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Spiritual awakening

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.



There is so much going on in the world, I have continually received the message to remain focused on what is within my control, within my life.

That still means any information that comes into your awareness. Because, of course, Areon reminds us that becomes part of your information.

We have been operating just within the guidelines and rules for appropriate contact without over-stepping.

For, if we over-step, then we may incur consequences and conflict that would prevent any contact in the future.

We do not wish to agitate what has become already a delicate situation.

The Eagle Command and Control Centre calling you.

Lord Ashtar ; Commander in Chief of the Intergalactic Space Peacekeeping Force; is standing by to speak with you.

At the present time he is on board the Command Ship Eagle and the fleet has surrounded Earth.

All our ships are invisible at the present time, using our technologies of light bending so that the technologies on Earth are not able to pick up our craft.

I send you my blessings as always.

Your mind defines your expectations of freedom. If you merely listen to your mind, you have the potential of missing your freedom as it defines and redefines, resists and insists.

Being Smart
The beautiful mind in concert with the heart creates the symphony of your Life.

The mind is not the problem. It is a beautiful machine of delineation and choice for Earth living.

The ego is not the problem, it is a vehicle of perspective and understanding for Earth living.

Balance is key as these apparatuses are part of the whole creation of your Life.

What a journey of discovery each blessed being is creating!

This is the unconditional nature of the universe, though your dimensional expression has conditions of living upon it.

They have been using lawfare to censor and remove opposition.

The race is to be helped. The race is coming to its own recognition regarding control, and dubious behind the scenes players.

This knowing reaches off-planet as well. As below, so above.

You are becoming enlightened on a global scale, and this guarantees access to advanced methods for not only healing, but all other of societyā€™s activities.

Let us stick to the healing podsā€¦

They are ready for transport. There are more in production as our goal is to serve just as much of the population as we can.

It will require teaching, and also places where they can be found. It is a logistical nightmare that has been in the works for many years.

What a delight it is to be back with you after you have had a recession.

A great deal has happened in that time since we last spoke.

I thought that because we havenā€™t spoken for some time it would be appropriate to answer the questions that are coming to us from your brothers and sisters on Earth.

The first question that is on so many lips is: ā€œWhat is the hold up?

Why is it taking so long? and as we go through the answers I think you will understand what the cause is.

For our beloved brother Jesus and ourselves there is great concern amongst us of complacency within your brothers and sisters.

For those who have been preparing for this great event for upwards of forty years, and there are many souls like that, they are saying :

We prepared for so long, and nothing has happened, and now we will go back to our old lives because obviously, its not going to happen.ā€

This energy invites you to be flexible enough to integrate the diamond codes as etheric liquid crystalline frequencies.

Everything begins in a fluid like state of movement, and when it reaches the stage where the formation of it decides on its projected outcome, it starts taking on form.

These diamond codes have been bestowed upon your planet for years, more intensely since 2014.

These specs of diamond coded light that we suggest you consciously integrate and activate,

will over time allow a better understanding of this world thus takes on form according to that which you project to experience.

All of life is about experience. As you know these multifaceted multidimensional codes carry the purest form of light, making the diamond frequency easiest to relate to.

As you are 80 % liquid, thus aids each of you to relate to liquid flexibility which resonates with ease, allowing clearer understanding of the new energy.

As you create, embracing these rules of life assists in your manifestation and even your loving Ascension beyond them.

Life is movement and change. It is constant, as the movement of time displays.

Your movement and your change is the unconditional choice that Life is.

Does it seem at times that you have no choice?

You are being ushered through time by Life, your co-creative expression of soul and self. I didnā€™t choose to get fired, I didnā€™t choose for my partner to leave, I didnā€™t chooseā€¦

Consult the soul, for the choice was made with deep Love.

The clues were there and the potential is growth and expansion.

Life is your eternal partner, expressing through you, not just with you.

You have the same eternal nature as Life itself, though your physical body plays within the conditions of this dimensional expression.

Breathe it in deeply and sit in quiet communion with the soul.

You will receive the rejuvenating, exhilarating Love and appreciation that is as vast as the universe itself.

That is Being Alive: your physical body experiencing all the ups and downs of duality as it plays the starring role in a universe of Love.

You may or may not know they come from off-planet ā€“ that is part of the hold-up.

There are some who, for personal gain and power, oppose this. It is a struggle off-world as well as on.

What you can do is to continue to hold your belief in the idea that the Pleiadians have the earth-humans best interests at our heart and core. This has always been true.

We do not wish to continually promise, and then disappoint. It saddens us so when that occurs.

We are people, as you are, and we are related to you in ways that run very deeply in our psyche.

Our actions are always propelled by love, and nothing else.
We would like to continue our conversations a bit more often now, as things begin to accelerate.

You have nothing to fear because you have understood the trust in God.

The trust is so vital, because that was where humanity fell away from God and they were no longer able to trust God in the beginning.

In those earlier talks, of preparedness, your teachers talked of all the things you needed to do how you would find that your electronic technology would no longer work for you in the time of darkness,

and to prepare for other forms of warmth and heating with natural wood and gas.

Also to have fuel on hand if you have generating machinery, and to have plenty of water for your needs for your body,

and for ablutions, and preferably fed by gravity so you did not have to depend on anything else.

There will of course be massive problems for those who havenā€™t looked forward to what is going to happen when the darkness comes, and there will be an amazing amount of fear.

But you, as Light Workers, and all the helpers on Earth will be able to help your brothers and sisters through this difficult time.

There are many souls at the present that are saying to me: Lord Ashtar, you have the power to land the fleet. Land the fleet and get on with it!ā€

I shared about the great unsettledness and despondency upon your planet.

These liquid light codes are thus extensions of that which you truly are.

You are infinitely a crystalline flame spirit being, thus highly important to receive thus visualize these amazing, coded light particles, to fill your being, and share this with others.

The only way you are going to face survival within the current planetary cauldron of confusion beloveds, is to be flexible.

This is the dance of the Aquarian Age. Thus, learn to dance with your shadow self for you to become more versatile!

Open yourself to new options and choose differently.

Beloveds, the frequency of Christ Consciousness, as with Diamond Crystalline Light Codes is what the new earth is about.

It is therefore important during your meditations to focus on rescripting a versatile outcome, an adaptive way of integrating new energies that will allow you to be malleable.

These codes remind you of your flexibility as a spirit being, a state of freedom and peace where nothing presents a challenge you canā€™t overcome.

It is when the limitations of the lower mental field stir uncertainty, insecurity, restrictions, and fear, that things come across as unreachable and not doable.

As we sit to Blast Being Alive, we are following our heart to the bliss of connection with the many facets of Life.

We are embracing the bittersweet separation that makes touch so thrilling.

We are enjoying the mystery as we follow the clues of our soul seeking greater depths of Love in human form.

We are choosing with the gusto of win/win solutions abounding, as we allow the brilliant mind to follow the majestic heart.

And the question has come from many brothers and sisters:

Where does the Command come from? Who gives the command?ā€

In one simple word, dear ones, it is God. But the command comes down, through Godā€™s trusted emissaries.

And the command comes to The Creatorā€™s Arm. And then we are asked:

But who is The Creatorā€™s Arm? Where are they? Who are they made up of?

The Creatorā€™s Arm consists of the Elohim. These are amazing beings of light and whilst you are in the Third Dimension, it is impossible for you to understand the power and the magnitude of the Elohim.

They are creators of the planets. As well as the Elohim, there are those amazing archangels that you have known and loved:

Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, and another one that is well known, Sanat Kumara.

He is the Elohim of Venus, and for the last two and a half million years he has been the planetary logo of Earth.

When the command comes from God to the Creatorā€™s Arm, and it is stepped down to me, the fleet will land,

beloved ones, so fast that you will think it is almost like the speed of light. In the book you read, You are becoming a Galatic Human,

you were able to read about the intentions of the Sirian planet, but as well as that,

there are literally thousands of planets and star systems that are standing by to do the very same as your brothers and sisters from Sirius.

Donā€™t think as you are a master of journalling youā€™ve done it all! Opportunities are about to shift into a new enhanced frequency for manifestation.

The divine feminine is very present as she aids in bringing through these new codes, especially those of gentle expansion.

This encourages you to be the gentle observer. Let your creative juices flow!

Embrace the connecting portals and set the intent for these codes to bless every cell of your being which will allow true transformation.

At most times, all you need do to be in the right place and time, is to be still which facilitates mind expansion.

The veils between worlds are thinning, thus set the intent for your intuition to be your guide as you surrender into the gifts of liquid love.

The 5th dimension, where your aim is at, is all about seeing, communicating, and meditating through higher levels of inner knowing within the 3rd eye, telepathic in its frequency.

As this tap into the 6th Dimension things become even more fluid, thus flexible.

You work within 3rd and 4th dimensional energies during sleep and awake states.

Donā€™t let lower the 4D and 3D hinder you from reaching out towards the Higher 4D and beyond, hence ā€˜workingā€™ with the 3rd eye becomes like breathing.

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Spiritual awakening

12/12 Portal: The Point Of No Return.



The 12/12 Portal is the final portal of the year, and always occurs during Sagittarius Season.

The number 12 reduces to 3, so we have a strong trinity energy to this portal.

It feels like we just rolled into a new month after a wild ride through November and here we are at the end of 2024.

I am glad to see this year end, it has been a tough one.

But the past 4 years has been tough all around and we have been living in a demented,

This means that those who are fully resolved of their past will now have the means to merge with their future to embody the Presence of GOD on Earth.

This shift in creation dynamics from past to Presence is one of untold blessings for only those of pure Heart will be able to participate,

making the New Human Heart Grid a true place of purity and protection from lower forces on Earth.

Decemberā€™s Ascension energies are extremely powerful, and bring the opportunity for much needed personal breakthroughs!

This would anchor in our spiritual self to our earthly self to manifest the first steps of our true destiny.

And what a year of tests it has been! We tore into our trauma and wounding, to expose our triggers and throw off the yoke of oppression and conformity.

December is the grand finale of this process, and takes us deep down the rabbit hole during the last Mercury Retrograde of the year.

We will be evaluating what is still relevant in our lives, who we want to spend our time with, what our focus is going into 2025, and start to make personal choices and decisions that reflect that.

There is no putting our heads in the sand this month; some big changes are coming for most of us next year if we release fear and lean into our soul growth.

So our gut intuition needs to be stronger than ever to creatively adapt and navigate with instinctive precision.

Since the 11/11 Crystalline Timeline activation we have witnessed the beginning of the Great Awakening.

This is the time for the remaining masses of Humanity to begin their awakening process as we finish the Eye of the Needle transit of Pluto in Capricorn.

For most of December, Pluto will be stationed at the critical 29 degrees of Capricorn before moving into Aquarius on January 20th, 2025.

December opens with some great energy and a month that has a double 10 value is going to give us ample opportunity to clear out,

step up, move on, and move out of anything that is no longer aligned with our truth, intention, energy, and priorities.

No force here, but we simply can no longer tolerate people and situations, on the individual and global levels, whose values are not aligned with ours, with the light, and with the truth of our divinity.

Itā€™s a new month and a brand new vibe. We get to experience the full effect of our spiritual human this month so letā€™s gear up for the blessings and line up to receive our share.

And December begins with 3 big events that set the stage for a fantastic month.

Thatā€™s what is happening in the December energy report.

As each participating member of the New Earth hologram is granted access based on these vital credentials of purification, Starborns are guaranteed a safe space on this planet for the first time in human form.

The separative forces will no longer apply to those crossing the boundary between dimensional worlds and entering a plane of existence where the rules & physics of the divided world no longer apply.

No longer will you be hidden away or cast out due to your differentness, but summoned forth for your specialness.

Thankfully, more purifying will happen emotionally and physically this month, with a 3rd chakra focus, to help us embody the Warrior and Spiritual Warrior archetypes.

These two archetypes allow us to move forward with more confidence, authenticity, and courage to embrace change.

They support us to direct our will power with motivation, integrity and perseverance to maneuver through any of lifeā€™s obstacles with more ease and grit.

As the Collective passes through their first initiation, those who are holding the line as the First and Second wavers are being bombarded with the processing of lower thoughts and emotions.

We are all one within the collective consciousness and thus we are all tasked with assisting in this massive processing.

As shared in the previous update, this month there is a huge focus on the energies of Grief.

When one begins to awaken and go through their first ego death, they naturally pass through the 7 stages of Grief.

We grieve all that we thought was true but turned out to be illusion. We grieve our old sense of self and identity.

We also grieve the old world in which we were so attached, but is quickly slipping away.

That night, when I went to bed, my guides told me to get back up because I had energy work to do.

I will spend some time talking about him and his evil and monstrous impact on the world in this energy report because we must never allow this level of evil to become entrenched in our world again.

To achieve this, the New Earth Leaders must begin again as love to display the tangible reality of the Cosmic Christ in manifest form.

This is no longer conceptual but physical in the sense that those who are crossing the event horizon to enter the Cosmic Creation Cycle are now embodying the universal structures,

required to reshape reality in alignment with the Original Divine Plan for Earth and humanity.

This means that the first Cosmic Citizens of the new, enlightened society on Earth are preparing to receive these new orders from on High to initiate the unfolding objectives of Operation Eden.

Once deployed, there will be no turning back, no returning to the old, and so we are encouraged to use this retrograde cycle for closureā€¦

to release the remains of our karmic past and realign with the Cosmic Current that is building to a crescendo point.

As the cosmic influxes of Light continue to pour in and infuse us with a greater sense of spiritual backbone and sensitivity, we are each being called by Spirit to be a force for change.

To step into greater self-responsibility, accountability, and bring our talents online to help the greater good.

The universe is nudging us that way.

Understanding this process will be essential for all Wavers, as we collectively undergo this massive transition and transformation.

Universal compassion, forgiveness and love will be essential.

As all darkness comes to light, judgment will be dissolved in empathy, as we make space for all of Humanity to find their own light within.

Sagittarius holds the ultimate faith, the VISION, and does not steer away from itā€™s core truth.

This is a dawning of Revelations, and once they dawn, they cannot be forgotten.

We are now at the point of no return. The Great Remembering has begun.

December is both a pinnacle and a precipice. We are at a pinnacle of the ascension cycle, achieving great heights of awareness and spiritual integration.

But we are also at a precipice where it could all fall into the abyss of despair and dissolution because of the immense pressure of the density we fight against and the fear of failure.

We have achieved huge victories in this ascension cycle but we have also made great sacrifices.

And in December we have a chance to review it all before we begin a great cycle in 2025.

Those who do, those who hook into the Cosmic Current and ride the wave of the future into the present will be rewarded handsomely ,

as the organic structures are now in place to support the new paradigm of authentic abundance by which our outer reality is a true reflection of our inner, purified landscape.

And so the prevailing guidance is to spend these final moments of the old earth creation cycle in full faith of its completion, suspended in non-judgment, open to what may come.

The days ahead are no longer created from those behind and so for many, this moment is one to remember as the last of the karmic experience of life on Earth.

From this month forward, all that we have known will change dramatically as we shift to align with all that awaits us on the other side.


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Spiritual awakening

2025 Events | Full Of Energy



we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss refining your path in the new energy.

You are moving into a time of expanded, higher frequency energy. It has been arriving for some time and will continue to intensify.

This provides an opportunity for you to examine your path and make any adjustments that feel right as you move forward.

when we pause and step back, it becomes easier to gain a little more perspective.

When we feel as though weā€™re being consumed by the challenges of life, we can sink beneath the waves and struggle to see a way out.

So, itā€™s important we each try to reframe how we look at our lives as this will help us to bring through more wisdom and understanding.

Itā€™s often the case that struggle and resistance can actually lead to more suffering, and whilst this isnā€™t a suggestion to give up, if we can ride the waves of life more consciously,

we can start to look beyond the constructs of suffering towards the bigger picture.

We are very much in favor of humanity choosing your own path. We do not feel that we have a better perspective than you do on what should come next for humankind.

We know that there are a lot of predictions out there about what needs to happen before you can shift your consciousness, but this shift has never been about external factors.

Enlightenment means to be in knowledge of both sides of the coin.

When you can see beyond the deceptions, the social engineering and know who is behind it you are a threat.

The more you pull down the curtain the more the morally and integrity challenged come after you.

This includes unseen negative influences, the puppet masters of fallen souls that sold their souls for power, notoriety, and wealth.

You have made rapid progress on your ascension path, and you have been of service on a spiritual level.

Now, you have an opportunity to move even higher. The new energy can help lift you to even greater levels.

This can be achieved by examining your path, your goals, and the ways in which you wish to be of service.

You can begin by focusing on how you want to show up on your path and the traits and qualities you wish to embody.

These form the basis of who you are and the energy field you will project.

There are many qualities to consider.

You may wish to begin with Love. Love in this aspect is a vibration, not an emotion.

To increase this quality, focus on your heart center to get this Divine vibration. Feel the energy radiating out from your heart center to all parts of your Being.

It encompasses every part of you. This allows you to be a center of Divine Love.

As you remember that your connection with Source is through your Divine Spark in your heart center, the feeling of Divine Love increases.

2025 looks set to be a year when we turn to face the bigger picture of life with more honesty and insight than ever before.

Not just from a personal perspective, but also collectively and globally, perhaps even universally.

As we take a big deep breath of life, itā€™s time to re-connect to truth as we open up our hearts and souls towards living a more connected, spiritual, compassionate, and creative life.

Life isnā€™t about chasing rainbows, itā€™s about realising that we each are the rainbow as this is our natural state of being.

Taking this even further, itā€™s our collective essence that makes the rainbows so we all have our parts to play.

In essence, being the rainbow reflects living consciously and wholeheartedly in each and every moment. So many of us continue to live life conditionally ,

and place multiple demands on ourselves which can keep us focused on the ever-shifting horizon rather than on where we are now.

Itā€™s important to realise that being happy is not conditional on a long to do list;

happiness isnā€™t about what we do, itā€™s about how we live.

Happiness is a force than doesnā€™t surface once we try to eradicate all unhappiness, itā€™s a state of being that needs nurturing and nourishing in its own right.

We each need to choose to cultivate happiness in order to let go of the conditions we so often place on ourselves in order to try to find joy or be happy.

It has never been about what the sun is doing or what the planets are doing in your solar system and beyond.

It has always been an inside game, an inside job, and therefore, each of you are allowed to choose what comes next on your individual paths and what you want to experience as a part of a human collective.

The reason why you donā€™t need to pay attention to predictions about an Event or a Solar Flash is because there is not one future, and there is not just one Earth and one human collective.

There are more than you can imagine, and you get to align with the one that feels best to you.

You donā€™t have to wait in anxious anticipation for what some higher-dimensional being or collective says is going to happen,

so you can decide when itā€™s necessary to stock up on supplies or to build a shelter underneath the surface of the planet.

You are the ones choosing the destiny of yourselves as individuals,

and you are choosing consciously or unconsciously which version of the human collective you are going to join on its ascension journey.

They are replete throughout politics, religion, even Spiritual Community. This is all being revealed as we speak.

They are the morally and integrity challenged wearing the faƧade of serving humanity and the Earth when in fact they are extremely self-serving.

Some have even fooled themselves or have been fooled or possessed willingly or in ignorance by darker forces.

This gives credence to ignorance is bliss yet the ignorant are the preyed upon.

I want you to reason this. Why do you need a go between to connect with Great Spirit.

Why do you need a go between to connect with Benevolent Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off Worlders, some our ancient ancestors?

The skies are full of their ships now.

How many bad actors leave you in worship of themselves or another unseen deity? Is that empowering you as an individual or creating a dependency?

How many bad actors create a threat and pose as your savior reaping a reward? Not everything is as it seems, look beyond the faƧade, what they do off camera or away from the pulpit.

Discernment is critical on the path to enlightenment. Those empowering you as an individual are far and few between.

Those empowering you to become your own savior are the ones to listen too.

Those teaching personal responsibility and that includes being responsible for our multidimensional selves.

A feeling of compassion for all Beings can be an outgrowth of this awareness.

Compassion is a natural quality with Divine Love. You do not need to agree with someone elseā€™s choices to feel compassion.

You can simply radiate Love and feel compassion for what they are experiencing. You are secure in your own Being.

Forgiveness is another quality you may wish to embrace. Forgiveness frees your own energy and allows you to rise to a higher level.

You can forgive yourself for any lower vibrational actions, and you can forgive others.

Take the lesson from the situation, surround it with Love, transmute it with the Violet Flame, and release it.

See yourself and the situation filled with Divine Light. As you do this, you may feel lighter and freer as you naturally receive the new energy.

As you focus on these and other qualities, you are refining your energy and your path.

You are aware of any adjustments you would like to make. These all arise from the way you show up and carry out your mission.

In the new energy, the way you show up is a central feature of carrying out your mission.

You become the mission through your energy and the way you conduct yourself.

Your energy is your signature and your message. It is with you wherever you are. You are simply being you and shining your Light.

Itā€™s time now to re-shape and re-define the nature of happiness in our lives;

itā€™s time to let go of resistance and open up our hearts and souls towards living life with passion and energy, facing the challenges, but embracing the joy at the same time.

Of course, for many, finding joy is hard when life feels so oppressive and overwhelming,

but this is also a time to reach out to those in need to offer love, light, and support; so no one feels truly alone.

So, perhaps 2024 is more than just about knowing what we can do for ourselves,

but itā€™s also about knowing what we can do for others as well. After all, we are all inter-connected, vibrant sparks of essence.

The more consciously we live, the less we take for granted and the more interconnected we will become.

In addition, when we live more intuitively and spiritually, we step beyond the conditions of linear time and open up to the joy of living in the present moment.

We are all vibrant individuals, and itā€™s our uniqueness that needs nurturing as there is much to celebrate as it allows each of us to bring a kaleidoscope of gifts and talents to the masterpiece of life,

helping us to see that our attributes arenā€™t random, but essential pieces of the universal jigsaw puzzle.

Therefore, we always advise you all to stop looking outside of yourselves, and we always remind you that everything is inside of you.

Most importantly, your vibration is inside of you. Itā€™s the part of you that tells you what you are aligning with.

Do you want to align with a world that is very third-dimensional in nature where there is a battle going on between the forces of good and the forces of evil?

You can, if thatā€™s what you want. Would you rather align with a version of Earth and a version of the human collective where everyone is coming together,

uniting, forgiving one another, releasing hate, and moving towards a higher level of consciousness as one unified whole?

You can have that experience, if thatā€™s what you want, and to us that sounds a lot more like a shift in consciousness.

People in the new age get way too caught up in who has what technology and what theyā€™re using it for.

They get way too caught up in whatā€™s not being told to the public, and which pieces of technology are being held back from the average human.

You must know by now that your inner technology is more powerful than anything that could be created by human or extra-terrestrial hands.

As awakened souls, you must know by now the power that you have within you to access your inner technology,

to elevate your vibration, and to align with that version of Earth and humanity that you feel is most resonant with who and what you really are.

This is all going to be exposed in the days to come. Those doing the exposing need to know what they are up against.

Just as there are unseen dark forces there are unseen light forces.

It is imperative we call upon the light forces all the way up the vibrational continuum to Great Spirit in the planetary liberation and awakening or ascension process which is well underway.

Learn how to work with these light forces to clear out the dark forces.

The dark forces can only exist in 4 and lower 4D because they have not ascended into Unity Consciousness or 5D and beyond where the real power exists.

We have the DNA of the Gods. We have the ability to channel the ultimate power in the Universe which is love into every situation.

The tools and techniques and understandings to heal and clear these unseen negative influences are all available free at our website.

the Origin of Religion and Man. For those who are pronoun warriors Man refers to Mankind.

It therefore seems important that we donā€™t start the new year with resolutions that cement and tether us to conditional living,

and instead open up our hearts and choose to live freely, vibrantly, and wholeheartedly in each and every moment.

Everything is shifting and we each have a role to play in that. This isnā€™t to say that everything will suddenly be fixed and perfect because thatā€™s not the case.

itā€™s just a huge inner shift of awareness that brings the potential to unify in love and peace.

We all have an awareness of the need to re-shape and re-define ourselves and our lives,

but there is no instruction manual or guidebook, so we need to find our way. When the storms get rough,

it can be hard to think clearly or gain context, so itā€™s really important to listen to our heart and soul to guide us.

Even when the path ahead is dark and foreboding, itā€™s our intuition that has the power to guide us. We just need to listen.

Many of us have spent a long time trying to find equilibrium and balance in our minds, souls, and consciousness.

Yet, many have now realised that the need to fix or heal can leave us stuck in a state of lack as thereā€™s a risk that we place conditions on being happy, constantly chasing wholeness and completion.

However, life isnā€™t about feeling ā€˜less thanā€™, itā€™s about embracing every moment, every challenge, and every imperfection.

None of us are perfect, and the less we focus on the quest for completion, the more we realise we are already complete.

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Spiritual awakening

What Is Coming in 2025.



Loved people!

The year 2025, which is now unfolding before you, takes the luminous impulses that you have set so far to a new level.

What has been hinted at over the past 3 years, what has developed in your hearts in terms of desire for freedom and spiritual longing, will now visibly have its place in this world.

We are very happy to see so many of you exploring the different possible timelines that you have in front of yourselves,

as we know quite a few of you have awakened to the truth that there is not one future for you or for all of humanity.

And we see you getting more serious about focusing on the reality that you want to experience, rather than giving in to the idea that you have to experience a certain predetermined reality.

Now, that may have been the case in all of your previous lifetimes there on Earth in the third dimension.

Before you set out to live those lives, you may have created a blueprint for each and every one of them,

a blueprint that you would stick to because you knew it served your consciousness to do so.

The truth is, no man achieves mastery by himself. Every mastery can only be achieved with god.

It is you whose steps matter, it is you who walks the path, it is you who must muster strength and energy so that your destiny can be fulfilled.

However, you are always with god.

You are entering a special year where many of your material concerns will begin to be resolved.

Yes, my dears, but before you think about the money in your accounts, I want you to understand this as balancing, first and foremost, your physical bodies.

The souls of your organs are being strengthened. Your physical body is being strengthened and this is what the solar projections have caused.

Will there be some interference to your satellites due to these projections?

The answer is yes, but donā€™t be scared by this.

Will there be an increase in volcanic activities? The answer is yes. Donā€™t be scared by this.

Will there be disturbances in the Earthā€™s core that will cause some tectonic adjustments?

The answer is yes, but donā€™t be scared by this.

Why you donā€™t you need to be scared? Because you are you as I always say and you came to Earth for this:

to help in this entire healing process that Earth is going through.

2025 is a year of physical balance, both for you, my dear ones, and for Mother Earth herself.

Your material life will begin to come into harmony because you will physically be in harmony. Your bodies need healing.

How many years have you suffered from chronic pain, without your doctors being able to understand what the cause is? When no exam reveals the reason?

Yes, my dearsā€¦ ENERGY. Iā€™m talking about ENERGY which needs to continue its flow.

And when this flow is interrupted it causes physical pain, and that is what you will begin to understand perfectly.

No man has ever completed his masterā€™s examination alone or ascended to heaven through his own efforts alone.

Above all, your spiritual development needs the guidance and presence of GOD in the middle of your life.

Even in the midst of what often seems like extreme adversity, people everywhere are remembering who they are and why they have embodied on Earth during this auspicious time.

We have been told that the awesome shifts that were Cocreated in 2024 paved the way for Lightworkers to be able to Cocreate miracles in 2025.

Unfortunately, due to the painful things that are being pushed to the surface in the outer-world to be healed and Transmuted back into Light,

many Lightworkers are feeling disheartened and erroneously believing that their efforts to assist in Mother Earthā€™s Ascension process have been in vain.

We are entering a new phase in the process of ascension.

The obvious sign of this is that more and more people are becoming aware of their power and strength ,and that they no longer allow themselves to be defeated, belittled or played off.

In the past 3 years you have often turned the game around, often averted damage from yourself and often paved the way for the bright paths, even when it seemed hopeless.

You persevered, stood up and showed those in power that neither a state nor an intact society can be created without you.

You have proven that you are taking action, that you are making yourself known and that you are no longer hiding your light.

You have evolved into courageous, energetic and resilient Light Warriors and so the events that were destined for you but were not always predicted can now occur.

You knew that you had to have certain experiences to fill out your punch card, so to speak, but this is not one of those lifetimes.

This is a lifetime where everything is shifting and changing, including how much of a say you have now that you are on Earth, about what happens next for you.

Now, you may think to yourself that you can choose for yourself whatā€™s going to happen next, but you may also believe that because humanity is shifting as a collective,

certainly there must be experiences that you all have to have as a collective.

But that is not the case. You are choosing which version of the collective you align with, and therefore,

which future experiences you are going to have as a part of that particular collective, and you are doing this all the time.

Think highly of your fellow humans, and you get a better reality to experience with them.

Look down upon your fellow humans, and you will continue to wonder why they keep messing everything up for the rest of you who are awake.

You want to elevate everything, not just your vibration and your consciousness, but also your expectations for your fellow humans.

See them as having all of these potential awakening experiences that they have yet to tap in to but that they are destined to experience themselves.

More and more people are realizing that they donā€™t have to deal with anything in life themselves and that spiritual growth can occur even without traumatizing pain experiences.

This inner maturation process is taking place in more and more people today. Beliefs that have shaped past eras are being questioned and abandoned.

The core is: People who strive for mastery on this earth have recognized that only in unity with god can life be given meaning, significance and fulfillment.

The separation from GOD is overcome and true milestones in spiritual development are the result:

If you thought you were in control of your life, you were wrong.

If you thought that only you were the creator and designer of your life, then you were wrong.

If you thought that manifestation only happens on your own initiative and through your own power, then you were far from the truth.

You are powerful beyond your knowing and the next step of that profound Truth is being revealed to Humanity by the Company of Heaven now.

The Sacred Knowledge from the Heavenly Realms that we at Era of Peace are sharing with Awakening Humanity has been offered free of charge since 1965 to anyone who has the Heart Call to receive it.

This incredible Gift from On High is being given to Humanity by our Sisters and Brothers in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

They are Sons and Daughters just like you and me. However, these Beings of Light have evolved to a much higher level of Consciousness.

They are like college professors compared to you and me who are more like kindergarten students in the overall scheme of things.

These Beings are selfless Messengers of our God who have come through the veil to meet us halfway because of the need of the hour.

They are communicating with Humanity now through intuitive Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication.

We were always supposed to have access to this assistance and this guidance from On High.

However, when we fell into the dense and discordant frequencies of separation and duality aeons ago we lost the ability to reach up in Consciousness into the Realms of Illumined Truth.

Since that fateful time, we have been weeping and wailing through our valley of tears struggling to accomplish our Divine Plans through trial and error.

Like never before in human history, the separation of worlds is becoming visible in everyday life.

Protected by god and supported by Providence or staring unsettled and fearful at the future these are the consequences of your choice.

To be able to open yourself to life, yourself and GOD or to remain closed and continue to vegetate in hell, the hell of your own making these are the consequences of your choice.

The power of the old rulers continues to dwindle and reaches zero. Humanity is demanding solutions and is increasingly no longer willing to represent the pawns on the playing field.

This leads to panicked actions by the powers that have dominated the game so far, actions,

and this has been repeatedly announced, that could cause upheaval and lead many people to speak of the end of the world.

The old system is reaching the tipping point and much that seemed built to last is being leveled to the earth.

It is breathed in by god so that the LIGHT-FULL-NEW can arise.

The plans to oppress humanity even more, to monitor it even more and to alienate it in a previously unattainable dimension are fulfilled for those who choose this path,

but not for those light warriors who stand up for their freedom and do so actively manifest new bright eras.

These two levels exist and are chosen by you!

See the consciousness of the collective spiraling upward with you, and see yourselves as leading the way, but know that you are not in this all by yourselves as the awakened collective.

Everyone is there to serve the experience of ascension in their own way.

Everyone is there behaving exactly as you need them to behave to give you what you need in order to grow spiritually.

You are the ones who are the changemakers, who will decide that the path for humanity can be a smooth,

easy, and joyous one, as you help others awaken with your own level of consciousness, with the stories you tell about your own experiences,

and with your ability to hold space for all of them, especially those who are lagging furthest behind.

If you saw them all as a part of yourselves, then it would be easier for you to see that they need you.

They need your help; they need your positive expectations for them, and they need you to hold your vibration in the highest possible frequency,

which you can only do when you are seeing them all as Source Energy Beings, instead of as the ones who are messing things up for the rest of you.

Thatā€™s what you came to Earth to do, and we believe in you, even in those times when you donā€™t believe in yourselves.

So call upon us for help in maintaining that vision, because we know that humankind as you experience it can experience the shift in consciousness in the most beautiful of ways.

Now, the Company of Heaven no longer needs ā€œto come through the veil to meet us halfway.

Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have gradually Ascended up the Spiral of Evolution into frequencies of vibration that are allowing our I AM Presence to take command of our Earthly Bodies.

As this occurs, Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence is easily received through our Intuition and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication.

This means that by simply asking our I AM Presence to take command of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions this Loving aspect of our own Divinity is able to guide us unerringly.

At long last, the Sacred Knowledge from the Realms of Illumined Truth is available to each and every person who is willing to ask, to listen and to open our heart and mind to the infinite possibilities.

It also helps immensely if we daily stay focused on the Light and do whatever it takes to raise our energy, vibration, and Consciousness.

Through our I AM Presence we can also directly communicate with the various Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

We have recently experienced a monumental shift within our System of Worlds.

We now have access to NEW Realms of Light and assistance from Beings of Light who were previously far beyond our vibrational reach.

These Beings exist in the System of our Grand Central Sun which now embraces Mother Earth and our entire System of Worlds.

These Beings of Light have been patiently waiting for Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her to reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace so that we could reclaim our rightful place in this higher System of Worlds.

Now that this has been God Victoriously accomplished these powerful Beings of Light are standing in readiness.

They are awaiting our invitation to give them permission to intervene in our lives in positive ways that will greatly assist us in our Ascension process.

You are in the same boat of experiences and when you begin to see each other lovingly in this way, it will become easier for you to understand and accept each other as you are.

This will boost your lives when you understand that you are not the enemy.

When you realize that together you become stronger. When you realize that you should never have been against each other, but all in connection with the Light for something greater.

Each of you carries a package, some lighter, some heavier, others often almost unbearable to carry, I know. I know because I see and feel them, my dear ones.

You are in a great task and the fact that you chose this great mission to leverage your evolutions has greatly affected your soul core and now we are all in a healing workā€¦ of deep healing and alignment of each one of you.

Yes, we are here to help and, as I always say: do the work that fits each of you. We are your support and so you can continue to count on us, your Space Family.

My dear ones, you have immense support for this, more than you know. You have your Sun.

Many of your scientists are concerned about some things that have been happening there, with the masses of plasma being sent to Earth.

Let me tell you what itā€™s about: itā€™s about healing, itā€™s about a plasma that will wash your souls.

It is a bath of Light. The Creator does not play with lives. The Creator does not wish to see anyone suffering.

ALL of these Beings of Light, including the Legions of Light associated with the new System of Worlds we now have access to through our Grand Central Sun,

are standing in readiness awaiting Humanityā€™s Heart Call and our invitation to help us during this wondrous but often tumultuous time.

The assistance from these Beings of Light will be given to us in perfect alignment with our Divine Plans and the highest good for all concerned.

They will never interfere with our Free Will by intervening in our lives without an invitation and permission from our I AM Presence.

The information that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth at this time is not intended to dispute our present belief systems or to tell us that what we believe is wrong.

We have all been guided by our I AM Presence through the lessons and learning experiences we needed in order to bring us to this point in our evolutionary process.

Now it is time for all of us to take the next step.

The Divine Intent of this information is to enhance what we already know.

It is designed to give us greater clarity and understanding, so that we will recognize at a much higher level what is happening on Earth and in our personal lives.

This will enable each of us to remember who we are and why we are here during this Cosmic Moment.

All of the information that I am sharing through Era of Peace is from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

However, even having said that, I do not ever want you to accept something as Truth just because someone told you it is true.

I would like for you to contemplate this information as food for thought.

Then, take the information into the Divinity of your Heart Flame and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth contained in these Celestial sharings.

Ask how you can utilize this information to help fulfill your Divine Plan and to accelerate your Ascension process.


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