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Spiritual awakening

The Most Powerful Message Ever.



I always live inside your hearts and I wait for moments in your time when you are open and susceptible to my energy.

My energy, the Christ energy that is being reborn in this time, is not solely my energy.

It is not simply the energy of one man who lived on earth at one time;

it is a collective energy field in which you take part in a way that is more profound than you realize.

Having passed this stage and thrown off the old ballast, it’s time to gather our strength and press the reset button for our entire inner system.

It’s time to regain Spiritual support, balance and build qualitatively new connections with the world.

To fulfill our desires and intentions, so that in the next 12 months and its new space, to live in a renewed state, with new ideas,

in new energies and with new companions that meet the desires and plans of our Soul and the Higher Self.

With this shift also come events, which would appear to most as catastrophic and heartbreaking collapses, however,

again, this is natural, for only that which was not built and brought about with light love is to be dissolved.

You are not losing anything that the soul needs for further expansion, you may only release what no longer serves your highest purpose, and what is not in alignment with the heart’s desires.

The return to your natural state of being that is love, has been thousands of years in the making.

And now you are readying to close the final chapter of your journey in the rigid physical planes, and emerge as a crystalline being in the spiritual realms of light.

Of course, what I’ll be writing is my perspective. Naturally you’re free to disagree with me.

To start, everyone always seems to forget that technically the galactics don’t owe us anything, and in fact we should probably be grateful that they’re helping us at all.

Someone might argue we on Earth deserve help, and maybe so.

On the other hand, starving children in some parts of Africa deserve help too, and those of us who could easily donate enough money to save some lives there,

frequently simply don’t do that, and we also don’t feel that we should be forced to help those children.

Even though, from the point of view of some of those starving African children, some of us Westerners are so well-off that we should have a moral obligation to help them.

Well, similarly, I don’t think that you can say that any individual galactic person should be obligated to help us.

You all made a vow once, you all set your intention to carry this energy forth into the reality of earth, to anchor it in earth.

Many lifetimes, many centuries, you have worked on this mission.

You are all in the process of birthing the Christ seed within and I am helping you.

I was a forerunner, yet the sowing of the Christ seed was a collective effort.

Even my coming to earth was possible only because of the field of energy that was present here, woven by you.

We work together, we are a unity. Therefore I am accessible to all of you.

I am not exclusively available to any one person. I am at the service of all of you.

Today I want to speak about an issue that touches you deeply and frequently in your day to day life. It is about dealing with emotions.

In the understood it about two months before the scheduled date.

Having again carefully scanned humanity, Co-Creators regretfully saw that the vast majority of earthlings are still in deep Spiritual hibernation and won’t physically survive during the quantum leap.

As a result, the mass transition was canceled and replaced with an individual, gradual and smoother one.

Over the past twelve years, more than two billion people, in a solitary manner and in groups, have already moved to 4D and 5D due to constant and intensive inner work.

Millions of others are preparing to follow them, and Co-Creators are doing their best to help this.

Almost every week, and sometimes daily, we go through several phases of very high-freqs’ Schumann Resonance and powerful Solar flares.

Geomagnetic storms are reached on average the level. It’s not an anomaly, as thousands of large and small earthquakes per week,

but an active replacement of three-dimensional reality with transitional 4D and constant 5D.

Make no mistake, the positive galactics are taking some casualties too ,although usually they’re beating the negative galactics they’re fighting without casualties.

I have an upcoming channeling from a female Pleiadian squad commander roughly a sergeant in Earth terms.

She was helping us Earth humans but got captured by reptilians. She was raped and tortured by them for about a month before she was freed.

That was an absolutely horrific experience, and she still has some mental scars from that today despite Pleiadian healing technology.

And the only reason that happened to her was that she was trying to help us, Earth humans.

Hence, I think we can certainly ask for help and make suggestions, but I don’t think that we should yell at the galactics.

I don’t think we should act like the galactics are obligated to help, much less obligated to help us in exactly the way we wish them to help us.

Now yes, I want help too and I want the galactics to land too, preferably today.

I have repeatedly asked them to help us and to physically meet us. And they genuinely are planning to do so at this point.

Last time I spoke about the energies of the male and the female which run through your energy field and chakras.

I have emphasized the importance of healing the lowest three chakras as a part of becoming whole and complete unto yourself.

I thought it was important to emphasize this as some of you who crave the spiritual tend to withdraw yourself, both in thought and feeling, to the higher chakras.

The heart, the third eye and the crown chakra are attractive to you, because these energy centers connect you with the higher realms that are so natural to you.

But the real inner breakthroughs must now occur on a lower level, in the area of the lower chakras, closer to earth.

The area of the emotions is a vital area in your growth process towards freedom and wholeness. You are spiritual beings.

You come from a plane of reality where the density and coarseness of earth reality was unknown to you. To cope with this has been difficult.

Co-Creators do this with the sole purpose of speeding up the awakening and inner transformation of as many people as possible.

Under the impact of high-frequency quantum fluxes and Sun’s plasma, the composition of blood and cellular structure in our bodies change.

For twelve years, we stayed in a mixed reality, where people with frequencies of 3D, 4D, and those who were loaded with 5D programs and codes coexisted together. T

oday, on the physical and Subtle Plane, we are already divided into three different groups. They are:

People of the old 3D philosophy, dependent on everything; shifting own responsibility to anyone except selves; with the collective consciousness of a child, capricious, infantile and at the same time, full of selfishness, arrogance and egoism;

Second, a lot of people have in their mind that these galactics are basically perfect beings,

and that any channeled message that portrays them as less than perfect is therefore a false message.

I consider this galactics are perfect idea to just be wishful thinking.

I get the appeal in thinking that these flawless, perfect beings are looking out for us and will soon walk among us, but that’s like a small child idolizing his parents to an unrealistic degree.

The truth is, while the galactics are good and are trying to help and are pretty awesome, they’re not perfect.

If they were perfect, they would have merged back into Source already.

Or maybe they’d be part of some non-physical collective. They wouldn’t be some physical man or woman somewhere, who probably still needs a spaceship to get around.

The Tunias and Hakanns of the world, the kind of galactics who are actually going to land in the future, aren’t perfect beings.

And it’s not just that they’re imperfect, they also think a bit differently than we do.

To illustrate this, how different do you think you are from an average Westerner from the 10th century?

Throughout many lives you have tried to express your cosmic energy here on earth. And in this expression, in the channeling of your energy to earth, many deep traumas have been built up.

The emotional body that you all have is rife with wounds and traumas. Of that I wish to speak today.

Anyone who walks the path of inner growth knows the importance of emotions:

that you should not repress them, that you have to come to terms with them in some way, that you must ultimately release them.

But how it all really works is not always so clear.

I first want to make a distinction between emotions and feelings.

I am not concerned here with specific terms or labels and you may call it by different names,

but I want to make a distinction between emotions in the sense of energies that are essentially expressions of misunderstanding ,

and feelings or energies that are a form of higher understanding.

Feelings are your teachers, while emotions are your children.

Emotions are energies that have a clear manifestation in the physical body. Emotions are reactions to things that you do not really understand. Consider what happens when you are overcome by a fit of rage.

For instance someone hurts your feelings unexpectedly and you feel yourself becoming angry.

You can feel this very clearly in your body; in certain places you feel the energy go tense.

This physical tension or tightening that follows the energetic shock shows there is something you do not understand.

There is an energy coming toward you that you feel is unjustified. The feeling of being treated unjustly, in short the not-understanding, is vented through the emotion.

The emotion is the expression of the not-understanding, it is an energetic explosion and a release.

Any Higher Force carried out by the quantum flows or Sun’s plasma enters us so that we ourselves become this Higher Force,

Its Consciousness, feel through It our energy, the different quality of being, and fill our life with new content and sensations.

However, further on, according to the law of like attracts like, we must grow this Force in selves on our own, and this requires inner work, patience, guts, creativity, and ingenuity.

After the first contact, we must simulate, generate, resume the lost sensations, double, multiply, and make them permanent.

At the moment, this is one of their main strategies of Co-Creators to show us what it means to be in a new dimension, and then, give everyone the opportunity to make their choices and increase own luminosity.

Otherwise, it would be taken as an artificial plug-in of energies and knowledge, as a moral gimp stick.

We must INDEPENDENTLY establish a connection with our Higher Aspects, form a new self, and unlock personal Light Portal.

Access to multidimensionality is open to everyone, but not everyone sees the Subtle Plan.

Only those who have been going at it for a long time and are ready energetically and consciously.

Multidimensionality opens only at high frequencies, if we ourselves emit them, and what our mind is prepared for.

In 2025, we’ll continue to accumulate the experience of being in several realities at once, switching freqs, going back and forth, choosing, trying, and testing. It’s a shimmering worlds,

like in a stereo pics, when turned one way, they shows one images, and if a little differently, another ones.

Now, to be clear, they genuinely are kind and pleasant to be around.

They’re not secretly evil and they’re not hiding some dark monstrous secret. I’m still genuinely excited to meet them.

But yes, they do think a bit differently than we do.

You know how time seems to speed up when you get older? Well, these people are often centuries old.

So the way they think of two years is the way you probably think of two months.

So from their point of view, them promising to intervene in the next two years is actually them promising to help really quickly.

Because of their longer lifespan, they’re also much more concerned than we are about potentially destabilizing longer-term consequences of their possible intervention than we are.

We’re basically just thinking about the present and the next two years or so.

Well, they’re trying to do what’s best for Earth humans over the next two millennia or so.

They’re not as biased as we are towards the Earth humans who happen to be alive right now, they also try to do what’s best for the Earth humans who will be born in the future.

Then they might be considering things that I don’t fully understand like their intervention’s impact on different timelines

and different realities and different worlds and different galaxies ,and different collective consciousnesses, and it’s almost like we’re a child yelling at an adult.

Yes, I too want to meet the galactics today, and yes, it’s possible that it would be optimal for them to land today.

However, I’m also open to the possibility that maybe the galactic confederation decision-makers are just simply right to let a bit more time pass before meeting us.

I don’t have the perspective or knowledge necessary to be able to judge their decisions.

It’s possible that they even perceive time in a way that I don’t understand, so how can I say that they’re wrong and I’m right?

Emotions are essentially explosions of misunderstanding that you can clearly perceive in the body.

Feelings, on the other hand, are of a different nature and are perceived differently as well.

Feelings are more quiet than emotions.

They are the whispers of the soul that reach you through gentle nudges, an inner knowingness or a sudden intuitive action that later appears to have been very wise.

Emotions always have something very intense and dramatic to them. Consider anxiety attacks, fear, rage or deep sadness.

Emotions take hold of you completely and pull you away from your spiritual center.

In the moment you are highly emotional, you are full of a kind of energy that pulls you away from your center, your inner clarity.

In that sense, emotions are like clouds hovering before the sun.

With this, I do not want to say anything against emotions. Emotions should not be repressed; they are very valuable as a means to get to know yourself more intimately.

But I do want to state what the nature of emotional energy is: it is an explosion of misunderstanding.

Emotions essentially take you out of your center.

Feelings, on the other hand, bring you deeper into yourself, into your center.

Feelings are closely associated with what you call intuition.

Feelings express a higher understanding, a kind of understanding that transcends both the emotions and the mind.

Feelings originate in a non-physical realm, outside of the body.

That is why they are not so clearly located within one spot of the physical body.

Consider what happens when you sense something, an atmosphere or a mood, or when you have presentiments about a situation.

There is a kind of knowingness within you then that seems to come from the outside and that is not a reaction from you to something external.

It comes out of nothing ,out of the blue as you so beautifully put it.

In such a moment, you may feel something open up in your heart chakra.

The same work goes on Earth, where the three space-time continuums of the past, present and future are tightly intertwined with millions events, karmic destinies of countries, nations, civilizations and ordinary people.

And each case must be dealt separately to determine how much life glimmers, frames or fades in it. Scan all connections and predestination, from the initial origin to today.

The overall picture is increasingly clear-cut, only some details weren’t fully investigated.

Ignoring them can harm the higher planes, the inhabitants of the Galaxy, the Solar System and Earth.

All destinies inside and outside of different timelines are untangling and checking on a collective and individual levels.

Every life is carefully reviewed, and everything that each person is capable of is weighed.

The Pleroma’s Programmers and Architects constantly adjust the goals and objectives of multiple energies, forms, and beings.

This is necessary for a new Local Universe, which is based on the constructive interaction of everything that exists in it.

The chaos on Earth affects many worlds on the outskirts and in the middle part of the Universe, preventing Co-Creators from uploading new evolutionary programs.

That is why they crush down any attempts to derail the process.

Confirmation of the Co-Creators’ info was the dramatic events in near-terrestrial space in December .

From the worlds at the bottom of the Local Universe’s torus, a huge spacecraft arrived in the Solar System via interdimensional wormholes.

We accuse them of not understanding our perspective, but we probably understand their perspective even less.

In fact, it’s hard for them to even communicate their full perspective to us because our thinking and consciousness and language is limited, from their perspective.

On to the next point. Yes, the Pleiadians are what we would consider to be naive about the situation on Earth.

They’ve lived in a sort of paradise for a long time now.

As a result, they are, from our perspective, naive about darkness and evil people. That might be the greatest flaw that Pleiadians have.

I know people may not like to hear this, and people love to pedestalize these beings, however Pleiadians aren’t perfect,

and in fact they are naive in the same way that you’re probably naive about what being in a war really is like.

Of course, if you have been in a war, this doesn’t apply to you, and my heart goes out to you.

Some people have argued that the galactics should simply have listened to people and that should have solved their naivete.

Well, suppose that you’re a person who has never been in a war. You can listen to someone who has been in a war describe it.

You can watch war movies. But you won’t fully understand war, you won’t fully understand what it’s like to live in a warzone until you’ve experienced that yourself.

Similarly, the galactics have tried to do their research about what life on Earth is like, and that has helped, but they’re still somewhat naive about it.

The galactics genuinely have tried to research the situation on Earth as best as they could, and they have listened to people.

If they hadn’t, they would have been ever more naive and they would probably have adopted a policy of we’re purely just going to send love towards Earth and that will be enough to cause the people of Earth to peacefully unite.

And if you want to argue that this is what they’re currently doing, it’s really not without their practical help things would be far worse today.

They have dealt with a lot of hostile , they have solved a lot of hard-to-deal-with problems for us and they have averted a lot of disasters.

It’s just hard to notice the five huge disasters that didn’t happen last year.

As the new year frequencies were anchored across your earth plane there was a monumental reopening of a series of alternate reality spaces across the planet.

These expansive multidimensional reality spaces contain vast sacred meeting points that naturally create a more authentic Network of Light to flow and build throughout the planet.

This expansive Network re-establishes the completed multidimensional structures within the Vortexes, Portals, and Ley Lines within the earth plane.

With these higher, functioning structures you are being given a more complete multidimensional setting in which to become self-realized within your Heart.

Simultaneously to the re-opening of many alternate reality spaces,

the Earth’s magnetic core began a first-time reconnection to the sacred Wormholes that have always existed within the universal planes.

This forging brings Earth into a direct alignment to the sacred fragments of the hierarchy of light that has previously been beyond Earth’s capacity.

At the final stage of sunset on the last day of your calendar year you may have witnessed the window opening beginning to mirror this energetic phase, as the Magnetic Core reconnected to these sacred Wormholes.

The ‘window’ simultaneously held an aspect of the first stage of birthing reflections of a higher path being created ready for these sacred fragments of light to enter your Earth.

This was a radiating spectacle of glorious light entering your planet in readiness for the great shifts.

A sacred moment being revealed to humanity.

A celebration as the New Year was heralded by this vibrational light, which was imminently to anchor on the earth plane!

Ascension refers to the process of transcending to a higher level of consciousness or existence.

Ascension is both an individual and collective journey towards a higher state of being.

And is thought of more as an spiritual process rather than a physical one.

This shift is characterized by moving from a world based on ego identity, separation, and Us vs Them mentality to one of love, unity, and interconnection.

From this higher state of being, we have heightened perception and greater intuitive capacities.

Gaining access to spiritual gifts that were not previously available due to the density of the 3D world.

Awakening can be thought of as what is happening as we move from the 3-D to 5-D world.

If ascension is the larger process, awakening is the unfolding realization and recognition of the nature of reality that happens within that process.

Bringing with it profound insights and shifts in perception, leading to increased mindfulness, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection to oneself and the world.

These realizations can happen suddenly or over a long period of time with steep stages and plateaus.

It can be triggered by unexplainable events, a life transition, or a peak experience, but it starts with a deeper appreciation that we are part of something bigger than just ourselves.

Enlightenment is often considered the ultimate result of awakening in spiritual traditions.

It is an absolute state of being that once you have achieved it, there is no other way of being.

The idea of what the ultimate result is can vary from tradition to tradition. it involves liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

enlightenment is seen as a return to the inherent harmony of the Way, the natural order of the universe.

Some others believe that it is simply non-duality. It is safe to say that there have been very few enlightened people in humanity’s history.

Because enlightenment transcends the limitations of ego and conditioned patterns of thinking and involves living with the knowing of our oneness, it is not easy to achieve..

I would like to mention another energy that has more of a feeling nature than an emotional one. It is joy.

Joy can be a phenomenon that transcends the emotional. Sometimes you can feel a kind of joy inside that lifts you up without a particular reason.

You feel the divinity inside you and your intimate connection to all that exists.

Such a feeling may come to you when you least expect it. It is as if Something Greater touches you or as if you touch a Greater Reality.

Feelings are not so easily summoned and seem to come to you out of the blue.

Emotions almost always have a clear immediate cause: a trigger in the outside world that pushes your buttons.

Feelings originate from the dimension of your Higher or Greater Self.

You need to be quiet inside to catch those whispers in your heart.

Emotions can disturb this inner silence and peace. Therefore it is vital to become emotionally calm and to heal and release repressed emotions.

Only from your feeling which connects you to your soul can you make balanced decisions.

By being quiet and peaceful, you can feel with all of your being what is right for you at a certain moment.

Making decisions based on emotions is making decisions from a non-centered position. You need to release the emotions first and get in touch with your inner core where there is clarity.

Now I want to go into the question of how you can best deal with your emotions.

I said that feelings are your teachers and emotions are your children. The parallels between being emotional and being like a child are striking.

Your inner child is the seat of your emotions. Also there is a striking resemblance between the way you deal with your own emotions and the way you deal with real children.

f you reject this explanation, then what’s your explanation for why they haven’t landed yet?

I think any explanation other than what I shared can easily be refuted just by thinking logically about it.

There’s the saying: When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Or in this situation, we’re observing that the Pleiadians haven’t yet landed , and they must have some reason for that.

You can’t just say that every single reason for this is fake and false, because then why haven’t they landed yet?

They must have some reason for that, from their perspective.

And if you think about it logically, then I think that what I’ve channeled, they have a broader view and they’re a bit naive, is the position that’s easiest to defend.

Or do you want to argue that highly advanced beings who are flying around in our skies all the time are somehow literally unable to just land?

While we think they’re being naive, the Pleiadians have for a long time thought that eventually we will simply just stand up ,and free ourselves and they’re not wrong that if enough people do that, we will get our freedom.

The Pleiadians are currently coming around to the understanding that it’s apparently not so easy on Earth,

but to this day they’re a bit baffled why more people aren’t out there protesting and peacefully demanding their freedom.

From their point of view, if we just worked together for a bit, we could free ourselves in one week and have a much better society in one year, so why don’t we?

You are going to feel, recognize the call through your own Heart. A call of your Heart, which you have a unique frequency of active consciousness.

Your heart cells are responding to the vibration created by the hierarchy of light, as this light is interacting within each heart cell individually.

The light is activating a dormant transmitter within each heart cell.

Your heart cells are beginning to pulse on a different vibrational channel than ever before, being linked back to pure source.

Being recreated to fulfill the potential of a complete alliance within the pure frequencies held in these sacred multidimensional Wormholes.

Your Heart recognizes the sacred Timelines that are being re-established now on Earth through the reopening of many alternate reality spaces.

The true frequency of Time is about shifting your perceptions through the avenue of your multidimensional Heart.

Allowing the full essence within your heart cells within your sacred Heart to be your only guiding light, aligning you into your sacred intelligence.

You then begin to work directly through an authentic reference point within your Heart.

This is achievable through a conscious action by you of returning to Be.

To become an authentic aspect of your multidimensional Heart.

The expanded energetic framework is now in place to create the alignments necessary for you to reconnect to your Heart’s multidimensional tool on a very different vibrational level than at any other time in the history of your planet.

New Year has heralded in the perfect sacred frequency settings establishing a higher energetic framework for a next step for you to take.

Be still and witness yourself transform through this sacred collective frequency that you have always been a part.

You have an operational place within this collective consciousness within your Heart. An authentic link.

Through your active participation within these collective frequencies,

within your Heart you can begin to play a much more conscious active role in the transmutation of your planet’s vibrational webbing.

Your Heart is naturally linked within the Earth’s vibrational Web.

Each time you consciously align through your Heart you enter the Web.

Through the Webbing you reconnect to your natural authentic nature to manifest abundance on all levels.

This Web is designed to nourish the physical systems in your body so that you can thrive, strengthen your physical systems to complete that what you have come here to achieve, your mission.

Remember those or you in physical bodies are to play the most significant role in the transmutation of Earth and only you can truly support the main shifts of consciousness that are necessary at this juncture.

Our role is to support through offering levels of clarity while holding an energetic Platform,

while you are the only ones who can actively create the main energetic changes necessary at this time for all of humanity.

One of the reasons for this unbounded emotionality is that the child has only recently left a world in which there are hardly any boundaries.

In the ethereal or astral dimensions, there were no such restrictions and limitations as there are in the physical realm, within the physical body.

The child’s emotions are often reactions of misunderstanding to this physical reality.

Therefore when he or she grows up, the child needs help and support in dealing with their emotions.

This is part of the process of “balanced incarnating” on earth.

So how do you deal with emotions, whether in yourself or in your children?

Emotions should not be judged or repressed. Emotions are a vital part of you as a human being and as such they need to be respected and accepted.

You can look upon your emotions as your children who need your attention and respect and your guidance.

An emotion can best be viewed as an energy that comes to you for healing.

Therefore it is important to not be completely swept away by the emotion, but to remain able to look at it from a neutral stance.

It is important to stay conscious. One might put it like this; you should not repress an emotion, but you should not drown in it either.

For when you drown in it, when you identify with it completely, the child in you becomes a tyrant that will lead you astray.

The most important thing you can do with an emotion is to allow it in, to feel all aspects of it while not losing your consciousness. Take for instance anger.

You can invite anger to be fully present, experiencing it in your body at several places, while you are at the same time neutrally observing it.

Such a type of consciousness is healing.

What happens in this instance is that you embrace the emotion, which is essentially a form of misunderstanding, with understanding.

This is spiritual alchemy.

Let me explain with the help of an example. Your child has bumped her knee on the table and it really hurts.

She is upset, screaming with pain and she kicks the table because she is angry with it.

She considers the table to be the source of her pain.

Emotional guidance at this moment means that the parent first helps the child name her experience.

You are angry, aren’t you you are in pain, right?” Naming it is essential. You transfer the root of the problem from the table to the child herself.

It’s not in the table, it is you who are hurt, it is you who is angry. And yes, I understand your emotion!

And it’s really hard for them to wrap their mind around the fact that it’s not just that normal people aren’t standing up,

also more or less every single person who has sworn an oath to defend the constitution the people is currently violating that oath.

At least, that’s the Pleiadian perspective on that.

This is something that just doesn’t quite compute in the mind of an average Pleiadian they figured that even if the people don’t peacefully stand up,

then surely the military would step in to defend the people, because they swore an oath to do so.

Furthermore, some Pleiadians view us as not much better than the reptilians.

If you’re shocked by this, well, the way that Earth humans treat animals isn’t that much better from how reptilians treat us.

Yes, I know that mistreating humans isn’t quite the same as mistreating animals, and hence Pleiadians also don’t view us as quite so bad as reptilians. But still.

Yes, there are good Earth humans, but then again there are also good reptilians.

Yes, the humans who mistreat animals were hurt during their childhood, but do you think reptilians don’t get hurt during their childhoods?

Some Pleiadians are a bit baffled by why Earth humans are asking for our freedom while engaging in factory farming ourselves,

with most of us not really making an effort to end the practice of factory farming on Earth.

And yes, that is how Pleiadians who haven’t studied Earth often think: if Earth humans disagree with factory farming,

why aren’t they just connecting with other Earth humans who feel the same and then together creating a movement that ends that practice?


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Spiritual awakening

In The Coming Weeks



The underlying reality of oneness automatically prompts most individuals to try and make things better, to change the bad pictures into good ones.

We have been connecting with many of you while you are in the waking state, and we are not alone in this endeavor.

There are many higher-dimensional beings and collectives who are connecting with humans who are in the waking state,

and there are many humans who have just not yet realized that they are being contacted by a consciousness that is other than their own.

This is something that more and more people are going to be realizing in the coming weeks and months,

as there is another mass awakening occurring at this time, which means all sorts of doorways are being opened.

You know that the New Earth is the one that awaits you, you who open your heart to the understanding of True Life,

that is to say to the Life of Love and Light that is not only around you but within you.

You know how to bring out this wonderful Light that is within you. We have often spoken to you about going to meet it in moments of silence,

either in nature or at home in a place that is a place of peace for you. It is important that you have places in your homes, in your apartments,

where you can find yourself, where you can create your little altar of prayer and meditation.

This does not mean that you who understand about three-dimensional illusion should walk by on the other side,

but means that you must be aware of the universal pull to align with appearances.

It will help you stay centered if you give less or no attention to today’s constant bombardment from the media,

and refrain from engaging in polarized political or religious discussions.

The reason there are so many evolved souls on earth now is that the time has come for earth to evolve beyond the extreme density it has been in for too long.

The presence of high resonating energy was needed to break through and dissolve the density of earth’s collective consciousness.

You who are presently living the mystical life are those who chose to be on earth where your evolved state of consciousness would automatically add increasingly more of these higher energies.

And because you are all connected, those of you who are already awake are going to be having more realizations.

A lot of those realizations are going to be about the connections you already have, the experiences with consciousness that you’ve been having,

and you’re also going to realize where you want to go with all of that.

You are going to be channeling a lot more and realizing that you are channeling when you do.

You are also preparing yourselves for physical extra-terrestrial contact by having these types of connections occur.

When we speak of “prayers” we do not mean only the prayers that your religions have taught you, no.

We mean thoughts, words, and thoughts of the mind. We mean thoughts, words of Love and gentleness that you offer to the Earth and to your humanity.

But in this do not forget yourselves, for it is quite possible for you to offer to yourselves, during these meditations,

the most beautiful Love that exists and the most beautiful Light that radiates within you.

Some of you will say: But how can I see my Light, how can I feel Love? And what is really Love, True Love?

An evolved consciousness in alignment with truth is capable of witnessing and experiencing third dimensional issues without adding sustaining energy to them.

A state of consciousness that knows there is only ONE and that anything other than that ONE is an expression of duality, separation,

and two powers is a powerful force for change because one with God is a majority.

You who live from a consciousness of truth are Light Warriors even if you think you are doing nothing.

A state of consciousness once attained can never regress back to its previous state and will override the many forms of three-dimensional hypnotism simply because it is the reality.

Many have tried to go back to a previous time when things seemed easier but always present in the midst of their activities was consciousness saying hello.

An example: Most of you have had opportunities to steal and perhaps even considered it at times,

but you never followed through because honesty, which is a facet of oneness, was your state of consciousness.

You are beginning to recognize that the veil is thinning, that your skies are full of ships,

and that so many of your fellow humans are channeling, are connecting, and are having the experiences that are paving the way for all people having contact.

Once you recognize that you are making connections to other realms and other beings, you then have to decide what to do about it.

You can of course do nothing with that realization, but many of you are going to feel compelled to tell that story or to share that information with others, and as you do,

you will be helping so many who are having similar experiences and don’t know what to do with theirs.

Love! Knowing and trying to understand what True Love is is the question that many humans ask themselves.

Do I love my children, my spouse, my family, my friends with True Love?

This is the great question for each and every one of us. We will tell you this: True Love is very simple.

Yes, we do say great simplicity. It does not require extraordinary things to be done, extreme moments to be experienced, extraordinary human help to be given.

True Love is lived without asking questions about actions, acts, thoughts intended for humans, for Nature,

without asking questions about whether you are doing well or not, about what others around you will think about it

True Love is lived in the impulse of the heart, the one that makes you act for the well-being of the other without having any ulterior motive.

True Love is, as you know, Unconditional, which means that it does not ask for any questioning in the action,

in the thought, but makes you act for the best for the other who asks for help.

Dear brothers and sisters of the Earth, at this moment of your earthly life you have the impression that Love, True Love,

does not exist because you see around you many events that attack you and make you doubt that Love can exist in your humanity.

Some spiritually evolved individuals find it easy to love others but are unable to love themselves.

Often when words said or actions taken in the past are seen through more evolved eyes, it brings about shame, guilt, self loathing,

and the belief that they are unworthy of love or even of doing spiritual work.

Because of the density and pressures of living in a third dimensional world, most require a few years to consciously awaken into their attained state of consciousness.

During these fragile earlier years most become hypnotized by the concepts and beliefs they were taught by parents and society,

leading them to do and say the very things now causing them guilt and shame.

The bottom line of third dimensional energy is You will never be good enough.

Because the state of consciousness of the majority remains three dimensional most simply accept this to be the truth about themselves.

This is a wonderful time to be awake there on Earth because you know so much more that can bring you solace, peace,

and because you can take what you know and go so much further with it.

Now is not the time to be suppressing anything or denying anything, especially that which is happening to you and through you.

Let yourselves have the experiences without questioning whether they are real,

and know that you are there to give yourselves and others permission to have these connections and these contact experiences.

You are there to light the way for so many others, and you are there to do much more than the generations who have come before you have been able to do.

But we tell you: your planet and its humans are in the process of finding it.

The previous years of pandemics have made many of you think.

You have understood or tried to understand the difficulties that were imposed on you and many of you have decided not to live this anymore.

This is why many of you have opened your hearts to all those who suffered during these delicate moments,

you have opened your hearts to the desire for Peace, for Serenity and for the Sweetness of living an earthly life full of Love.

Yes, it took these years of difficult experiences for your heart to open to Love.

Do not doubt that True Love has crept into you and will allow you, more and more, to soothe your being, humanity and life on Earth.

You will say: “but it is impossible to make True Love bloom on Earth when we see wars here and there, how can we do it?

We will tell you this: The flame of True Love that is in your heart needs to express itself.

For this you have the strength and the power to make this flame emerge and radiate from your heart to the heart of the Earth, its soil,

and all that lives there, that is to say all the kingdoms whether mineral, vegetable, animal and of course human.

If you experience self loathing, hatred, or guilt when looking back at earlier times in your life remember that the personal human, ego sense of self is a material concept of you.

The person you ignorantly believed yourself to be in the past and even now is not the reality.

Waking up to this fact is what evolution all about.

Many know this, but fall into the ego trap of needing a sense of punishment for past actions and so continue to think of themselves as less than.

Forgive the self of the past that made less than loving choices just as you forgive others, make amends when appropriate,

and begin to identify with your real Self rather than a false concept of you.

Often an incoming soul will choose to be born into a family with that can activate the energy they have chosen to clear,

some belief that they have carried from lifetime to lifetime and are now prepared to move on from.

The process often takes years because the particular energy must first be activated, lived, seen through, finally cleared.

For example, a person may choose to incarnate into a family fully engaged in the strict religious beliefs of some particular religion in order to reactivate this same long carried energy in themselves.

This is particularly true for many who have lived many lives and taken vows in convents, monasteries, ashrams, or rigid organized religions.

This is your time, and the time is now, and you will feel that urgency to connect and express what it is that you are receiving.

It will become an undeniable force in your life and one that you will feel much relief in expressing to your fellow humans.

And now is just the beginning of what is to come in regards to all of the connections that you can and will make while in your physical body there on planet Earth.

When you hear about wars in this or that country, open your heart and see its flame of Love flooding these countries and their people.

Some of you will also say : When I do that I do not see the Flame of Love emerging from my heart, then I have the impression to be useless .

We say to you: You are not useless as long as you have the sincere intention to bring this True Love around you and as long as you wish sincere Peace on Earth.

The intention of the heart is very important, much more so than the mental intention that does not spread so beautifully.

Dear children of the Earth, we speak to you of True Love because you will need to feel it, to live it, and to offer it to those around you.

Why is this so? Because the Celestial Energies that we are sending you will transform your beings very quickly.

This means that, as everything is going faster and faster, it will be necessary for you, and you will feel it strongly within you,

to transmit thoughts of Love, Peace, and Joy around you, but also to feel them within yourself.

The new energies that are coming towards you are accelerating this process of evolution.

Of course, there will be some humans who will have difficulties with this and who will not be able to adhere to it.

But this will be part of their life path. They will reach the New Earth in another incarnation.

But you, who are trying to understand or who are beginning to understand the meaning of True Life,

will be asked, more and more, to focus on yourself in order to make this marvelous Love that is within you and also around you grow.

The Divine Energy is accentuating its force of Love that will touch you with gentleness to make you grow so that you can access the New Earth as soon as possible.

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Spiritual awakening

A Day In The Life Of A Lightworker.



We continue to evolve into higher versions of ourselves and being more present.

We’re observing what is happening as it is happening because this allows us to make course corrections. One thing I am noticing is this:

We can no longer help in the ways that we used to, especially in ways that disempower others.

We can only empower. So we walk a fine line when we are helping those who are ready to move into their power to resolve the imperfect creations they’ve made.

You have been expanding your consciousness, expanding your awareness, expanding all that you are, expanding your potentials,

and expanding the possibilities, and in that you have been allowing for something new.

You have been summoning the energy of new forms of creation.

You have been initiating a new level of the creative process.

You have been coming into new levels of creative expression and mastery and manifestation.

It also asks for necessary situations to come to her during the next incarnation in order to learn, rescue or heal existing depletions.

Such situations can occur only in the geographical region where she will be living,

or situations relating to her health, finances, relationships, profession, etc.

At the right time, the Universe will bring to her, everything requested in this soul plan.

Therefore, we say that no one will go through what they don’t need to go through, and that no one escapes themselves either.

Everything is always planned down to its smallest details, even before reincarnation.

And nobody will go through what they don’t have to. It would be a waste of time,

not only for the soul incarnate, but also for your Spiritual Team that accompanies you all the time.

The Divine Laws are so deep and so just, that the human mind yet cannot comprehend its depth.

We are very intrigued by the possibilities that we have seen popping up for humanity at this time.

We have noticed that you have many more spaceships in your skies and much more personal contact occurring,

because of the great amount of summoning that there has been there among the human collective.

People on your world want help, and enough of you have opened up to receiving that help to have granted yourselves access to various forms of contact.

You are always the wayshowers, the ones on the leading edge,

and you are preparing the rest of humanity for full open contact with each sighting of a ship and with each personal encounter that you have.

Case in point: a neighbor lost her purse and stopped her car to tell me when I was riding my bike.

She was about to panic. I helped her to focus on when she last knew she had her purse.

She had it when she was getting into her car, because she pulled out her car keys to unlock the door.

Then she went home and didn’t realize it was missing for 3 hours. I said, “it’s either in your car, or it’s at home.

So just be calm, and you will be guided to it. It’s under something, and you had a moment of inattention when you placed it somewhere.

She texted an hour later that she found it under a pile of unfolded towels in the laundry room.

There is momentum here. There are things happening. There is so much here for you.

As we said, it is all here, now. In your absolute knowing, there is no doubt. There is no unworthiness.

There is no limitation. In your absolute knowing, there is no delay. There is no hesitation.

In your absolute knowing, you stand in your power, in the moment, and let it all come to you.

Because in your absolute knowing, you begin to move into the now, here moment, and you realize that it has always been here.

It has all been in the now, here, so that in the perfect moment, when you came into absolute knowing,

through the expansion of all that you are, in the summoning of new forms of creation, to receive, to allow, to welcome in,

and to celebrate all that is here, all that is now, all that you have created, all that you have expanded into.

In last Saturday’s audio, someone made a comment, inquiring whether the soul can include murder, for example, in their Incarnation Plan.

This question made me write today’s text, because it’s impossible to answer it in a few lines.

One has to go much deeper, and understand the true purpose of the souls who have decided to experience life in a World of Trials and Atonement.

The Earth is a School of Souls. We are his students.

The rule in force here in the Third Dimension is to experience the duality within every action that a human consciousness can live, act, create or imagine.

Live the two polarities of each action, pray in one end, pray in the other.

At one extreme is what we understand as GOOD, and at the other extreme, what we understand as EVIL.

Furthermore, souls have always been subjected to the veil of oblivion, at least for as long as she was incarnated.

Forgetting past lives is essential, for without it, she could not experience and feel as real,

every emotion experienced, whether in a charitable act or an evil act.

Only in the period between lives can she remember, as it makes it easier for her to evaluate her walk, as said here at the beginning of the text.

These experiences help also to unite humanity, as you get to see yourselves as one race when you realize how many races of beings there are out there in the galaxy and in the universe.

You have something in common, which is the Earth experience, being human, suffering, and feeling emotions of all kinds.

And all of those experiences make you unique as a race of humans.

You can all relate to one another if you choose to, and the challenge will be to relate to these who have had very different lives and experiences.

And if you really want to put humanity on the fast track to first contact, you are going to need to find a way to relate to all of your fellow humans.

We are not just talking about the ones you disagree with on various issues, but we are also talking about the ones who do very bad things.

We can help people move into their own power as they begin to transition into this new energy,

which is really slamming some doors as it cracks new ones open to give us a view and entry into this amazing new time.

We are not being allowed to remain in the old energy. We can move on our own, or we can be strongly nudged.

It’s easier to move on our own, to make the choice to engage with the new scenarios that are presenting.

In the 3D world, we helped and we helped some more.

It can be hard to stop, but helping is no longer helpful. And it pulls us back into lower frequencies.

This week I was out doing errands and once again I was in the creation energy that I described in my last post.

These new energies are making it possible to create as we go, on the spot, what we need.

Eventually, we will do this very naturally and it will be normal. Right now it feels incredible to experience.

It is very immediate. In fact, someone just shipped me a package. Normally it takes 2-4 days.

This time, it came overnight.

And we’re not having to work to create this, it’s just happening because the new energy is working with us and supporting creation.

Allow yourself to receive. Allow yourself, through the celebration of all that you are and all that you have become and all that you have and all that you have created.

In the celebration of all that you have expanded into, you receive, you allow.

And in that, even more expansion occurs, even more awareness comes, even more.

And expanded levels of consciousness begin to open to you.

You open new levels of consciousness and awareness that bring forth new levels of potential and possibilities, and all that is asked of you:

allow it, receive it, celebrate it.

Celebrate your magnificent lives, celebrate your magnificent journeys, celebrate the magnificent now, here.

Celebrate your abundance, celebrate the beauty, celebrate the love, celebrate the joy, celebrate your freedom, celebrate the new beginnings,

celebrate this most expansive, momentous, and exciting, magical time.

There is so much to celebrate. And as you do, you expand.

As you celebrate, you activate a new creative expression, a new creative level of mastery, new creative forms that all result from your expansion,

that all result from these new levels of consciousness and awareness.

Planet Earth as a School has offered ample opportunities to all souls, throughout all time.

Every soul could experience every possibility within their creative mind. And every possibility, at its two extremes, that is, in its polarities.

So, you, me and all humans have been through them. We have stolen and we have been robbed;

we have killed and we have been killed; we have betrayed and we have been betrayed;

we have been through everything you can imagine, pray on one side, pray on the other, for as it has been said, live the polarities.

The most interesting thing is that today we know the consequences of every action that can be done in everyday life.

This means that all of humanity has already received learning opportunities from all subjects ministered in this School.

This is also the key reason for the Planetary Transition. There is nothing else to teach at this level of learning.

What happens is the recurring repetition of acts and attitudes by your students.

Even so, everyone who repeats actions in the polarity of evil knows and is aware of what they are doing.

If you can see contact as a way of uniting humanity, instead of as an opportunity for you to leave,

then you can do some real good there on Earth and for your fellow humans.

Escaping your negative emotions has never served you well, and neither would escaping Earth as it is today.

It will always serve you to dig in your heels, ground yourself, and deal with what is right in front of you and inside of you as well.

And you cannot do that if you are just whisked away on a spaceship.

There would be less growth in that experience, as lovely as it sounds.

The e.t.s who are constantly looking in on you and wanting to help do not want to rescue you,

but they do want you to see yourselves, your world, and your fellow humans in a different light.

And that is what they will bring to you. It will be a new perspective, one that many have not even considered.

And it will help you to understand your differences, because you will all realize that you were created by extra-terrestrials,

and you have been helped by them since day one there on planet Earth.

3D is full of negativity, and it’s one thing I’ve longed to be free of.

It’s also been challenging to move beyond it. During the May 5th lunar eclipse, I was moved past it.

I began to notice I was saying positive things when I wasn’t necessarily thinking something positive, and it surprised me.

The positive words just popped out, and it made me happy to see this.

Since then I’ve been noticing others still caught in the negativity. They’re engaging, friendly people, who make one complaint after another.

But for the first time I am hearing it differently.

I am hearing that the person feels powerless and therefore unhappy and doesn’t know what to do about that.

They’re wanting to move into their creative power but don’t know how, or that they even have that option.

Most of them are also dealing with resistance.

They’re blocking themselves from moving into freedom by not engaging with the heart consciousness. We start by loving ourselves.

he creative process is so powerful. The creative process is life itself.

The creative process is evident in all that exists in all life forms.

When you are not intentionally focused on the creative process, you tend to feel disconnected from the manifestation that you would like to experience.

Life isn’t that exciting. There isn’t the momentum you wish to have.

You’re not experiencing the magic and the miracles because you’re not allowing yourself into the creative process,

where everything is here now for you to receive and for you to celebrate.

Create, create, create, dear master, for the fun of creating, for the joy of creating, for the magic of creating, for the power of creating.

If you make a salad or a sandwich or are cooking a delicious meal, you are creating.

You are creating a masterpiece if it is your perspective, if it is your focus.

When you are writing a letter, you are creating. When you are typing a message, you are creating.

When you are preparing your body for the day with your clothing and your hair and your style, you are creating.

And when you begin to play in the creative process all throughout the day,

you find that life becomes more fun, life becomes more enjoyable, life becomes more beautiful.

You feel more passionate, you feel more inspiration, you’re more tuned into intuition, and the energy that is lighting the way is brighter.

The energy flows, and there is more clarity. But you must be in the creative process.

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Spiritual awakening

How To Prepare For The Great Event.



On a day which no one can predict, completely unexpectedly, the full extent of the lies will come to light and be observed by the masses.

Humanity will realise that they have been grandiosely conned by their authorities.

Through intuition, you become aware of information about people, places and events that springs from the essence of those people, places and events.

This information is not delivered through the outside senses, although it may unfold within you at the same time that you receive sensory information.

No matter what has passed or what is to come, today is the day you can make changes for the better, if that is what you need or desire.

No-one can change your life but you you have made your decisions, spoken your words and done your deeds. Y

ou are living the life you have chosen and you are responsible for your situation, no matter how it came about or who else was involved.

At that point, due to the large number of awakenings, everything will turn for the better and everyone will turn towards the Light.

Consider the period now as preparation, but know that the breakthrough will surely come.

The Deep State Cabal matrix has been broken, it is now only about our mass awakening.

The felonious criminals must be seen with own eyes to know who and where they are.

The deeper you are rooted in yourself the more connected you are to your soul,

the greater your understanding about cosmic connections, and the easier and more harmonious you can live.

While visual information relates only to the sense of sight, intuitive information includes much more.

It includes all sensory information sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste and, in addition to that, the thoughts, feelings and memories that are relevant to the situation.

First impressions are more than just visual. They are intuitive as well.

When you are about to meet a person for the first time and you are approaching them,

you will receive a visual impression and your consciousness will also receive impressions about the nature of their consciousness, such as their true emotional state.

That intuitive stream of information will come into your awareness alongside the visual stream and,

if you are aware that it exists, you can add the intuitive information to your conscious impression of the person.

As inflammatory as these remarks may seem and despite the ire they may cause,

the fact remains that all people on Earth act and react in accordance to their self-belief systems and conditioning through childhood, school, peer and societal influences.

The desire to be liked, to fit in, to have friends or to gain approval may all contribute to decisions that have either negative or positive consequences.

Personal grief, emotional trauma, physical, mental or emotional abuse, lack of nurturing,

deprivation and poverty all of these and more can lead to lack of self-love, confidence and sense of self.

Like a self-fulfilling prophesy, the subsequent behaviours continue the cycle and people find themselves in situations that seem to have been thrust upon them by others but which,

in reality they have attracted through their negative beliefs about and lack of love for themselves.

Everything revolves around unguided independent thinking; unfortunately, few have been taught this.

with emphasis on autonomous thinking and individual intuition, took advantage of children’s natural eagerness to learn to teach this experiential knowledge in order to demote the classical follower attitude.

The power of the Deep State will give way the day the population rises up en masse, and shows, that planet earth belongs to them.

Remember that many are yet to tune in to this positive transformation, and that takes time.

Many incarnated souls on Third Dimensional Planet Earth have forgotten who they are, where they came from and what they came here to do.

That is the rule in this 3D School, because it is exactly what learning is: creating something while the soul is subject to the veil of oblivion.

The more you practice having an openness to intuitive information, the more this will develop.

Most people are not aware of their mental and emotional transmissions.

In a crowd of people, these transmissions add together and there is as much mental noise as there is physical noise.

As you become more in tune with your inner senses, you will find that, on some occasions,

it’s better not to access your intuitive information for a time, just to give yourself some peace from the volume of mental noise.

At night, when you travel out-of-body in the spirit realms, communication is different than when you are awake in your physical body.

The natural method of communication in your spirit body is to exchange information with others via thought.

In the spirit world, people naturally know when to open for a communication and when to close down their thought transmissions again.

There, you sense when a person ‘opens’ to you and sends a mental greeting, or when they are ‘closed’ and not offering any communication.

Making positive changes in your life is as simple as recognising that they need to be made.

Staying in denial will only perpetuate the cycle and the possibility of making the same mistakes, attracting the wrong type of people,

lack of financial abundance, continuing illness or the continuation of the cycle of abuse.

Whatever it is that needs changing or lifting from your psyche may not be evident or transparent,

for instance, emotional trauma can present as physical symptoms that have seemingly no cause.

Sometimes you may need assistance from a healer, psychic or counsellor to help you to unravel the cause of your issues.

Trust that it is worth the time and effort to do so because,

when you are free of emotional trauma and past baggage you are free to get on with your life without any extra burden.

All souls come from the Light. From the Light we came and to the Light we will one day return.

Even those who have been in other worlds of trial and reconciliation before, long before they came into Dimensions 5D and above.

Remember, only a small part of an exalted soul can descend to worlds of the Third Dimension,

for the risk of staying in this low-frequency realm for a long time is great.

Our returning extraterrestrial correspondent below is helping humanity on Earth with soul preparation needed for the transition to the World of the 5th Dimension.

In daily life, first impressions are intuitive as well as visual.

The reception of such information is automatic, but the conscious mind misses this information feed when it is focused entirely upon the external world.

Be more aware of your own intuitive information. Be open to it.

Then, it will flow right into your conscious mind along with the visual information that your conscious mind is receiving.

The world is weighed down with people’s negativity which is resulting in major upheavals on a global scale.

As enormous as the problems of the world may be, the impact of each and every individual who releases their emotional burdens and brings in the light of the Creator cannot be underestimated.

The more you let go of the past and of the negative beliefs you have about yourself the more light you let in and shine out.

When you heal yourself you also heal the world around you. It is that simple.


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