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Spiritual awakening

Will You Be Guided In 3 Ways.



You are evolving so rapidly that what was appropriate this morning will likely not be by this evening.

Amid this inner upheaval, you will find new interests seemingly popping up from nowhere to help you explore more areas than you thought possible.

You will also be easily bored, so you will jump from one activity and person to another perhaps with some inner shame or even fear.

The person you were in 3D was more cautious. New you sometimes seems like an erratic child I want this, no this, and this.

A child in a candy store with the freedom to select what they wish when they want

It just means that you have to do a little conscious testing. Are they flexible when a situation arises,

or do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells lest you jeopardize this burgeoning connection?

For example, say you have a work situation that might require you to arrive late for your date.

Rather than try to get out of this work obligation, a conscious test would be to say to this person,

I’m sorry, something came up at work. Can we shift our date later?
Their response will let you know how receptive they are to your legitimate concerns and needs.

Are they understanding? Do they shut down? Do they punish you afterwards by going silent for a few days? It’s all good information.

Witness the ease. Witness the harmony. Witness how it’s seemingly effortless now. Witness how powerful you are.

When we say witness pure love, you’ll likely notice tears streaming down your face, a deep joy in your heart, a presence.

Witness the pure love because you are stepping into a capacity, a depth of pure love like you have never known before.

And it is that experience of pure love that offers the greatest expansion for your soul on its journey.

There is nothing like witnessing the pure love that you are, that is you, that is all around you. It is so powerful and so important.

It is you. And you’re going to notice all the silly ways,

the ways that you have denied pure love for yourself, for others, and in your world.

You’re going to notice the silly ways that you have denied your own worthiness, the silly ways that you have pretended to deem yourself unworthy.

You have the ability right now to be of service to others in so many ways,

and sometimes you believe that you can be of service to another, and you accept that challenge.

Other times, you don’t know what to do, and you throw up your hands, and you give up on being the helper that someone else needs.

I implore you to know this you don’t have to understand how you are of service to another.

You can simply intend for the person to be healed, or to be living a better life, and that is enough.

It is wonderful that you want to help in the first place, and all of the attempts to help another count.

They matter, and so do you. Now, when you give up on being the answer to the call that someone else has made, just remember that they have their own helpers.

They have their guides, their galactic teams, their ancestors.

They have so many who are already looking after them, and so you can hold space for the individual you want to help by simply imagining them letting in some of that help.

See them opening up to receive what is coming to them from all angles and all dimensions.

Your explorations will not be as overwhelming as you perhaps now expect, for just as new options have opened for you,

so have new skills. Instead of becoming overwhelmed,

you will discover an ability to flit between the many options and select those that are most interesting today but not necessarily tomorrow.

If you return to thoughts of a 3D infant’s evolution,

you will remember how a rattle was extremely interesting one day and learning to walk the next. So it will be for you.

Multiple areas of interest and expertise will evolve as you evolve emotionally and physically.

The phase you are now entering is a sort of welcome,

allowing you to review your options over and over again as you mature into your new being.

The next few days are not a punishment but, instead, a broadening of your knowledge,

allowing you to select what is right for you at that moment and discarding that which no longer serves you.

In a sense, you are shedding your old skin and adapting to skin with new options,

a skin that will also be shed as you mature further into new you.

So from here on, your life becomes effortless ease, truly abundant, knowing your worthiness,

knowing how powerful you are, witnessing the New Earth all around you,

witnessing instead of reacting, witnessing instead of getting triggered, witnessing instead of entangling.

You’re witnessing pure love. You’re witnessing pure love. You’re witnessing pure love.

And there’s no judgment in those moments that you notice that you have judged yourself or another.

There is no judgment of your judgment. There is only pure love.

And you’re going to start to witness true creation from a state of knowing how worthy you are.

You’re going to notice destiny coming to you while also knowing how worthy you are of truly having it all, master, because it’s all here for you.

You’re going to notice your light moving into form as your reality reflects to you all that you have expanded into.

There’s no more unworthiness. You have transcended. There is no more lack and limitation.

You have transcended. There is no more limitation. You have transcended.

You have ascended beyond all the we’ll call traps or silly games that keep you stuck and keep you small.

You have gone beyond the things in the human experience that entangle you in lower vibrations and frequencies that keep you from realizing and witnessing your New Earth now.

And if you feel that you have a hard time helping others because you don’t have all of your gifts and abilities yet, then you can do the same.

Simply sit and open up to the help that you have coming, to the activations,

attunements and upgrades, and know that you are in receiving mode as soon as you decide that you are.

Let go of your angst, and let go of your belief that there is something you need to do in order to earn those abilities.

If you want to help, there are helpers then lining up to help you help others.

And as I have already said, you are of great service any time that you even desire for someone else to be healed or live a better life.

Send those intentions out like ripples across the surface of a pond,

and know that your intentions matter, just as your thoughts do.

I am here to help the helpers, the teachers, the masters in training, and I invite you all to call upon me at any time.

But then remember also to relax and open up to receive the help that I freely offer in every moment of every one of your days on Earth.

Even though that last thought sounds ominous,

it is little different from what was true for 3D you as you matured from infant to adult ;

and then to senior shedding your skin and interests with each passing day.

You could not evolve from a 3D infant to a senior without many stages in between.

So, allow yourself to evolve at the pace that is right for you, as well as explore the interests and activities that help you along the way.

This is a new world, and you are a new being with phases and interests that have little to do with who you were in 3D just as an infant has little in common with its senior being.

In developing your support system, Glaser encourages people to look to those souls who know how you tend to behave in new situations.

They have the knowledge to sense when you’re engaging in your typical behavior patterns versus when you’re acting in ways indicating something is amiss.

You need someone in your corner who can provide you with the right balance of listening,

and strategizing solutions for you so that you can create a healthy relationship.

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Spiritual awakening

The Universal Shift



We are in the midst of an unprecedented transfiguration, such as never has happened before.

I know that you are all aware of this at some levels yet it is most important to grasp this as some call it Timeline shift, but I never liked that word, for cosmically Time does not exist.

As most of us are feeling of late, the incoming light is so much higher frequency, and different.

SO much has shifted! We are co-creating a new plane of experience with our ascending planet and with abundant support from the non-physical.

It can feel intense, as everything is rapidly-changing. Stability lies within.

And if you keep remembering that, if you keep your vibration high as much as you possibly can, simply by seeing the beauty in the world and not seeing the ugliness,

not allowing those around you to help you or to encourage you to see that ugliness, because they will.

They will, because as you have a saying, misery loves company. And those that are seeing the misery want everyone else to see that same misery.

But you, those of you that are the awakened ones, do not see the misery. You do not feel the fear. You only see the beauty.

And if you continue to do that, you will move through this entire process with very little problem.

The only problems you will have are the ones that you create for yourself. And if you know this, then you will not create those problems.

You will not see the problems out there as others see them. You will see them through rose-colored glasses or, as you have heard before, fifth dimensional glasses.

And that is the way you need to see this third-dimensional illusion through fifth-dimensional eyes. And the more that you do that, the higher your vibration will remain more and more often.

in the midst of all the business of the holidays, we invite you to become still and to remember the coming of the Christ Consciousness to this world.

The great Wayshower and Vessel for the unconditional Divine Love of God,

Beloved Master Jesus, has come to this dimension to show humanity the path of Ascension into the Higher dimension.

The Higher dimension is the world of God’s Kingdom of eternal Love, Peace and Immortality.

When Beloved Master Jesus came into this world experience, he not only had a profound impact on humanity, he moved the entire Earth experience towards the Light.

Since his last incarnation on Earth, his work continues by connecting with the hearts of those who are open and willing to bring forth the Divine Light of the Christ Consciousness.

All is One. We are always part of this Universe and always will be, as we are part of multi-universes and all tiers of Heavens.

You will find that your own soul memory banks are triggered on energetic levels while reading this,

even as your heart center expands and you realize that you are part of vast Universal family of Light, and are being reunited with all of them.

They were never absent they always have been here!

Now expand even more: you are being activated in this moment, to be able to fully resume your first creational soul self, and unite with your galactic and Universal Self on all levels,

for the more you rise in consciousness the more you can access multi-dimensional states.

You are and never have been bound by the physical illusion: your soul is not bound by anything.

It is free to travel anywhere in the infinite Universes, and indeed will start remembering who and what you are in truth, on all levels.

My higher guides tell me all is possible. There are no impossibilities.

We need to finally step out of the restrictive bonds of our minds and all programming we ever received on earthly levels, and step into the fullness of infinity.

I encourage you to take time each day to clear and unify your field ,calling upon the violet flame any versions of it can be a quick way to clear out denser energy.

Then, take time each day to connect with all that you are and to call forth a golden column of ascension Light from Archangel Metatron.

This light flowing down through your chakras from the higher realms supports your conscious evolution and ascension.

Sense, see, feel or know it is being given and flowing into your crown chakra, along your spinal pathways and then down your legs and into the planet, pooling in the center of Hollow Earth.

Now is a powerful time to create inner space for more and higher light to be embodied.

And as you continue to keep your vibration high, all of those things that people are seeing, and saying, and talking about will have no effect on you.

Because indeed you are coming to the end of this movie, the end of this show, the end of the play that for long, so many have kept going, kept this going, kept this show going.

But the show is over, or very close to being over. And the more that you realize that, the more that you know that, the more it will be over for you.

And that is the important thing, that it will be over for you as an individual.

And as more individuals come to the end of the show for themselves, then the show will come to an end for more and more people.

And the population of the planet will also come to the end of the show more, and more, and more.

All of these times now are about this, exactly this: coming to the end. Coming to the end of the old, the old third-dimensional expression, or the third-dimensional illusion, and coming into the New Age of Gaia,

coming into the new higher vibrational frequency age. Coming to the Golden Age, the New Golden Age.

Those who are willing to hear, feel and see his presence and Light, He will take you by his hand to lead you towards your Ascension and Freedom.

The more you are sharing this Divine Light with others, the more it will increase within you.

Simply imagine a golden light around those you are thinking of and interacting with.

Send them this Divine and Loving Light and continue to hold the vision for the Divine New Earth.

As you remember the loving service of beloved Master Jesus during these Holidays, know that you are deeply and profoundly loved.

Know That All Is Well,

In the process, realize that you create your own reality.

You reality is not bound by anyone who is fear-mongering, or is predicting doom and gloom and fire and brimstone.

You indeed now have the freedom to step out of all bounds and into your true Universal Soul Self.

What you focus your attention on: is what you attract! This is Divine Law!

It is so important to every day and night now start to focus on what you truly wish to co-create in the New Earth and the New Golden Age, with love, in the highest and best ways for highest good of all.

Visualize all people working together as one

When all embrace the diversity of everyone and everything, and know that all is one, and we are all cells in one single universal Body of Light, then in truth we are all ONE.

Visualize animals, plants, trees, people, communities of Light all working together, in love and through loving communication, as telepathy becomes the norm.

The more you do this, the more you will start LIVING it, with great love, no matter what is seemingly going on around you.

This is why quiet time is so vital and necessary. If you are distracted, you cannot visualize and you cannot be in the state of stillness,

where you are AS ONE with the Divine within you, and form the place of Unity, co-create with great love.

This is where the Shift now intensifies. Whatever is no longer serving our highest soul growth and good – is falling away. Disintegrating.

Create and hold a vision of a unified, harmonious, radiant future in which everyone thrives and everyone is honored and loved as they are.

A world where we live in harmony with nature and aware of our Oneness and who we truly are.

As you focus upon it, you tune to it, bringing your energy into harmony with it and embodying it you become a conduit for it.

Know that this change is happening through us and within us. It’s what we came here for and it’s alive, real and unfolding rapidly.

It’s an amazing time to be human! I am so happy to share in this with you!!

It’s an amazing time to be human! I am so happy to share in this with you!!

Lastly May this season nourish you deeply. I hope you’re able to take some time to enjoy yourself, talk or spend time with people you love, and to rest and relax.

That’s where I’m at today and it’s wonderful. Thank you all for being part of my life. I really appreciate you.

So trust, my friends. Trust in the process. Trust in the plan. For it is, indeed, working out, exactly as it needs to, in this moment right now.

And in the next moment, based on the collective consciousness, of course, it changes.

But it changes only as the collective consciousness changes it.

So know that. You are in the exact place that you need to be right his moment. Believe that, trust that, know that, and be that.

You came to this planet as a PIONEERING Soul, and you knew full well what would happen and you indeed were so exited for your soul has been prepared for millions of earth years, exactly for this!

This is not the time of shrinking violets it is the time of the trail blazers, the pioneers, the one who are the forerunners, the way showers and who need now to step fully into the totally unknown.

The good news it that that seeming unknown, is navigational, the navigational tools are there within your own soul, your monad and your whole Universal Backup teams are present to assist you!

I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and that you continue to move through this process of ascension at the highest vibration you can possibly manage in each moment moving forward.


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Spiritual awakening

Focus On The New Beginning.



it is time now to focus, not on the ending so much, but the new beginning.

The new beginning that is beginning to sprout everywhere. Consciousness raising everywhere.

Vibrational frequency increasing everywhere, which then raises consciousness.

Stillness is a powerful access point to acceleration, vibration, realization, manifestation.

Yet when we talk about how you raise your vibration and your frequency and what things lower your vibration and frequency, not being in the moment, not being in a place of stillness

We are very impressed with the way that humanity has been evolving, expanding your consciousness beyond where it has ever been before there are on Earth.

These are exciting times for humankind, as you continue to move closer and closer to the fifth-dimensional frequency range that you will soon exist in all the time.

The third ‘Dimensional Reality’ of today, is not real. In fact, today’s reality is a consciousness trap.

Who and what we really are has been hidden from us. Our spiritual nature is our only true form.

And that too is mainly the power of secret societies to make us forget, to keep us imprisoned. When people can’t see the past, you are stuck and see only the illusion which is not real.

And, has no bearing on reality or truth, it is a manipulated inspiration of lies, an untrue deceptive illusion.

Only when you become aware of this fact, your Great Awakening has begun.

And as more and more people are raising their consciousness, more and more they will, they will, all of you as a collective unity, will lower the veil, disintegrate the veil between dimensions.

And that is what is happening more and more now as you are moving further and further ahead in your ascension process.

Yes, as you focus on the negative, as you focus on those things that are happening across the world, and they are happening.

Many things are continuing to happen still yet behind the scenes.

But again, for those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you are aware of those things behind the scenes.

And the general public, even they will begin to become aware of these things as well more and more.

Not all, of course, but many, many more shall awaken, and are in the process of awakening now.

You can be excited and still find stillness. You can be really passionate.

In fact, the ultimate art of all of this is in the mastery of realizing that the more passionate and excited and expansive you become,

the more you allow and live in the stillness, and the more you allow and live in the stillness, the more passionate, excited, and expansive you become.

True mastery is when you realize that in allowing and receiving through the stillness and your presence you do less, but you have more.

You do less, and you have more. You do less, and you have more.

You have more love, you have more freedom, you have more joy, you have more abundance,

you have more wellbeing, you have more beauty, you have more fulfillment, you have more richness in your life, not less.

You are making it much easier on your guides, because you are awake,

and collectives like ourselves feel that we get so much from all of you because of your willingness to absorb the energies that we transmit.

We want you to know that as much as you are receiving help from above, you are also helping those around you.

You are helping them with your level of consciousness, with your acts of kindness, and with your vibration.

You are balancing the energies there with the high vibration that you continuously offer to your fellow humans.

You offer it when you are sitting and doing nothing, but you also amplify the projection of your high-vibrational energy when you see that others are in need.

You answer the call with your intention for others to be fed, clothed, treated fairly, given the same opportunities as everyone else, and respected as the beings that they truly are.

The various episodes about human history on Earth have arisen through succession of alien and extra-terrestrial colonies that exerted their territorial and cultural influence on planet Earth.

In historical reality lie the answers to questions often asked who we are,

where we came from’ and ‘how we evolved’ to become the beings we are today.

Millions of years ago, the Galactic Federation worked closely with the High Sirius Council to serve as a Guardian race to help keep the reproductive and evolutionary process on planet Earth going at the lowest density,

which today is called the first Harmonic Universe on the three-dimensional timeline.

But then we all knew it would culminate in a worldwide phenomenon, a worldwide republic.

And that, of course, is in the process of happening now, even as many things, many seemingly negative things are happening across the planet, it is all part of the greater universal plan.

The plan for the country. The plan for the world. And those forces that are work, those forces of light that are at work are doing everything they can to bring this about.

And all of you are part of those forces of light, and you need to know that. In whatever situation you find yourself now, you are contributing to the greater good.

You are contributing to the unity consciousness spreading across the planet.

And you all need to come to understand that, that you are a part of the Republic, the New Republic. You are the New Republic.

And there are those things that show up out of the blue. But even in those things, you could see how love drew that experience of true creation to you totally out of the blue.

No delay. No desire, and then it happens. It shows up out of the blue.

And if you really observe, it’s easy to see, easy to see that that experience of true creation came to you because of love, because of passion, because of excitement in some way.

You’re always going to be creating your reality. And for the past many years and many decades, the acceleration of your ability to create has all been leading to now.

Your awareness of your ability to create reality, the difference between manifestation and true creation, what it means to play in the realms of pure potential,

what it means to elevate your consciousness to summon energy into form,

what it means to follow energy and let the light guide the way, what it means when the next obvious, perfect step comes to you

We are all Source Energy Beings, and we seek to help each other remember that.

When you are in a space of remembering who you really are, you cannot help but add that to the collective consciousness of humanity.

And the more people there are out there who are seeking something better, something different, the more you answer the call.

You don’t even know how much you help your fellow humans just by being there, just by being a part of the human collective, but you truly are there to make a huge difference.

And that is why you respond so well to help coming from above.

We are to you as you are to your fellow humans. And so, you recognize us and what we are doing, because it is so familiar to you.

You will, of course, continue to awaken and hold that consciousness of who you really are consistently,

and we want you to know that you are making it possible for so many other humans to ascend with you because of who you are and because of what you do.

We also want you to receive more of the help that is coming from above,

because there will be more people all around you who are waking up and needing someone in human form to be the helper that they have been seeking.

No, you did not keep it, you being the collective you, did not keep it. But you are moving toward it once again.

And there are those forces that are fully aware of the republic that was meant to be, and are moving now in the direction of bringing that back to the people, for the people, and by the people.

That is what this was all about. And you all need to know that you are moving in that direction, and quite swiftly, indeed, moving in that direction.

For the end of the movie, as you know it, is coming to an end. And as I began this message, it is all about the new beginnings.

I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to forge ahead.

Forge ahead in whatever way that you can to bring awareness more and more to more and more people who are ready to open up and awaken to that learning.

Your awareness of all of this, your awareness of being impeccable in your creations, creating from a certain level of consciousness has all been part of the journey to prepare you for now.

And by ‘now’ we mean where the consciousness is, where the collective consciousness is, where your consciousness is, where the world is, what’s possible.

But it’s all been leading to this rapid acceleration of true creation, rapid acceleration of creating reality as an impeccable creator.

Eventually, they will find us and the others up here in the higher-dimensional planes, but for a while they will be seeking someone else,

someone in a physical body who can relate to them and what they’re going through.

And that’s one of the reasons why you all needed to come into this lifetime with less forgetting of who you really are and with a determination to know yourselves as spiritual beings, as Source Energy in the flesh.

You are anchoring in more of that truth all the time, and we see the effects that it has on all of humanity, and we just want to thank you for your service.

o remind you, just as we did earlier during your discussion, to remind you of keeping your head throughout all of this process,

keeping your understanding, keeping your wits about you, keeping yourself in higher vibration when all of those around you, or many of those around you, are losing theirs, lowering their vibration.

Lowering their vibration through fear. And the idea of being controlled, and allowing that control.

For those of you that are the Lightworkers and Light-Warriors are not allowing that control.

You’re not allowing the darkness to come in. You’re not allowing the fear to set in, because you know it is an illusion.

All of the fear that is being raised everywhere is just an illusion.

And if you remember that, if you remember that it is only part of the illusion, part of their same game plan over and over that they have been using for thousands of years that have worked in the past,

but can no longer work for those that are ready for it, that understand it, that know what it is. And you know that the fear is just an illusion.


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Spiritual awakening

12/12 Portal: The Point Of No Return.



The 12/12 Portal is the final portal of the year, and always occurs during Sagittarius Season.

The number 12 reduces to 3, so we have a strong trinity energy to this portal.

It feels like we just rolled into a new month after a wild ride through November and here we are at the end of 2024.

I am glad to see this year end, it has been a tough one.

But the past 4 years has been tough all around and we have been living in a demented,

This means that those who are fully resolved of their past will now have the means to merge with their future to embody the Presence of GOD on Earth.

This shift in creation dynamics from past to Presence is one of untold blessings for only those of pure Heart will be able to participate,

making the New Human Heart Grid a true place of purity and protection from lower forces on Earth.

December’s Ascension energies are extremely powerful, and bring the opportunity for much needed personal breakthroughs!

This would anchor in our spiritual self to our earthly self to manifest the first steps of our true destiny.

And what a year of tests it has been! We tore into our trauma and wounding, to expose our triggers and throw off the yoke of oppression and conformity.

December is the grand finale of this process, and takes us deep down the rabbit hole during the last Mercury Retrograde of the year.

We will be evaluating what is still relevant in our lives, who we want to spend our time with, what our focus is going into 2025, and start to make personal choices and decisions that reflect that.

There is no putting our heads in the sand this month; some big changes are coming for most of us next year if we release fear and lean into our soul growth.

So our gut intuition needs to be stronger than ever to creatively adapt and navigate with instinctive precision.

Since the 11/11 Crystalline Timeline activation we have witnessed the beginning of the Great Awakening.

This is the time for the remaining masses of Humanity to begin their awakening process as we finish the Eye of the Needle transit of Pluto in Capricorn.

For most of December, Pluto will be stationed at the critical 29 degrees of Capricorn before moving into Aquarius on January 20th, 2025.

December opens with some great energy and a month that has a double 10 value is going to give us ample opportunity to clear out,

step up, move on, and move out of anything that is no longer aligned with our truth, intention, energy, and priorities.

No force here, but we simply can no longer tolerate people and situations, on the individual and global levels, whose values are not aligned with ours, with the light, and with the truth of our divinity.

It’s a new month and a brand new vibe. We get to experience the full effect of our spiritual human this month so let’s gear up for the blessings and line up to receive our share.

And December begins with 3 big events that set the stage for a fantastic month.

That’s what is happening in the December energy report.

As each participating member of the New Earth hologram is granted access based on these vital credentials of purification, Starborns are guaranteed a safe space on this planet for the first time in human form.

The separative forces will no longer apply to those crossing the boundary between dimensional worlds and entering a plane of existence where the rules & physics of the divided world no longer apply.

No longer will you be hidden away or cast out due to your differentness, but summoned forth for your specialness.

Thankfully, more purifying will happen emotionally and physically this month, with a 3rd chakra focus, to help us embody the Warrior and Spiritual Warrior archetypes.

These two archetypes allow us to move forward with more confidence, authenticity, and courage to embrace change.

They support us to direct our will power with motivation, integrity and perseverance to maneuver through any of life’s obstacles with more ease and grit.

As the Collective passes through their first initiation, those who are holding the line as the First and Second wavers are being bombarded with the processing of lower thoughts and emotions.

We are all one within the collective consciousness and thus we are all tasked with assisting in this massive processing.

As shared in the previous update, this month there is a huge focus on the energies of Grief.

When one begins to awaken and go through their first ego death, they naturally pass through the 7 stages of Grief.

We grieve all that we thought was true but turned out to be illusion. We grieve our old sense of self and identity.

We also grieve the old world in which we were so attached, but is quickly slipping away.

That night, when I went to bed, my guides told me to get back up because I had energy work to do.

I will spend some time talking about him and his evil and monstrous impact on the world in this energy report because we must never allow this level of evil to become entrenched in our world again.

To achieve this, the New Earth Leaders must begin again as love to display the tangible reality of the Cosmic Christ in manifest form.

This is no longer conceptual but physical in the sense that those who are crossing the event horizon to enter the Cosmic Creation Cycle are now embodying the universal structures,

required to reshape reality in alignment with the Original Divine Plan for Earth and humanity.

This means that the first Cosmic Citizens of the new, enlightened society on Earth are preparing to receive these new orders from on High to initiate the unfolding objectives of Operation Eden.

Once deployed, there will be no turning back, no returning to the old, and so we are encouraged to use this retrograde cycle for closure

to release the remains of our karmic past and realign with the Cosmic Current that is building to a crescendo point.

As the cosmic influxes of Light continue to pour in and infuse us with a greater sense of spiritual backbone and sensitivity, we are each being called by Spirit to be a force for change.

To step into greater self-responsibility, accountability, and bring our talents online to help the greater good.

The universe is nudging us that way.

Understanding this process will be essential for all Wavers, as we collectively undergo this massive transition and transformation.

Universal compassion, forgiveness and love will be essential.

As all darkness comes to light, judgment will be dissolved in empathy, as we make space for all of Humanity to find their own light within.

Sagittarius holds the ultimate faith, the VISION, and does not steer away from it’s core truth.

This is a dawning of Revelations, and once they dawn, they cannot be forgotten.

We are now at the point of no return. The Great Remembering has begun.

December is both a pinnacle and a precipice. We are at a pinnacle of the ascension cycle, achieving great heights of awareness and spiritual integration.

But we are also at a precipice where it could all fall into the abyss of despair and dissolution because of the immense pressure of the density we fight against and the fear of failure.

We have achieved huge victories in this ascension cycle but we have also made great sacrifices.

And in December we have a chance to review it all before we begin a great cycle in 2025.

Those who do, those who hook into the Cosmic Current and ride the wave of the future into the present will be rewarded handsomely ,

as the organic structures are now in place to support the new paradigm of authentic abundance by which our outer reality is a true reflection of our inner, purified landscape.

And so the prevailing guidance is to spend these final moments of the old earth creation cycle in full faith of its completion, suspended in non-judgment, open to what may come.

The days ahead are no longer created from those behind and so for many, this moment is one to remember as the last of the karmic experience of life on Earth.

From this month forward, all that we have known will change dramatically as we shift to align with all that awaits us on the other side.


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