As humans, we are forever interacting with a multitude of earthly expressions and formulating our own response while integrating knowledge as we progress through life. Initially...
The discovery of your innate ability to become the greatest version of your own being may take time. Yet with the rising energies on this Earth...
Lessons can often only be learned through experiencing similar conditions to those that led to karma being incurred. All through your experiences you are helped through...
how willing you are to keep an open mind now to changing your beliefs, and how you are choosing to perceive your reality, is what will...
You are all aware that to understand anything from a spiritual perspective can be quite difficult. However, things can be explained through stories as in the...
We greet you in this moment now to help you in lifting consciously, expanding and establishing to track right into a more degree of your soul...
we connect with you in this moment now, and indeed, invite you to tune in with your awareness to a point of light at the center...
You wanted to take this part of your journey consciously, and you knew that you needed something to awaken you, to get you to go on...
everything on the planet is in the stage of purification and transforming. co-creators still have a lot to do for fulfilling the plan of the absolutes....
threed was a time of acceptance, playing it safe, and staying within boxes of rightness. your new world is exactly the opposite. so your inner thoughts...
each crystal inside the universe has its own traits, which lead them to the elements they’re in nature. sturdy, from time to time notably impenetrable, but...
Earth and we must constantly evolve, changing in accordance with incoming new energies and ideas. And these ideas and energies should be getting not through the...
You, yourselves, are able to preserve your self in those higher frequencies because you have got been elevating your vibration, unlike those of the forces of...
Always know that whatever you face, you will always overcome. Know also that you are the author and master of your own fate. I implore each...
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