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Angel Messages

Archangel Michael : The Final Step.



we are ready to continue on ,with this program ,that was started quite some time ago.

Actually, when we really get down to this, we have been working on many of you, if not all of you,

over lifetimes, coming to this point, coming to this point where you are all being drawn together.

Those of you in this group, those of you that resonate to our words, whether it is in verbal hearing or in your reading of those words,

you are in the place that you have all planned to be, all coming together as one.

As you discern what is occurring within, do consider you have many unseen occupants that engage and may wage a battle for thought supremacy.

In the war of words, ego loves to have the last word.

Does it wage a measured, more balanced response to most queries? Or does it quip, insert, and interject without any rhyme or reason?

We will say to pause and listen to the volume you hear within your head.

Is the voice loud, boisterous, and most assertive? If so, this is ego.

But if the voice you hear is meek, mild, and measured, well, that is something else.

Insights given here are softly spoken and almost hard to hear. Listen closely as you seek to engage with this more measured voice.

Do so over the egoic grandstander. Use your discernment to determine what is in play in this way.

now that you know the truth as it comes forward, as you can express that level of truth and look beyond the shadow,

look beyond the darkness, look beyond the lies, the mistruths, your life is expanding further and further.

Your consciousness is expanding. Because it can begin to grasp things that many years ago you would not have been able to.

Just as there are so many out there now that cannot yet quite grasp the truth, as it is against their belief system. And if it is against their belief system, they closed up.

But you, with your third eye wide open now, you can not only feel and know the truth, but you can begin to express the truth as well.

For it was given long ago, and indeed it is true, the truth shall set you free.

And the truth, as it comes forward now more and more, is setting all of you free. Because you are moving out beyond the veil now.

And as we say, we have been working on this program with all of you for quite some time now,

and it is all coming to a culmination where you will be the ones that will be working with others to help and assist them to guide them in their continuing process through their ascension.

This, of course, is after you have made your full ascension and are in that position where you can be of full guidance to those that are ready for it,

and even now, in your process of ascension now, as those that are ready for it will seek you out, seek you out to receive whatever guidance you can give them.

But do not push it on them, do not force it, of course, on them. Just let it flow as it needs to. Just go with the flow.

We want you to realize that all of these things are meant to distract and lead you away from what you once wanted to know.

Recognize that your purpose is the thing that fueled the objective to be in this physical domain.

It is why you are here. Know that you will be here indefinitely. You will be here until this purposeful objective becomes oh-so-important once again.

Know and be in that space of loving embrace. Be in that league of understanding.

Discover why you are here when you get about the once-upon-a-time intentions orchestrated by your Soul.

The Higher dimension is the world of Godā€™s Kingdom of eternal Love, Peace and Immortality.

When Beloved Master Jesus came into this world experience, he not only had a profound impact on humanity, he moved the entire Earth experience towards the Light.

Since his last incarnation on Earth, his work continues by connecting with the hearts of those who are open and willing to bring forth the Divine Light of the Christ Consciousness.

Those who are willing to hear, feel and see his presence and Light, He will take you by his hand to lead you towards your Ascension and Freedom.

The more you are sharing this Divine Light with others, the more it will increase within you.

Simply imagine a golden light around those you are thinking of and interacting with.

Send them this Divine and Loving Light and continue to hold the vision for the Divine New Earth.

When it was given earlier, finish what you started, that is so important at this time.

Because we know that many of you become discouraged at times.

Many of you follow what is being given by the various intel sources, by the various media sources.

Not that you believe it, but there is a part of you that succumbs to that programming, if only for a moment.

You allow it to seep in once again. But because you are coming to the finish line, closer and closer, because of that, you can see beyond the programming now.

And many across the planet will come to that point as well. Many more than you believe at this time.

For many of you think that the ones that have awakened is all there is going to be, but there are many, many more yet that shall awaken, just as you did.

Finish what you started. Do not succumb to the old programming any longer. Be yourself. Be who you are.

Be the divine being that you know that you are. And if you come to that belief fully,

there will be no end to what you will be able to manifest in your life, and indeed in helping others manifest in their lives as well.

For this time, my friends, this is the moment you have all been waiting for since the very beginning when you volunteered to come here.

We will say to you, it is a process. Just as you have gone through a process to move to the point where you are now,

those others that are not quite as ready or as awakened as you are, also have to go through a process.

Otherwise, they would be jolted out of their illusion into a reality that they are not quite ready for. So it is a process.

It is part of the plan to bring them along at a pace that they can work with here.

Just as you have been brought along at a pace that you can work with.

But there may come a time when what you are speaking of will become a necessity in terms of ā€˜enough is enough.

And if and when that point comes, then you will have that solar flash, The Event, that type of happening that will at that point,

yes, jolt those into an awakening process, as long as they are ones that have worked in that direction, or planned in that direction to be there at a certain point in this lifetime

This is the moment. Thousands and thousands of years later you have arrived.

Not at only the ending, not at only the finish, but the beginning of a new chapter, a new level of your journey.

For indeed it has been given that there is no end to the journey. There are only many endings and many beginnings.

But this end, this finish is quite a major one. If you look at it in the entire scheme of creation, this ending is immense.

And the beginning will be even greater than the ending.

I have have been seeing members such as Bashar in the temple that reincarnation is not what we kind of understand it.

Itā€™s more like the oversoul has one life happening simultaneously, or are we doing our own life, and other related beings.

So if that was so, what are we doing now finally where we have been hit with the crossing of the bridge.

You are going in and out. We do not hear your message clearly. Perhaps you can change the way your device is working.

I was saying that reincarnation is perhaps not how we understand it.

Our oversouls have several lives going on at the same time. And if that is so, what have we been doing?

Are we kind of living the same life all the time as opposed to a different life? Iā€™m kind of confused.

This is a very complex subject here. And we can give you just a small inkling of an understanding.

You are quite correct in terms of your oversoul placing down many lives at one time, many expressions of itself at one time.

And those expressions go through their various lifetimes and their experiences, and continue to provide more experience to that oversoul, as you are saying here.

This is what continues on and on. Has been doing for countless lifetimes. We cannot even begin to say how many.

It would be unfathomable to you to even think about how far back creation goes,

and your lifetimes that you have had from the early existence of your being of what you are calling the oversoul.

We will say here that you are speaking of the difficulty in going back home.

First of all, you have to understand what going back home means, and that there is certainly a difficult road, if you want to look at it that way.

But we will say that everything excellent is as difficult as it is excellent.

But the rewards of that excellence greatly outweigh the difficulties in achieving it. We have given this before.

So the road is long, the journey is long.

But as you continue to rise up in vibrational frequency and higher dimensions, the concept of the long part of this is no longer even an issue.

You do not think of it in that way because you are not thinking of it in terms of time.

You are in a time-frame here. You are looking at it as a level of time.

But in the higher vibrational frequencies and dimensions, there is no time, you see?

So you do not think of it in terms of thousands, or millions, or billions, or trillions, or whatever years you have been in existence.

There is no longer that. So the journey back to the God-head, back to your original creation of who you are, is not even relevant anymore, you see?

We know this is a very difficult concept for those at a three-dimensional consciousness level to begin to grasp.

Even at our level, it is quite difficult to grasp.

But the further along you go in your ascension process, you become more and more aware of the eternity, and the eternal journey that you are on.

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Angel Messages

Angel’s Message.



We are in much Joy that our messages are received in such an Energetical mode.

This means also, that oneā€™s Being is opening up to a Higher level of itself ā€¦ allowing this to take place within a greater acceptance of the Truth of the Soulself.

So, we know the postman is not going to deliver these envelopes and we are not getting them by email.

In fact, it is understood they are metaphorical. Each one adapted to the individualā€™s Knowing. Is this correct?

Often in spiritual messages it is said that you should do things that make you feel good or that produce joy.

Yes, this is trueā€¦ if we are talking about things that feel good on a soul level. If something feels good or produces joy on a soul level, then yes, do it.

Your soul is also the source of your intuition, so equivalently you could say:

if your intuition tells you to do something ,and itā€™s not emotion or bias that you are confusing for intuition, then do it.

Each one of you was born knowing you were completely free.

You entered the world expecting to experience the contrast which would inspire you to create.

You came knowing you could adjust your vibration and attract whatever you wanted.

None of you ever said, I want to give someone else control over my life. I want someone else to dictate my happiness or unhappiness. I want to give someone else power over my future.

I want to let what someone is doing now, and all theyā€™ve done in the past dictate what I experience in my life and my future.

On the understanding of where one would be positioned at the time and place when they are to be unsealed.

Therefore, would we say perhaps, that one could pick and choose from a vast array of suggestions in order to suit the Soulselfā€™s desires to be of assistance on this mission?

For it is indeed, a mission!

Were we assisted with these suggestions?

Very much so. For, some chose ideologies that may not be congruent with the lifeā€™s situation.

We would not say it was ā€˜above their stationā€™ per se, yet, Each One given guidance in the most appropriate choice for where those in Higher Knowledge knew one would succeed when the time came.

Itā€™s very much an open book here. You say there are instructions ā€¦ not orders?

However, itā€™s pretty rare for people on Earth to encounter something that feels good to them on a soul level.

What exactly that feels like varies from person to person, but think of something like a passion, like you can do it all day.

You wonā€™t have to suppress any parts of yourself to do it, it will be good for you and it will produce happiness and energy for you.

Thatā€™s pretty rare. Some people live their entire lives without ever finding the thing or things that make them feel good on a soul level.

Far more common on Earth is that something feels good not on a soul level but on an emotional level.

And while you should do things that feel good on a soul level, itā€™s not always a good idea to do things that feel good on an emotional level.

You learned to give the behavior and opinions of others more air time than the desires of your own soul.

You learned to enjoy the high of others dramas rather than the peace of God within.

You learned to focus on what others were doing wrong instead of what you were doing right.

Dear ones, with each decision you make, you can reclaim your God-given power to be the sole creator in your life.

While you may be affected by others, you need not let the effect be significant.

Suppose you see something in the news that concerns you. You worry about how it might affect your life. Although innocently, you are starting to give your power away to the behaviors of others.

You are focusing on something you donā€™t want, thereby drawing more of what you donā€™t want to you.

If, instead, you see something on the news that concerns you and remind yourself immediately. ā€œAh well, this is someone elseā€™s journey I am witnessing.

I create my own reality. I will sit briefly and envision a better and kinder world. Then dear ones, even if the behavior on the news is violent and angry, you will attract kind and loving souls into your life.

Ranging from what to what? Folk are keen for examples, if that is appropriate?

Firstly, may we say, one will FEEL the knowledge contained. One will FEEL as if they have known this awareness their entire Life. Which of course, they have.

Yet, on what level of doing? Clearly, itā€™s not going to be mow peopleā€™s lawns every Thursday? What exactly are we talking here?


Many would say ā€˜At lastā€™!

You see, we are unable to give exact messages because the receiving of them will be a moment, where TRUE completion of understanding why you are here can be found.

It is not a matter of ā€˜you go and do this and you go and do that.


THE ABSOLUTE KNOWING, and as one continues about their days, opportunities will be presented to each in order to carry out their ā€˜instructionsā€™.

One extreme example of this is that some Earth humans are sadists and to them it feels emotionally good to hurt people.

So, should they hurt people? No, because that doesnā€™t feel good on a soul level.

So this is one example of something that feels good on an emotional level but not on a soul level, and you should not necessarily do those kinds of things.

Okay, maybe now you say alright, of course donā€™t harm others. But also to some people it feels emotionally good in the moment to eat a pile of junk food.

To some people, it feels good to have sex with someone even if itā€™s obvious beforehand that this will be a net negative for them in the medium term.

To some people, the thought of doing something challenging may very well feel emotionally scary or unpleasant, but doing that challenging thing may very well be a good idea in the medium term.

As you can see: just because something feels good emotionally, doesnā€™t necessarily mean you should do it.

Similarly, just because a situation or person feels good emotionally, doesnā€™t necessarily mean that the situation or person is good.

Just because a situation or person feels bad emotionally, doesnā€™t necessarily mean that the situation or person is bad.

Again, this judgement is only accurate if something or someone feels good on a soul level.

Suppose you are around someone in your personal life who behaves badly a boss, coworker, child, or spouse.

You canā€™t help but witness their anger, upset, or worry.

They are right in front of you. You may not be able to control them, but you can control how much you focus on their negativity vs.

how much you focus on their light or the light in anything else around you.

Your spouse may grumble incessantly about the state of the world. You can argue, complain with them, or choose a better vibration.

You can say, Yes, things are stirred up, but weā€™re going to have a great dinner tonight!ā€ You can enjoy your own vibration even when they do not enjoy theirs.

Suppose someone accuses you of putting your head in the sand and ignoring reality instead of getting worked and angry.

You can get defensive and upset by focusing on their accusation, or you can happily agree! Yes, I am ignoring much of what makes me miserable while Iā€™m busy being happy!

They may not like that statement. They wanted you to join them in their anger. So what, dear ones? You get to choose.

You get to focus on things that make you feel better. Unless you choose this, you are not on a leash tied to feel what others feel.

there is a recognition that aligns within that KNOWING that allows wonders to be revealed. Wonders that the Soul ā€¦

Each One ā€¦ can manifest and Shine forth on a level, that one ā€¦ at this space of their Being, could not imagine.

So, are we talking on levels of healing, for instance?

Very much so.

What else?

Word of mouth ā€¦ from mouth. Words shall flow from your lips that soothe and ignite.

Telepathic skills shall be greatly enhanced, also.

Mm. I have to be honest here, speaking of ā€˜flowingā€™ ā€¦ this conversation isnā€™t! I thought it would yet, you seem to be hesitant.

This is correct. We like to assist where we can and enhance oneā€™s expectancy of Joy, and yet, much will have taken place by the time these Envelopes are presented and therefore,

much that we would say, would not resonate as fully as it should, when trying to explain this before its time.

For example, to one person, a meadow with horses is a very peaceful scene that makes them feel happy.

So this person would say that this is a positive situation and horses are kind and positive beings.

Another person may be afraid of horses or fell off a horse recently, and this person experiences fear from being near to horses.

This person would say that the situation is negative and that horses are destructive, flighty, selfish beings.

Obviously both people canā€™t be right, and hence we conclude that just because something or someone feels good emotionally to you, doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s objectively good.

If we beamed up certain Earth humans and showed them that occasionally we have what you would think of as orgies,

then those certain Earth humans might say that these orgies are bad things and we are bad people.

Yet other Earth humans who saw the same scene might think that this looks amazing and that we must be good people because weā€™re so open and sex-positive.

It canā€™t be true that both of these peopleā€™s emotions have made an objectively true evaluation of us.

Your world is loaded with stark contrasts right now. You already know this. You see it frequently.

There are substantial political divides. There are arguments about technology and where it is going.

There are clashes between old and new parenting styles, education, environmentalism, etc.

If you believe contrast is terrible, this can be terrifying. If you see through the eyes of your soul, youā€™ll see an evolving world.

The stirring up of the old is birthing the new! The political division inspires young souls who are focusing on solving the worldā€™s challenges here and now.

While old systems argue about the best way to clean up the environment, young people are actually doing it.

While people debate and rage about politics, other individuals are vibrationally and physically creating a unified world in their own lives connecting with those who also want harmony.

You cannot change systems by fighting systems. You can not change others by making them wrong. You will only defeat yourself.

You will chain yourself, vibrationally speaking to that which you focus upon.

You can never wish for your horrible ex to know the pain they have caused you without causing yourself horrendous pain.

You vibrationally chain yourself to that which you focus upon. Turn away, dear ones, from the things that upset you.

Turn your sights towards a better world and kinder people.

The thoughts that give you joy will become your reality if you allow yourself to enjoy them and give the universe space to deliver their essence


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Angel Messages

Archangel Michael: Great Progress.



you are lightworkers and part of my team and as I speak things are moving forward in the right direction. And what is the right direction?

From my point of view it is towards a peaceful and caring world for you to live in.

Faith hope and love are major ingredients in the world we want to help you build!

And two other very crusial and extremely important ingredients are thankfullness and compassion, holy rays from the etherical heart.

Solar flares are infusing Earth with higher photonic light.

With different star bodies aligning in the local Universe which activate portals for unique light codes to flow to Earth.

This is everyoneā€™s opportunity to turn inwards and realize their inner light, and seek to expand in consciousness, and transcend the current matrix of the Third Dimension.

During this shift the planet herself is also going through a cleansing, and this manifests as severe weather patterns, quakes, volcanic eruptions and so on.

Humans experience DNA activations, physical, emotional, and spiritual upgrades.

Some may have temporary symptoms of illnesses, and others decide to depart the world altogether for it is not in their Soul plan to be a part of the current shift of the ages.

Currently, on Earth, numerous individuals are challenging the established norms and rejecting mainstream narratives.

This societal shift towards questioning traditional beliefs and institutions is indicative of a broader movement towards the Collective Ascension of Humanity.

Humans are increasingly recognizing the importance of independent thought and are refusing to conform to outdated paradigms that no longer serve their best interests.

However, while on One side there is an awakening occurring and growing on a massive Scale, on the Other side there is a much different reality occurring.

Within the Collective consciousness of Humanity, a profound shift is unfolding, marking a distinct separation among individuals.

This split in the Human consciousness is a result of a very large portion of the Human collective that do not want to let go of their established beliefs and Ideologies.

These Beliefs are what keep them submissive to the systems of Control within the Matrix.

So you are on the way, into the right direction, and in your heart you know it and feel it too.

It is a bumpy ride! Yes it is! It does not come easy! But you need to keep your faith in your inner room in your heart.

You must stand guard and fight to keep your faith in a good world to live in, it is a war between the good and the bad.

You can now see the result of the bad divisions, they can no longer hide their agendas, it is out in the open for you to see and foremost feel, that this is not the way of the good league.

It is a choice! It is all about your free will!

A good place to live in, a loving, caring world to live in comes from not participating in a bad one. Say no! Walk away! Walk in your own loving direction!

You also have the dark ones who are aware of the changes that are taking place, which means they lose the power they once had.

Although it is impossible for them to prevent the shift, theyā€™ve become desperate and are doing everything they can to keep humanity in a state of fear,

and in a low vibrational frequency in order to sustain their illusory world for a little while longer.

We ask you to hold your light, be of pure intent, and trust the awakening that is taking place, as each being is fulfilling their destiny for this lifetime.

This is the plan of the Divine Source unfolding on Earth at this time.

Those who cling to outdated belief systems find themselves grappling with a sense of loss as their familiar ideologies are challenged.

The interplay of religion and political beliefs, rooted in notions of separation, poses a significant obstacle to the spiritual evolution of many.

These individuals remain entangled in illusions, seeking salvation from external sources rather than recognizing the inherent divinity within themselves.

The notion of someone external coming to their rescue diverts their attention from the fundamental truth that resides within each human being.

The realization that the essence of God permeates every individual on Earth underscores the importance of treating one another with reverence and respect.

As this awakening unfolds, those who embrace this truth find themselves on a transformative journey towards Inner-discovery and a deeper connection with the divine essence that unites all of humanity.

With the split in the Human Collective widening, the question is, will this split in consciousness affect the Earth and her ascension.

In understanding the Earthā€™s Evolution, One must first understand that, she is a sentient soul,

who had made an active choice to help her Human Children Grow. It is understood that Mother Earth, throughout many thousands of years, had chosen to maintain her presence within the realms of lower vibrations,

a decision made in order to provide a conducive environment for the growth and development of humanity. In this cycle of her ascent,

as she is within the Photon belt, she has made the Choice to raise higher into the 5th dimension, stepping out of the Material universe.

To allow this, a divine Order has been implemented, to Jump her into the 5th dimension, by use of a celestial event.

And if you can not walk away, say prayers for I hear you always, and I will be at your assistance.

Inside of you, you have a wonderful blossoming garden with the most increadible flowers of love, of hope and of faith, never forget about this sacred place, for I can meet you there!

Please tune into this sacred garden whenever you need positive energy and a lift in your daily life. It can actually make you invisible to others that are in lower dimensions.

Some say mind set, I say heart set, this too is a free choice, to wander in your own sacred garden each day and create an expanding place of love, of hope and of faith!

You are making great progress as the hard working light and love worker you are!

Just donĀ“t forget to take a breake, every now and then visiting your inner beautiful sanctuary within your holy heart,

I need to remind you that you need this nurturing from within where we the angels reach you and meet you to give you all the healing you need.

Love each breath, think and feel the ten things (at least) in your life that you are greatful about, this is how you access me, and this is how you expand your inner sanctuary.

However, As the journey of humanities evolution unfolds, it becomes apparent that not all individuals will resonate with the higher frequencies necessary for ascension.

Due to the diverse and often divergent paths taken by souls on their spiritual journey,

many will continue to find themselves aligned with the lower vibrations, unable or unwilling to transcend to higher states of consciousness.

One intriguing speculation that has emerged from this contemplation is the possibility of a split in the fabric of reality itself.

From a perspective that takes into account the fluid nature of timelines and dimensions, it is theorized that there exists a potential for a division to occur.

This division would give rise to separate timelines, each hosting a distinct reality, where humans would navigate their existence based on the vibrational frequencies they are attuned to.

In this scenario, the idea of a split in the Fabric of your reality, opens up a realm of challenges for humanity.

It beckons Humans to consider the reflection on how your choices and vibrations shape not only your individual journeys but also the collective destiny of the Human Race.

As you stand at this crossroads of your evolution as an Individual and as a race,

the Ascension is unfolding before you, inviting you to explore the depths of your souls and the boundless potential that lies within.

Within your being now there are questions. Allow yourself to recognise these questions.

They may be questions about your spiritual evolution. They may be questions about your future, questions about things you wish to manifest, or even about your physical body.

We know that there are many questions within your being as you wonder how to do things, or maybe you wish to gain wisdom or skills and abilities that would serve you greatly in your current reality.

When you allow yourself to recognise all the many questions that you hold within your being throughout every day,

you begin to recognise the direction that your beingā€¦your body, mind, emotions and soulā€¦are yearning to travel in.

You begin to recognise themes, themes where there are wounds that require to be healed.

There might be other themes such as greater confidence or the need to exercise a greater sense of freedom.

As you recognise the questions/themes that they bring to you or the direction that they share with you,

it is important to realise that the answers that you seek are actually reconnections, so your questions are disconnections.

You are experiencing a disconnection in a part of your being. This requires a reconnection in order to fulfil and complete the question; to gain the answer that is needed and desired.

The division among humanity is rooted in the deep embedded belief in separation. They fail to see the Interconnectedness of all Life.

This is where some individuals claim to possess God within themselves, while believing others do not.

They believe this because of deep-seated beliefs in their religion or political ideas.

Placing Judgement on otherā€™s actions, or how they may look, or because of whatever religion the Other person may believe in.

This misconception leads to a rift that is hindering the spiritual growth of many.

Every soul no matter whether you consider it evil or Dark is still a Child of the Infinite Creator.

whether directly or even indirectly through another creation, as Long as it is an actual Organic Soul.

Every Soul is on a spiritual Journey, whether they are ascending now or Not, and are Very precious to the Infinite Creator.

To progress in your own personal spiritual journey, it is crucial to embrace unity and oneness, recognizing that all beings are manifestations of the divine light.

This does not mean you Must Love them, or have care for them, What it does mean is to respect them as another Spark of God.

It is time to shed any notion that sets you apart from your fellow humans.

Clinging to notions that you are somehow better or above others, only serves to impede your own spiritual evolution.

By relinquishing the urge to distance yourself from others, you align yourself with the unity or Oneness of God.

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Angel Messages

Message From Angels.



Thereā€™s not a thing or a person on this earth that you need to worry about.

There are, of course, people and situations that require attention, solutions, and plenty of love.

There are powerful ways to assist even when you feel powerless in the 3D paradigm of reality.

Through the international monetary system, we have had our life force drained from us and then used to control, poison, incarcerate,

enslave and subject us to every kind of negative energy, and ultimately to stare into the face of pure evil.

I first wish to remind you that everything that you are is born from the Creator a source that is label-less, nameless, formless and in truth,

cannot be described and yet, throughout the entire Universe of the Creator and your earthly reality,

we sense and acknowledge expressions of the Creator in every moment beautiful expressions creative expressions.

t is so hard for you to find your perfect relationship because you are looking, as the song goes, in all the wrong places.

You are searching outside of yourself to find that relationship with another person, but your perfect relationship can only be with yourself.

Letā€™s start at the beginning. When you are looking for your ideal or perfect relationship you are seeking completion, to be made whole.

Perhaps, on another level, if someone else loves you, you just might feel loveable.

There are ways in which you can go beneath the worry, focus on the care in your beautiful heart, and share your light with the people and situations you so dearly wish to help.

Many of you learned to worry as a way of expressing your love.

At its deepest essence, worry is born of love; however, it is a lower vibrational expression watered down with substantial doses of fear.

You love but worry about your loved oneā€™s ability to change. You love but worry about your country, company, or companion.

You love but donā€™t yet trust the Divine to offer solutions. So many of you witnessed others who expressed their love in worry that it seems almost normal.

This is the spectrum of energy that we have engaged with in the dimension of human life. Resisting it is futile, if we want to remain embodied.

It is the nature of this aspect of reality. It becomes real for us through our creation of fear, and it allows us to master it through realization of unconditional love.

Fear allows us to engage with negative energy, which would be impossible for us, if we followed the guidance of our heart-consciousness.

We can transform a negative perspective and vibratory frequency into a realm beyond polarity in alignment with the creative expressions of life-enhancement.

By opening our awareness to gratitude and joy, we can create resonance with our heart-consciousness.

Each expression allows us to explore, to integrate with and to understand the Creator more fully.

We recognize ourselves as the Creator and our goal is to remember that oneness that we hold with the Creator,

as well as ourselves, as a source that is label-less, nameless, formless and in truth, cannot be described.

And yet it is infinite, limitless, beautiful, powerful, and holds a direction and intention for growth and evolution.

As you remember your oneness with the Creator, you realize that every part of your body and being is naturally at one, united and in unison with the Creator.

This acknowledgment begins to change and shift your own perspective of yourself, as well as your perspective of your surroundings.

You realize that every action that you take, every thought and every experience, is an opportunity for you to express and explore the Creator more fully as well as uniting in oneness with the Creator thus gaining a deeper remembrance of all that is the Creator.

All of this stems from the belief that you do not deserve love, that you are not a good person, and that you are not loveable.

The grounds for your desire for a perfect relationship are in your belief in your separation from God and in scarcity, that there is not enough for you.

This sense of lack rules every aspect of your life and the whole world around you.

You think that you are incomplete, separate from each other, from Divinity, and from Spirit that there is no Oneness.

However, nobody can make you feel whole because you are already whole. No matter what relationship you might attract to yourself, your beliefs will remain unchanged.

Though the relationship may seem to begin in the blissful fantasy of having found eternal love, as time passes the realization painfully descends upon you that, no, you havenā€™t.

Difficulties and challenges emerge in the relationship. You were expecting that other person to come in and fix everything for you.

Thatā€™s far beyond their pay grade. Nobody can fix anyone else.

Whatever lacks, deficiencies, or problems you feel you have are your creation and not theirs.

We see the deep and passionate love and care beneath your worries. We focus on empowering that love within you.

We work with you to help you remember that you can take that love in your beautiful hearts and shine it on the solutions, situations, organizations, and people you care about.

Fear feels bad. Love feels good. Worry feels bad by degrees based on the amount of fear mixed in with your love.

You donā€™t worry when you feel confident in Godā€™s grace or know there will be a resolution to the situation you care about.

You donā€™t worry when you know you can affect a situation or assist a person.

You never worry about the things you know how to do or the schedules you know how to meet.

You donā€™t worry when you feel confident in another personā€™s ability to help themselves or resolve a challenge.

Worry comes instead when you donā€™t know what to do or donā€™t believe others will figure out what to do.

At a deeper level, worry is born from trying to control someone or something, even for the better.

To calm your fears, focus on your own vibration, and reclaim your power, you must surrender to the fact that every being man,

woman, child, and animal is vibrationally attracting what matches the energies they emit. You cannot change a personā€™s vibration for them.

When we can hold this awareness while going about our lives, we become transformative energy centers for ourselves and everyone around us.

We align ourselves with the consciousness that creates everything, and that offers us inner guidance continuously.

We are aware of this guidance when we pay attention to it with gratitude and joy in a perspective of life-enhancement.

We do not experience negativity unless we intentionally choose to. It is a matter of vibratory resonance.

We adjust our energetic signature moment-to-moment with our attention, intention and emotions.

Between the vibratory spectrum of fear and the life-enhancing energy of love, we experience a change in consciousness.

When we choose love, we no longer need to resist negativity.

Having a perspective that is only positive transforms our energetic presence into a higher octave of experience.

When you begin to recognize yourself in this way, it allows you to realize how in synch you are with the Creator, with higher aspects of your being, with your body, your surroundings and other souls.

There is a similarity between yourself and others that is such a sacred and pure truth.

When the essence of the Creator is emanating from your being and is being allowed to be expressive and creative,

you glow with radiance, with truth, with clarity, knowingness, grounding and understanding.

I, Archangel Michael, wish to invite you to focus your time upon blending your energy with the Creator.

In recognizing and remembering your oneness with the Creator. There are many ways that this can be explored.

You may already hold a deep connection with the Creator and be able to bring the Creatorā€™s energy forth through your being.

If not, then ask within, during meditation or quiet time, to seek the essence, the truth of your being that is the essence and truth of the Creator.

This relationship you are looking for is the one you have with yourself. Whatever your mind tells you that you wish to receive from another notice that.

This is where you believe in a lack in yourself. Fortunately, the truth is that you lack nothing and that you are fully lovable.

You are a Divine Child of God, created in the image of Divinity. You could no more be lacking in anything than could God be deficient in any way.

The idea is pure insanity, but it is that craziness that got you stuck in this illusion to begin with.

Nobody forced you into this illusion. You are here by choice whether you remember the choosing or not along with your beliefs of lack, guilt, and not being deserving of love.

Your job is to notice that. Be aware when limiting thoughts arise. Notice when you have the thought that another person can be your savior, can make you feel whole and complete.

It would not be an easy job to change those thoughts you now have; most likely that task is impossible.

It is sufficient for you to notice that you have them, without trying either to deny the thoughts or to run away from them.

Accept those thoughts. Own them. I am unlovable. I am guilt. I am jealousy. I am lack. Donā€™t divert your awareness from these thoughts.

Notice them. Be with them. If you find you are blaming or judging yourself for these thoughts, then pay attention to that.

Your job is to simply be alert as to what flows through your mind, if possible without any attempt to change what is there, but certainly noticing such thoughts if they arise.

It is not for you to try to change your outer world, nor your inner world. All you have to do is notice and keep noticing. Accept what is there.

However, you can be a powerful agent for positive change when you are in a high vibe.

In this space, you can powerfully influence othersā€™ vibrations for the better. You can lift, inspire, and help others shift their vibration by acting as a tuning fork.

When you hold the vision and energy of what another wishes for, you help them attune to that vibration more easily and quickly.

Just as two voices joined in song are more powerful than one, two souls joined in a similar vibration lift one another.

You can give your almost-grown children a million great career ideas and worry to death about their future while being of no assistance at all.

Or, you can express your love and feel your confidence in their ability to figure it out, thus helping them find their confidence and hear their own hearts.

You can worry about the safety of your little ones, and they will likely become anxious, too.

Or you can rest in the security of the Divine, trust in your inner guidance, and instill in your children a sense of trust in themselves.

They are far more secure when they know they have inner guidance than when their anxieties keep them from trusting their feelings.

You can help them find this peace and security by finding your own.


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