Spiritual awakening
The Great Quantum Transition.

There is a huge awakening happening on so many levels and I will focus now, as I am being shown, and immense awakening of a sacred sites.
As the last veil fully dissolves, all that was hidden in the dark of the Collective unconscious is coming to light in all kinds of ways, shapes, and forms.
This affects us all, our inner and outer realities, and we’ve been thrown many tests that allow us to fully rise in our true mastery and deepen into our Kryst Cosmic Consciousness Embodiment,
to fully align with our already ascended Diamond Avatar Self.
Many emotional energies have been released in your sleep time.
Still, there is quite a bit to release for you to gain your freedom from the third dimensional illusion.
All is perfectly timed and on schedule.
What is happening during this ascension process?
Gradually, you are able to see through the illusion of the lower dimension so that you can transition into the higher dimensions.
What does the illusion of the lower dimension look like?
It is filled with all negative and unpleasant experiences.
Every time, you don’t feel love and joy, you are experiencing the illusion.
The truth is that the illusion isn’t real.
It might “look and feel’ real, however, the illusion comes from nothing and will go back from nothing, the moment you let go of it.
We have noticed the recent surge in energies there on planet Earth that are coming from your sun,
and we do want you to recognize that solar activity is sometimes a reflection of the vibration that you have been offering there as a collective,
and other times it is the sun’s way of answering your requests for help.
You have a relationship with your sun, just like you have a relationship with your Earth and with your soul.
These helpers that are aware of you at all times can have an enormous impact on your mood, on your level of consciousness, on your thoughts,
and even on your actions, and when you purposefully allow in their help, you have the ability to grow exponentially.
Many people who are still completely asleep are about to learn that their entire lifetime and generations before them have been nothing but LIES.
The Trump Presidency no doubt stirred the pot to put it mildly but it is time.
It is going to take some time to get over this. Some may never. The entire planet is going to be Re-wired.
Every system and every technology that you know now will be obsolete. It’ll never work trying to fix the old system it needs to be completely torn down.
Nothing in this third dimensional reality will be relevant to where we’re heading.
The first step is to become aware of the illusion.
It is as if you turn on the light in a dark room.
The moment you turn the light of your awareness on, the darkness disappears into nothing.
So, simply become aware of you experiences, if they are based on love or on fear.
If they are based on fear in some way, simply call it out and say:
You are not real! You have no power! You are not of God!
This acts as if you are turning the light on in a dark room.
Now the Light of God can shine in your life and you are able to let go of the illusion to step into the higher dimensions.
We champion your victory in the Light!
You are there to take consciousness where it has never been before in the solar system, and Earth knows that, and so does your sun.
Your souls, of course, all wanted to have that experience of growing the Earth human consciousness,
taking all of Source Energy to a higher level of consciousness by first going deep down into the trenches there on planet Earth.
And so, the sun is doing so much more than just providing light, warmth, and the ability for all of you to grow food.
You are blanketed in the energies of your sun all the time, and when you open up to receive them,
you have so much more of what you need and what you’ve been asking for.
You do not need to spend hours and hours basking in the sun,
and you do not need to sun gaze in order to benefit from what you are receiving from your friend in the skies.
But taking a moment in every day to allow the sun’s energies in is a very good idea.
Giving thanks and appreciation is always a good idea, and where would you be without your sun?
How would you live there on Earth? It would not be possible.
All matter is imbued with consciousness, and all beings have different levels of consciousness within them.
You need to start thinking of your sun as a being, as well as a helper, because that is the true nature of the soul of the solar system.
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure always.
Recognize that when you become aware of solar flares, and solar storms, and other solar activity,
including eclipses, you have an opportunity to bond more, to connect more to this being that is providing you with so much,
including these little reminders that you always have help coming from above, coming from the heavens.
And so, we are continuously telling you about the help you are getting from us, from the Sirians, from the Lyrans, from the Andromedans,
from the Pleiadians, and so on, and this transmission is a little reminder that you also have other helpers in the heavens.
Remember that the next time you feel alone or you have accessed some despair.
Remember that the sun is always shining, and that when you receive what you are being given, you allow so much more to be sent.
Remember that you have a relationship with so many other beings, besides your fellow humans, and use all of the help you are getting, all of the tools,
the knowledge that you have at your disposal, because you took on a lot in this lifetime,
you have faced many challenges, and you will face more, but you will never face any of them alone.
In fact, the Transition has been going on for a long time. For many, it is difficult, painful, frightening due to the received energies.
But this is a healing and helping process, and by our INNER WORK we have to endure it.
It was to SAVE BILLIONS OF LIVES on 3D Earth that the annihilating Solar Flash was canceled ten years ago.
Moreover, since then, THOUSANDS OF OPERATIONS have been carried out and are still continuing on the physical,
and Subtle Plane of the Local Universe and Earth to remove EVERYTHING that hinders our Transition.
but this is only the smallest, visible part, in which a lot of Lightwarriors were killed or died, sacrificing their lives, what many contemptuously call fiction.
In earlier messages I have discussed the path of breathing and the path of observation.
The first one involved breathing slowly and deeply.
The second one involved observing your thoughts and emotions as they come up, without judging them or trying to change them or suppressing them.
I invited you to do both of those things daily, even if only for a minute each.
Today I will share another path towards spiritual growth. However, contrary to the previous two paths,
I think today’s path will only be appropriate for some of you, at this current moment.
One of the reasons for that is that the energies are rising very rapidly right now, and I know that a lot of you are already exhausted, or struggling in some area of life.
I empathize, and for those people, rest or addressing pressing issues may be more appropriate at this current time than starting another spiritual path.
Another reason is that this path will simply not appeal to everyone.
However, if you do choose to diligently practice today’s path, you may gain great spiritual growth relatively quickly.
From them, came new circular Light waves of awakened consciousness and powerful thought forms.
The planet sparkled and shone like a Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve.
On the Subtle Plane, the pulsations of the North Pole intensified.
Through it and the equator, streams of Light from space rushed to the places from which Dark energy was jetted.
Mixing with the incoming quantum waves, everything began to boil.
From the South Pole, the recycled cocktail was removed from Earth by continuous explosions, and, in orbit, was collected by Argorians modules for later use.
The operation helped to overcome the most critical point of recent days, but in March many new ones are possible.
In addition to transforming quantum fluxes and Solar Flashes, they will be created by radiation from Stars and planetary stelliums. Which ones, and how can they help us?
We appreciate your willingness to spend time cultivating and celebrating your multidimensionality, the truth of your being.
When you open to a transmission such as this, that is what you are doing: opening to us via your own vast eternalness.
Which also opens you to an inner, multidimensional wellspring of joy, of abundance, of ecstasy and expansion!
Today we wish to speak of stillness and the value of it in your daily lives. It’s such a simple thing to be still, with your body, and to let yourself settle into stillness, on the inside.
When you take time to sit, in stillness… Doing nothing. Just being.
Allowing your mind to quiet, your energy naturally becomes more fine, harmonious and is clarified.
This reordering of your energy is a natural part of Life.
It’s always available to you, as a way of centering, refreshing, realigning and coming home to who you truly are.
The real you is infinite, spacious, timeless, eternal. And always expanding.
When you are in resonance with All That You Are, you feel this way.
You feel spacious, free, wide open, flowing. And you have a sense of time standing still, or being wide open, spacious.
Spiritual awakening
The Transformation of Earth and Humanity

Today we want to return to the future of the Earth. In the previous message we were talking to you about the possible transformations of your planet.
We are approaching the Equinox with you, with a sense of anticipation, as we see many of you are, too.
You are right to look forward to this alignment, for the potency and possibilities of it, are great.
And as you give your attention to this alignment, you join others who amplify the energy and openness of Life on Earth to these vaster frequencies emanating from the Universe,
into your planetary sphere for the purpose of activating and supporting the Earth’s ascension and your healing and conscious evolution.
But first, we wish to say that that was quite a message from the one, Ashtar!
And there are messages that are going to come through from many different sources as we find it now more and more.
And they are going to pick up in intensity we will tell you. Because those times that you have been waiting for, wishing for, dreaming about, are upon you now.
And you are indeed what has been called ‘in the storm.
It is not the storm coming any longer; you are in the storm now. It is raging all around you.
But you, always you within that storm, within that eye of the storm, continue to be in that eye of the storm and let things revolve and rage around you, and be calm.
Be calm within the storm, and know that all is at hand, and all is exactly as it needs to be for the greater plan to continue to work out in this realm.
This is why we have always told you that your thoughts, your words are very important in the life of the Earth and of humanity.
Any thought of Peace, of serenity will bring sweetness to the Earth and to its humanity.
But, of course, spiteful thoughts, gestures of violence whatever they are bring to Earth and its humanity the duality that you are currently experiencing.
The transformation of the Earth can only be followed by a transformation of humanity.
One is not without the other. Earth and you, earthly humanity, are one being. You are bound by the Creator’s Universal Energy Love, you are Him, HE is you.
So, understand that when there is a strong duality it all reflects on all of you, Earth and humanity, but also in your galaxy and in your universe.
The Earth being in a phase of great transformation it also involves a transformation of your galaxy,
because the new energies of the Earth have repercussions on the energies of all the other planets around from you and much further.
Life on Earth is accelerating and there are many timelines in play now.
It can be very beneficial to you, to ground and connect each day, to your Divine Self; your own greater wholeness.
We suggest you do this rather than grounding into the Earth, for the Earth is dynamically present and also present in many different versions simultaneously now.
So depending upon your vibration you will connect with a resonant version of Earth.
What can be more beneficial to you now, is anchor into your own greater wholeness, the totality of your being.
You can do this by imagining running a thick line of light up your spinal pathway into the higher realms and connecting with All That You Are.
We suggest you do this daily and also that you invite your Divine Self, to share with you gifts of consciousness.
You can always ask your Divine Self to give you whatever consciousness would be most beneficial to you now.
We have the first of the banks here in the United States have defaulted.
I have heard that all the banking is mirrored with the Quantum Financial System.
I am just wondering how we access this Quantum Financial System, if you know?
You are correct in the term of ‘mirroring. That is a wonderful way to put it.
And we will say here that that was not the first bank to default. It is the first one to be known to do so.
But there are others that are in that process now as we speak. And you are indeed going to experience the falling of the dominos here as they go, one by one.
We are not only speaking of the Central Banks, as you understand them, but the entire system is coming down.
And as it comes down, there is another system ready to move in to replace it, the Quantum Financial System is indeed ready to replace this.
But there must first be those things that have to occur first to allow for the general population to be acquainted with this new system that you already know about.
And we will say as far as preparation goes, everything that you are doing now, talking about now to prepare, is what you need to do.
And do not have fear though, as Ashtar was pretty prominent in saying here.
Do not feel the fear, do not experience fear, as the rest of the population around you will be experiencing that,
as they go to their banks and find that their money is gone, that they cannot get it out of the banks.
That is certainly coming. Because it must be the crash. And we speak fully of a crash that is imminent here as we can say.
For imminent to us is different than your imminent, so you take from that which you can. But it is coming, certainly. Does this answer your question for you?
You understand that the sweeter and more serene the transformation of the Earth,
the more your galaxy will bring to your universe peace and serenity around you, on all planets.
This shows you that everything is linked, strongly linked.
Nothing in the universe and all universes can transform without the transformation being, we would say, general.
Currently you are experiencing these changes in transition with more or less difficulty.
But know that your whole being is gradually transformed too.
You cannot live on a planet that turns into its body and energy without your bodies turning into their cells, DNA and forms.
Yes, you transform, you can sometimes feel it without understanding it.
We have sometimes heard some of you say: it’s weird, I feel like I have something changed in me but I can’t define it .
Yes, that is the reality, but some humans are more receptive than others to these internal transformations.
Dear children of the Earth do not doubt that we are very present with you to help you in this transformation linked to the transformation of the Earth.
You need help, you need to be reassured and we are doing this.
You could also ask for any consciousness you wish to receive,
such as the consciousness that knows how to move through the day ahead with calm and inner peace.
Or the consciousness that knows how to be living and present in a situation you have on your calendar that feels a bit challenging to you,
or one with someone you love dearly and whom you wish to be present with in your greatest awareness.
All the Universe is supporting you, always.
You are surrounded with love and there are many planes of expression happening within this same space in which you are focused.
You only translate into perception those experiences you are resonant with.
You are translating into perception far more than you realize.
Many ideas you receive are being offered to you, as guidance from the angelic and from your own family of light who are guides who are always with you and assisting and supporting you.
You may not attribute the ideas you receive to these etheric helpers and that’s okay.
They and we have no need for credit, but what is beneficial to you, is to begin considering how much love is being beamed to you all the time.
It is beneficial to consider that you own Divine Self is broadcasting to you, always,
going out before you and is aware of what is unfolding in your day and in that broadcast always giving you guidance,
and nudging you along the path that will bring you the greatest expansion and the most joy.
We will tell you that you will know how to do this when that time is there.
It will be presented to you and to the public of how to go about your exchanges, and these types of things.
We cannot say more, though, at this time, because things are still somewhat in flux as the changes are moving forward.
One Who Serves. Could you just get a little more detailed on us Lightworkers who still have money in our banking accounts.
Would it behoove us to pull as much of the cash out as we can and keep it safe in our homes or wherever, because that likely will just go away?
Should we try to take as much out as we can because we will lose that money in the bank?
Trust what’s going on in you and around you. Do not be influenced by the media which, under the thumb of rulers imbued with their power,
will tell you things that could weaken you even more in your confidence in life.
Don’t let yourself be influenced we repeat, have a good discernment on everything that is happening around you in your countries,
and understand that all this is only an immense manipulation in order to hold the people,
wherever they are, under the power of a handful of humans wanting to own the Earth and a small part of humanity.
Be in confidence in Life, we repeat it and repeat it constantly, because it will allow you to live your human life in sweetness.
Spiritual awakening
The Full Truth Coming Forward

You are all feeling these changes more, and more, and more within you.
The energy is flowing more and more freely within you, and you have adapted to the energies that have been coming in from those great planets of the solar system,
through those great beings that ensoul those planets that have been bringing that energy to you from the Great Central Sun of this universe,
through all of the galactic central suns, all of those beings that ensoul those galaxy suns.
The more you exhale allowing these ribbons of light to extend from all parts of your being,
the more you ground yourself into your being, your essence and your truth as well as into the Earth.
You can imagine these ribbons of light; they each have a purpose.
They are each reaching out and touching an aspect of the Universe of the Creator, and the world around you, gifting love.
Energy flowing down. Light waves flowing down. Gamma light waves flowing down, bringing you into the higher vibrations in the planet.
Those gamma waves coming into the planet,
raising the vibrational frequency to higher and higher vibrational frequency to the higher dimensions within this realm.
And you have been adapting to these energies more and more so that you can take these energies.
Today, wish to speak with you about the Love of Generations.
Every Soul incarnate in a physical body upon the Earth has experienced love.
Whether it is love for another, love for an animal, love for Mother Nature, love for self, or for an experience.
Every Soul incarnate on the Earth in your current reality and previous generations has experienced some form of love and so they are able to connect with the love within their being and to share it.
Imagine all of those many souls, all engaging in love. How powerful it is that every being upon the Earth knows what love is,
they hold love within their being even if it is only a small amount, and if they choose to, they can connect with it, embody it and radiate it.
So that all around you that are losing their minds, feeling the fear, expressing the fear in many different ways, just as those of the dark forces want them to do.
But you, those of you, that know, those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you know better to not feel the fear.
To not feel the panic that others around are more and more beginning to do.
For you know the way is open in front of you, even to those that feel the way is closing to them.
But you are the ones, you are those Wayshowers. You are the ones that are paving the way forward,
showing the way to all of those that are ready to also see and hear the truth as it is coming forward.
For nothing, and no-thing, can stop it at this time, even though they may continue to try, and they will, and they are.
But all of their words of fear, words of death, words of sorrow are falling on deaf ears to those of you that will not hear them.
In a world where it feels that negativity, chaos, or harm is greater than love.
This realisation is immensely important. Yes, we can probably say the same for harm or hurt,
every soul has probably experienced some form of pain while being incarnate on the Earth.
However, love is immensely empowering, immensely powerful, and so, as we realise that every generation has experienced some form of love,
you can recognise that this loving energy is flowing to you now.
Not only from your ancestral line, but every ancestral line. You have this abundance of love that is flowing to you constantly.
Its purpose is to magnify your love and to support you in embodying love, as well as living as an example of love.
Love is a way of connecting to the Creator. We can recognise that every soul that has been incarnate in a physical body has connected to the Creator,
whether they realise it or not, and so it is true to realise that the Creator’s energy flows through all ancestral lines,
all generations, and that the Creator is present in everyone.
And I, and all of those that are working here with you and through you all, beseech you now to continue to move forward step by step.
Do not fall back. Do not allow the fears to come up within you. For there is certainly nothing to fear except fear itself.
For in reality, in your new reality that is coming upon you more and more, and within you, there is nothing to fear.
For fear is just but an expression, an expression that holds you down to the third-dimensional illusion.
But you are moving beyond that illusionary veil. And for you, that veil no longer exists if you deem it to be so.
But my friends, you are on the verge of a great many changes that are coming upon this world and upon you,
not the least of which shall be our ships showing more and more within the sky, and more and more people looking up at those skies and seeing those ships,
because their third eye is opening more and more to match to their physical eyes.
You may look back at your generations or your ancestral line, and it may be filled with pain and hurt.
However, there will be a moment of love even if it is the love of a newborn, and so there is a connection with the Creator.
It is important as we realise that every soul incarnate on the Earth has experienced love, and a connection with the Creator that you can call this energy force to be embodied within your being.
You can then magnify, nurture, and build it, sending it back through the generations and the ancestral lines to empower all love and connection with the Creator.
If you achieve this multiple times, then the energy of love within your being and the energy of love, within every single person, who has been incarnate on the Earth will be magnified as many times as you achieve it.
This is a very powerful way of enhancing and developing the connection of the Creator and the love of the Creator within all souls,
within all realities and dimensions, thus, you are creating and magnifying love in your own current reality, you are also supporting all beings in their ascension journey.
And as more and more look to the skies and see our ships,
those of the forces of darkness will not be able to do anything to stop the truth coming forward, the full disclosure coming forward.
And it is coming forward. Soft disclosure has reached its end. You are about to see the full truth coming forward from many different sources.
As I say again, you are on the verge of a great many changes to your world.
I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
And that you would more fully continue to connect with your Higher God Self, just as we did here in this expression in your meditation.
My purpose is to share my love and connection with all souls who have been incarnate on the Earth.
As I do this, I invite them to send their love and connection to me.
I will then carefully nurture and nourish the love and connection I embody, and that is given and shared with me, and send it back to all souls.
I invite you to share your energy again with me until the process is complete or I say stop. Thank you.
Imagine that you are sending your love and connection to every soul through every generation through every ancestral line, your own and others.
You send your love and connection and invite that love and connection to flow back to you from those souls,
allow yourself to receive as your body and being fill with light, love and connection.
Breathe it in and breathe it out, focus upon magnifying the energy within your being then send it out again, and you can call it back from all souls.
Again, magnified within your own being and continue this process, the love and connection will build within you and within all and you will feel the presence of love growing.
This is a wonderful way of enhancing the love and connection of the entire world, not only in this dimension and reality but other dimensions and realities as well.
You are creating a love boost and a connection boost and I honour you for this.
You do not need to worry about any other energies coming to you because your focus and intention is love and connection,
and so that is all that you will receive and give.
When you are complete you may say stop. Then allow Mother Earth to hold your feet and embrace you as a symbol of grounding you.
Spiritual awakening
The Federation of Light

We so enjoy this discourse and yet, it is not always appropriate to answer certain questions.
However, on that topic, we will say that The Walls will come tumbling down.
We have spoken before of the domino effect and this shall become quite apparent.
Much anger shall derive from these goings on and those who think they are in charge will have to attempt to smooth and soothe …
although, the uproar will bring about great changes,
as more and more wake up to the fact that those at the top those making out to be for the people are actually, and only ever have been, for themselves.
Once a person shifts from the material tier into the spiritual tier of evolution, everything changes.
The old rules no longer apply, and the ways of the new reality have to be understood and acted upon.
Imagine the radical change that a butterfly goes through in its transformation from an earthbound, limited chrysalis to the joyous freedom of a butterfly.
Likewise, a radical transformation occurs when humans move into the spiritual stages of their evolution.
When you enter the realms of spiritual consciousness through the gateway of the heart,
you begin to understand that love is more important than money, power, fame, or any of the other entrapments of material life.
It will not necessarily be that awakenings of a Soul Nature shall take place for many, to begin with yet,
to come to an understanding, an acceptance that they have been duped will stir up much within … which in turn shall bring one to realise …
that there is much more to WHO THEY ARE as a SOUL BEING … And you are probably aware that we are to say … and that is where you come in.
The turmoil that is to arise, shall bring about Peace!
Interesting statement, yet, I get it.
What we do wish to share, is that once one is in the thick of what is to come … it is not something that is to engulf your Planet for years and years.
Once Truths are revealed and the everyday folk, with respect have cooled down and begin to come to terms with all that IS the doors will be opened up once again.
Naturally, we cannot give a time frame yet, when all is in motion it should run smoothly according to THE DIVINE PLAN.
Upon moving into the energy of unconditional love, it becomes clear that helping others is the key to success in life.
Your viewpoint of life is expanded, just as the butterfly sees more from its position above the ground than it ever saw before while earthbound.
In the New Reality, success will be measured, not by money, but by the amount of joy in your life.
Once a person has gained an understanding of the expanded realm of the heart, they are free to move on to the next stages of spiritual consciousness.
Inspiration starts to flow. Knowing comes to the fore.
Intuition is your daily guide and helper as the wisdom of your soul comes forth to help you succeed at all your efforts in life.
With soul communion comes the blissful joy of spiritual consciousness.
With that blissful joy comes inner peace and the lifting away of all the cares of the world. This is reality.
This is the state that God always intended for you to discover so that you can live and love in the light of soul consciousness and become a fully-empowered spiritual being.
You are also keen to know if we have anything to say regarding the end of this month of March, is this correct?
Well, it’s just that much is being said about a portal opening up leading to many possibilities.
I guess with the bank thing happening, it could be leading up to something bigger?
Dearest Souls, we cannot deny that the Energies flowing in now are EXTREME.
and in conjunction with Planetary aspects taking place there will be a whirlwind of deLights presenting themselves.
At present you may find it difficult to comprehend where they are leading as at times they seem to be random and without any real purpose.
However, given time a pattern will emerge that reveals the elimination of old ways that will no longer be adequate to meet your needs.
You are currently living in a changeover period that is hard going, but there will be a turning point for the better in the very near future.
So hold fast and do not despair as your patience will be well rewarded.
What is happening is perfectly normal at such times as you are in now, so be assured that we are with you to ensure all changes will be experienced as uplifting.
It has been predicted for a long time and is not something that is a random occurrence.
But for the dark Ones holding you back and trying to keep the truth from you,
advancement could have taken place many years ago but nothing can prevent your continued progress as planned.
By those not of Earth. They can be new or old. Old ones can lay dormant until such time when they are required, once again.
New ones are ‘strategically placed’ and are created to for instance, send through all sorts.
Not Liquorice all sorts?
Indeed, they were. Anyway, we digress all sorts, meaning?
Meaning, first and foremost, Portals are intense Energy Blasters.
Can they be dangerous?
Oh, yes. Depending on who gets their hands on them.
For there is such intricacy involved in their design and when in the wrong hands, they can cause much damage if one does not understand their systems.
So, is it correct that in certain hands down here on Earth, portals have been created?
No, not created. For their technology is far advanced.
Yet, they have been discovered and cornered off in great privacy and many of the top scientists have been ushered in to tap into the technology.
yet, so much of it is not of this World and therefore, much of it, for these Souls, is a guessing game.
It is why we emphasize the need to maintain your progress and not be distracted from your life plan to ascend.
You will be assured of success regardless of what action the dark Ones take.
Bear in mind however that situations are used to clear karma that many souls carry with them, and at the time of discussing their life plan they agreed to it.
This realisation explains why we tell you that nothing happens by chance.
You learn from your mistakes and it is why we tell you that once you overcome them, you normally will not be expected to face the test again.
Everything is planned to help you evolve and particularly at this time to ensure you are ready to ascend.
It is such an important time and you will certainly not want to miss the opportunity to leave the old vibrations behind and enjoy a peaceful and rewarding life.
In the future you will have more say as to what you want to do,
and revising your past lives would indicate where your interests lay and help you to make your choice for the future.
We as always will be on hand to advise you what is best to continue your evolution.
No doubt you already have ideas as to what you would like to do in future and your options will be considerable,
as you will have proved your worthiness by experience to be a Space Traveller if that is your desire.
So much will open up for you that the past problems and hard times you experienced will fade away into the past and be but a distant memory.
Because it is just enough to say what we have said. Details may be forthcoming when more is understood about many things on your Planet.
You know sometimes chaps, you can be real party poopers!
Safety at all times.
Fare enough! Good call. Thank you. So, the ones on Earth are more like doorways,
to be used to come in and go back, and the airborne ones are for energy, is that right?
The airborne ones are used for much more than that. Yes, Energy … would you believe that there are many,
many cloaked portals in your atmospheres that are able to be turned on and off as required.
Yes, that sounds feasible.
They have many different uses. For Energy to enter and also, to vacuum out energy that is causing disturbance.
Where does it go to?
It is broken down through the journey of the Portal and dispersed out in nowhere land where it completely evaporates.
That will be very handy in days to come.
It has already been very handy in days past.
Of course, many of you understand that these vortex stations allow many ships from many Planets to enter in and out.
Yet, let it be known these are not day trips for pleasure. Each entry of a ship is on an assignment of one form or another.
You have so much to look forward to and we often remind you to simply keep your focus on your goal and not be distracted by what is going on around you.
We realise that questions will arise in your mind, as a major change in your life raises all sorts of problems mainly related to your present family.
Certainly all souls must allow others to formulate their own choice as to what they do in the future.
However, the type of life you choose is likely to lead you further afield, but your links with it will remain and contact will be through thought transference.
Furthermore you will not have the same obligations to the family as upon Earth, although some will continue to keep a close link with them.
Understand that some bonds created upon Earth are no longer necessary in a new situation that is not at all like your earthly experiences.
Much of what you need to know about your Space friends will come with the time of open contact that is not too far away.
They are keen to meet you and introduce you to the new world that you will eventually live in.
Believe us that they are highly evolved souls who wish to help you take your place in the new levels of vibration,
that are devoid of the negativity that you face at present.
Happy times beckon but as we have told you, you must first put the Earth in order so that it is safe for visitors to arrive and meet you.
We will help you achieve it but first the intent must come from you and be achieved.
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