portals and align your energy with theirs.

Know that these places are 3D projections of the 5D portals.

If you could place your 5D glasses, you would see that realities overlap and that as you change the frequency, the sacred place is actually a portal in such a reality.

This means that people can teleport, time travel, and sometimes simply bilocate through such devices.

There have been many proofs in your world lately that such devices exist on Earth and were brought by ancient alien civilizations. Now you will rediscover them.

So, our invitation is to listen to your inner call. If your intuition tells you to visit such places, do it!

As you do, you are tuning with 5D frequencies, realigning yourself with home. Tell yourself, I stay connected with the portals of Earth, all the time, and feel it.

For many, this is a very difficult trial, aggravated by incomprehension of what goes on, and why stable relations with friends and the loved ones are suddenly in tatters.

The reason is that on a Subtle Plane, every union and pair looks different.

The luminosity in it is uneven: one shines brighter, the other less and has more karma spots.

But segmentation is performed not by luminous density, but by codes in the scanning beams and human Souls.

If the Light conductivity in the pair is not the same, each brought to corresponding freqs’ reality.

This transfer/redistribution is carried out algorithmically by the same ray. What happens next?

You get to work with all the resources of this universe, and that is true no matter what the problem is.

There is always a solution. There is always more potential for growth within every single problematic situation that you encounter, but you need to remember.

You need to remember that it’s not all on you, and it’s certainly not on you in that moment to come up with the best possible approach to it.

You need to trust in the bigger picture and in the bigger you in order to navigate through your life experiences with all of the power that you truly possess.

You cannot rely on action and intellect alone, not anymore and especially not at this time of rapid-changing elements in your world, in your society.

You would be so much better served by letting go of the need to prove to yourselves and others that you are good enough by doing it all yourselves.

Instead, remember that you are just playing a game, and this is just your character in the game.

Your ancestors knew how to worship and connect with their land.

They knew where the geomagnetic field was different and facilitated the connection with the above.

They performed rituals and ceremonies, entering different states of mind to connect with the divine.

Humanity has forgotten all this, but you, dear human beings, are meant to remember and share this forward.

Get in contact with what is real and align with the highest vibrational fields, spreading that energy once again on the planet.

We, the Andromedan dragons, will be there with you. Celebrate life on Earth, not through distractions and insignificant transient pleasures,

but by tuning into a higher type of joy and pure bliss, as you are meant to do.

Look for that which is great and do not diminish yourself to worldly pleasures, because now the time has come to embrace very different habits.

Surround yourself with those who believe in the Spirit, dedicate your life to Source, and mostly find Source within once again. We love you, and we enjoyed connecting with you today.

This is a tincture of care, love and a desire to share.

Even if a person hides from everyone, reluctant to leave home, and avoids contacts with another Soul, it will still happen.

Co-Creators and Guardians never rush and patiently wait for a person to step forth from own cocoon, and just bring people together in the same space and circumstances.

Only the man himself decides what to do. If he is ready to change, then out of the blue opportunities appear.

And accepting them, he already thinks and acts not as before, but in a completely new way.

And through this, moves to the next level of development, without perceiving it as a challenge.

And when you let go of the limitations faced by the character you are pretending to be,

that’s when the creator of the game can step in and show you that there’s a way out of the situation that you are in, and it’s a beautiful way.

It’s a better way, and it will make the creation of the problem itself seem like a very good idea when you get to it.

That is something else to consider. Everything is leading to something better, no matter how it seems in the moment.

It’s purpose for existing is to lead to something better, and yet you still have to surrender at times to it being just the way it is for those moments that you are experiencing it.

And when you do, that’s when the solutions come flooding in.

The Co-Creators’ operation to distribute the earthlings in different densities and territories concerns unbalanced unions.

It ensures the RIGHT of each Soul to choose the path that is more natural and comfortable for it.

A person is given a chance on another branch of reality, where resonating personalities gather,

and where they can find a partner more suitable in codes and frequencies, and fully realize selves in their version.

What was the basis of attraction in the disintegrated pairs? It was not only a similar potential, but also the tank circuit.

And everything was holding on this resonance. The tank was de-energized, and the desire to be together immediately ended.

The strength of the love tension/attraction has changed, and what kept no longer works, and the couple is heading for a breakup.

However, if love remains, then gravity can be restored.

Sometimes the scanning and distributing beam passes through the partners many times, they separate for several months,

and get back again until finally part. Moreover, often both find selves in the same place and see each other with a new companion, with whom they are comfortable and well.

When they arrive, they will prepare for the appearance of the twelve racelines of original ones. The Lemurians will appear

on Earth, along with a few others. They will not all come out at the same time.

The Stargates will be activated to got to twelve dimensions of the Universe.

This was always the plan called Gaia will save the Universe. Once this Lift Off Takes Place, Gaia will become the savior of

the Universe. All twelve racelines will be placed in a quarantene that will not allow them to have any inharmony for one thousand years.


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Spiritual awakening

Galactic Family Portals.



The higher perception of your Third Eye, and Unconditional Love of your High Heart, prepare your physical brain ,for the merging with your Multidimensional Mind.

You will facilitate this merging by unifying your physical senses of sight, hearing,

smell and bodily sensations with your Multidimensional senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

Once we have seen the truth, and accepted its grandeur, a transformation within us takes place.

It fills our hearts with joy and hope, while at the same time moving us towards harmonious action.

The following artfully details the qualities and character traits of a Rainbow Warrior, known by many names such as truth seeker, healer and adjectives such as honorable and trust worthy.

All the attributes of a moral being, who services others while also servicing themselves, is embodied in each of us when we act out a moment of wisdom.

I have received and internal call to move my main focus from shedding light on the Reptilian agenda to resuming my energy work.

I have mentioned in several of my radio shows on The Cosmic Awakening Show about how I consider myself an antennae for the energies coming from the Great Central Sun.

These energies are coming to the planet from Source and the astrological alignment of our times allows for them to reach us in order to help raise the vibrational frequency.

If you have been following articles on In5d and How To Exit The Matrix,

you know that the frequency shift we are experiencing is how we will all exit the false light matrix that has been imposed upon us.

Free of the limitations of your physical perception, you prepare the perceptual areas on your brain to perceive us as within you rather than outside of you.

Yes, feel us in your body, as we are NOT separate from you. Your 3D mind has projected an image of us that appears to be outside of you.

However, that vision is a projection of what is actually inside of you.

In fact, ALL of your experiences of reality are the outer projection of what you are actually perceiving inside of you.

You are still accustomed to 3D rules in which you were taught to believe that reality is outside of you, and you were a victim to whatever occurred in your life.

We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age.

But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world.

We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge.

You are eco-moral and soul-centric. Your sense of right and wrong goes beyond the myopic and parochial perspective of good and evil and is based firmly in your understanding of healthy and unhealthy.

Having individuated your ego, you are holistically conscious and compassionate.

You are determined to use eco-centric strategies in order to bring balance to an egocentric world.

You understand that human beings once lived in healthy accord with each other and with nature for millions of years,

until they mistakenly went from living in an egalitarian, cooperative way to living in an exploitative, competitive way.

Your soul method is the rainbow bridge leading us out of the unhealthy and unsustainable quagmire and into a healthy and sustainable providence.

Many of us are here to ground these energies into the planet.

To do this, we can focus on opening up our crown chakra to allow the energy to come down through our body and down into the planet.

Imagining these energies infiltrating the planetary grids along with the collective human consciousness has been a part of my work here.

I have been told that just my work alone has made a considerable difference in our planetary timeline, where it has accelerated our shift forward by fifteen years.

Imagine what one person’s efforts multiplied could do! I would think that it would quickly merge into the NOW moment.

When we transmute a reality into a higher dimensional frequency, we send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire into the frequency of initial thought forms and energy fields.

The Unconditional Love breaths in unity and potential, while the Violet Fire expands that reality to higher and higher dimensions.

When we create a reality, we begin by creating thought forms and energy fields that define that possible reality.

We then fill those thought forms and energy fields with Violet Fire to transmute the idea into a higher frequency reality, and Unconditional Love to give Birth to that reality.

You can see in the chart below that your 3D, physical perception of light is VERY small.

Therefore, your third dimensional brain is greatly limited in registering a conscious awareness of gamma wave energy fields.

While other people are playing finite games that indirectly and directly destroy the world,

you are busy playing the infinite game of life for the sake of healing the world in order to continue play.

While the world is busy falling apart, you are busy putting things back together again.

You’ve made a sacred game out of it, connecting like minds, disconnecting unhealthy minds, and reconnecting cosmic mind.

You realize that cooperation must be primary and competition secondary if the sacred play of life is to continue for human beings.

But you also realize that the only absolute is change, and so you are,

busy learning the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.

Those ascended souls choosing to remain in the spiritual realms will continue the unravelling process of their DNA ,

and gradually dissolve the chemical bond keeping their mortal physical bodies alive.

In doing this their awareness will transfer to a pure energetic signature at each level according to individual ability.

In essence this is a horizontal way of dying or crossing over, one that happens in increments. One where out of body experiences become the norm.

It involves the creation of the observer self or soul which is the watcher that watches us in our dreams.

As the DNA unravels parts of our awareness are transferred over to this observer self.

The longer we can remain in mortal physical bodies from this point on the greater the unraveling of the DNA and the more parts of our awareness can be transferred to our immortal observer self.

At some point the final transfer of consciousness will complete and our awareness will have shifted in a horizontal fashion into our newly created non physical body.

The more parts of awareness that we are able to transfer, the more our new non physical world will seem like physical 3D.

Here, I’d like to look at the throat chakra’s role in creativity as well as the things we can do to heal and balance it.

I don’t know much about any of the chakras, and the only things I’ve learned about them have come from the few reports I’ve done.

One of the best ways to learn about something is to research and write about it, which is exactly what I try to do with things like this that interest me.

I hope it interests all of you too, and more importantly, I hope it teaches you something new. tells us about the throat chakra’s association with self-expression, as well as its condition when it’s balanced and imbalanced .

The Throat Chakra is associated with your Self Expression and Communication.

When it is in balance, you are able to listen and communicate well.

When you are having trouble expressing yourself, or having trouble with communication the throat chakra becomes imbalanced.

To explain in the simplest manner, your 3D Self can not perceive what is actually being projected into your consciousness,

because you are attending to the projection of reality that is reflected off the screen of your third dimensional perceptions.

You have been trained for myriad incarnations that only the physical world is real.

You believed what you were told because you were also told that you were a lowly human who did not have the ability to see the projector.

You were told to worship the projector, and you only receive from the Projector God that which was on the third dimensional screen of reality.

For those of you have unexplained symptoms of physical or emotional pain, know that you are not alone.

Feeling lost, disconnected, without passion or purpose? You are on a path of self discovery.

You are riding a wave of new energy.

What you are feeling at this very moment is a transition only one step of many on this grand journey of ascension on this planet that is progressing every second.

Much of what you still see in the world and in your experiences is illusion and it is competing heavily with what the heart knows to be true.

It’s time to start listening to what matters most and embracing that you are now in an accelerated state of expansion.

The 6 shifts in consciousness are being realized. The spring equinox has brought a fascinating wave of expansion throughout the planet.

It is pushing people outside of their comfort zone and that is manifesting in some very interesting ways inside and outside the body.

Outside the body, electronic devices are behaving erratically.

Your mobile phone, television, computer, network devices or even internet connection may not be functioning as they have in the past.

You may experience unusual and unexplained downtime, yet there is nothing wrong with the actual devices because the problem is not the devices.

The problem is your energy not properly grounding to where it needs to be.

For some others the problem is appearing in their motor vehicles. They are all signs of what is happening in and around you.

All of these health problems can result from a blocked or imbalanced throat chakra, and while it isn’t the only thing that can cause them,

we might want to make sure if we ever suffer from them that we don’t have something related to our creativity or self-expression going on in our lives.

You never know what kinds of emotional or spiritual problems could cause physical illness,

and as science and spirituality continue to merge, I think we’ll discover a wealth of emotionally rooted cures for physical illness.

For all we know, an imbalanced throat chakra could be the main cause of the problems listed above.

I’m not saying it is, but I think our spiritual and emotional health have a lot to do with our physical. explains how self-expression suffers when the throat chakra is blocked.

Do you struggle to communicate your real thoughts and feelings?

If you lack the confidence to express your thoughts, ideas and feelings because you fear that you may be judged or that your words may hurt someone,

you are only holding yourself back from real happiness.

You have a right to express needs, wants and ideas. If you keep your thoughts to yourself,

how will anyone ever know what they are and how will your needs and wants ever be met or your ideas ever brought to life?

The cellular structure is currently being recoded in the human body and in the process it is purging and letting go of predominant resident frequencies that are being eliminated.

For this energy to clear, the immune system and actually all systems within the body must be effectively weakened.

So while the body may appear to be in a state of illness, it is more or less in a state of clearing.

Unfortunately, this is the only way you will be able to prepare ,

and move into the energy that is coming in the next 12 months an energy critical for the Earth in the next decade.

If the body fails to make the upgrade it will stop functioning entirely.

The important thing is to recognize that you can change every single symptom that appears with the appropriate intention.

Do not fall into negative patterning with assumptions that it is your own negative thoughts that have created these symptoms or that you must fix the problem.

Focus on the fact that you are realigning your body to where it needs to be.

You are not broken, so there is nothing to fix.

Accept what is and move forward while welcoming the wonderful changes that are leading to the new you.

The reason more people are feeling disconnected and without a sense of purpose is they are still holding on to old programming.

It’s not safe, I fear for my future or my family’s, people don’t understand me, the world is doome,

and any other self defeating things you tell yourself which are based on fear, not reality.

With practice and repetition, you are breaking out of this patterning at the subconscious level and consciously creating a different reality.

Consciously directing energy is far more powerful than subconscious directives and this is part of what humanity is now transitioning to.

Any form of creative expression is a highly positive practice for opening the throat chakra.

The enjoyment of the creative process is far more important than the results or end product so don’t worry if you’re not an artist try your hand at cooking,

gardening, inventing, writing, solving problems, take any opportunity you can to be creative.

Become comfortable with your own voice in its many forms of expression .

The world would quickly change if everyone believed in their personal truth enough to use their voice,

and we all have a unique piece of the puzzle that we’ve come here to give.

It’d be a shame to deny ourselves the opportunity to offer our piece, and instead,

let’s realize that it’s an important part of the whole and humanity can’t function without it.

Instead of just listening to what other people tell us about life or spirituality, we can pave our own way and make peace with any inadequacies that result.

We’ll find the right way in time, and when we do, we can share what we learn with others in hopes that our experience helps them.

It won’t help everyone since we’re all unique, but it’d be enough to help one person embrace the uniqueness of their path and get the most out of their evolution.

As Chakra Healing tells us, silence is also an important factor in maintaining a healthy, balanced, open throat chakra.

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