Spiritual awakening
The Federation Of Light.

You cannot understand those who remain as they have always been in this lifetime almost as if they are infants refusing to walk and talk.
You say what feels like the right words only to receive a blank stare or what you now consider . So, you try a different approach with the same results.
Even though this is a confusing time, it is glorious. For you are beginning to sense your new being through your different life approach and through those who no longer wish to communicate with you.
Of course, you respond that those firmly ensconced in 3D and you can discuss your differences to arrive at a mutually beneficial solution.
While such might be possible, it is highly unlikely, for you speak two distinct languages that no longer intersect.
With the positive, high-frequency neutrinos that are enveloping and interpenetrating our physical presence,
we can move into crystalline time, in which the molecules of our bodies are translated into a symmetrical arrangement and can be translated in time without affecting the laws of nature.
We are becoming crystalline through the rearrangement of the molecules of our bodies, enabling us to move in translation of time without affecting the functioning of our bodies, except that we become ageless.
Our constituent parts become hyper-radiant, like super-conductors, providing a crystalline presence that draws other entities into alignment with us.
It is like freezing a clear crystal and coating it with water that freezes on its surface.
The ice molecules come into alignment with the molecular structure of the crystal. In the case of humans, our state of being translates in space and time into a condition without entropy.
We are present without internal symmetry like charged ions rotating in a circle without any input of energy and without momentum or entropic degrading.
We can be in more than one place at the same time.
To realize crystalline time, we can be in a state of mental and emotional equilibrium.
We can be completely responsible for ourselves and do not need any input from anyone else. As we align with our heart-consciousness,
we become multi-dimensional and are able to realize our presence in multiple places at the same time and in multiple times in the same place.
In our true Being, there is much more for us to realize than we have imagined.
You are not just there to be of service to the collective; you are also there to have your own experiences.
In the past, you may have looked at your life and wondered why you ever would have chosen to go to Earth and take on so much.
Now is the time when all of your hard work pays off, because you get to receive it first before spreading it around.
You get to be the conduits of all of that beautiful healing energy that humanity needs now more than ever.
Welcome to you, Dearest growth, and all the Glorious Souls that inhabit your Planet, that have been drawn towards the Truth of our words.
It could not thrill us more to see the complete change around of those who walk your Earth and to be able to leave you in your own capable hands.
We KNOW there are struggles in finding this KNOWING OF TRUTH because that has been the intention of the lesser lighted ones to make your life a struggle.
Yet, with all that is destined it is so encouraging to see that the narrative you are speaking of is becoming the focus and not the âWhen is it all going to change for us?.
That of course, meant you were looking outside of yourselves for the change. You were relying on others to change and then assume that everything would change for you.
Yet, nothing will change on the outside if you do not allow the change within to take place.
Well, say if the banks collapse or another lockdown comes that would be a change on the outside, wouldnât it?
Yes. Yet, the change you are expecting will only resonate as Truth when you have discovered the change withinside of you.
You get to work with the grids that have been repaired and restored so much over the past several decades.
You are there to save humanity from itself, but you are also there to enjoy the ride. When you attempt to enact change the old fashioned way, you see where that gets you.
People close themselves off to you, or they laugh at you for believing in things that are so different from the norm.
But no one is going to reject the light and love that you project when you access it for all of humanity and spread it around like a human system.
And yes, when you do it that way, those same people who once thought you were a little bit crazy will find themselves gravitating to you and wanting to know what your secret is.
There is no real secret and nothing that needs to be hidden from anyone else at this point, as you find alignment with yourself, your words, your actions, and your thoughts,
you align with Source, and you align with the energies that are coming in to heal the consciousness of your collective,
At the same time, those firmly enmeshed in 3D will be jealous of your seemingly unstoppable ability to live peacefully.
They will wish for you to fail in both words and actions. And when you give little credence to those wishes, they will become angrier.
That last thought might frighten some of you. It need not. For their anger, pouting, rage, and, yes, fear will not last for long.
Your disinterest in their self-induced misery will shift their lives from world dominance to small pockets of discontent.
Does this mean those fully enmeshed in 3D will lose their money? Possibly. More importantly, they will lose their power, their ability to dominate the thoughts and actions of the masses.
Their need to retain their outer-directed power will soon seem as unimportant as the once-held need for chaperones for courting teenagers and young adults.
This is a new world. Those firmly enmeshed in 3D cannot nor do they want to acknowledge or act upon that newness.
Their ongoing goal in this life will be to reinforce what was, only to discover no one cares, and more importantly, very few will follow.
They have become kings and queens without a country and, most often, without means of support for their support was generated by their outer-directed followers.
Well, we know we are Love we try to come from Love in all we do and yet, I still feel a very average human
not superwoman. Is it a matter of moving through grades in order to get our degree?
No. it is a matter of moving through programming and recognising programming and bursting through all that it is, into the freedom that awaits when you have done so.
It has the Matrix Movie running through this thread.
All around you are signs to The way out the Exit sign and once you tap into them you will notice them more and more.
When you begin to recognize the deception, the mist begins to clear. It is not just about the lies you have been told it is about the programming that has been instilled deep within you.
Recognize that and the Higher aspects of self shall become more apparent.
On top of that recognize the chemical imbalance that is implanted on a daily basis through that which you eat, drink, spray, touch, ingest.
Your world has been intoxicated with all things that do you harm on purpose yet, disguised as the best possible thing for you.
Many of you are now cutting the strings that the puppet masters control.
Yes, we are. Yet it is quite disturbing to see so many that are still so unaware so totally unaware.
Spiritual awakening
Cascading Waves of Change

Contemplating this feeling of still being in a liminal space⊠the space between.
In a lock of a canal, as the water slowly fills the lock preparing for a surge forward.
The noisy antics of people of the world are held at bay as I sit with the energy and silence.
If you are not absolutely out-of-your-mind excited about your lives, then thatâs the first step.
Absolutely out-of-your-minds excited about your lives, thatâs the first step.
Get excited about being excited. Fall in love with being in love. Be passionate about the passion you have for life.
What is next doesnât matter. I feel the energy moving sideways instead of the expected forward and of course,
if Iâm in a lock of a canal, there is no forward movement, nor sideways for that matter.
But the energy moves just the same. The trajectory is in every direction and none at all as I dwell in the stillness of non-doing.
Alert for shifts in the energy streams, observing. Dawn light glows through the trees along the ridge behind my house, the rhythm of nature continues.
Changes are coming about deep within individuals as the outer structure slowly crumbles.
Questioning why we live this way. Looking at our inheritance of false supremacy, suppression, poverty of spirit,
the foundation of our society that was built upon unworthiness and delusional arrogance.
Can you imagine, really, how powerful, how powerful, how powerful you are when you are one of those beings,
vibrating at such a frequency that your light is shining throughout all of the Heavens and all of the Universe is drawn to you, attracted to you, in alignment to you,
moving towards you because of the excitement you are feeling about being so excited about life? Laughing, singing, playing, dancing.
Nothing can stop you from the joy and the happiness that you feel.
Nothing could stop you from feeling good, because it feels so good to feel good. Itâs such a happy feeling to be happy.
Some are in the lock, holding steady, others are in the chaos of tumultuous earth changes.
Others are expressing their fear through arrogant stances trying to block the flow of change, but they will not be able to.
Nothing can stop the flow of the Divine Feminine energy that is cascading throughout the Universe.
Grab your surfboard of creativity and ride the joyful currents. Climb onto the white mares at the forefront of the waves of change.
Feel the strength in your core as you allow yourself to be just who you are, shadow and light, and ride to victory.
The victory is your sense of being, flexible and alert, aware of the shifting tides around you, filled with self-acceptance and inner wisdom.
Truth is being revealed within all people. As you look within, as you take a stand in your life, with the beauty of your soul essence fully alive within you, proclaim, I am here!
I belong! In this deep moment of truth and individuality, is the essence of the Oneness.
A paradox ⊠you are individual ⊠and you are part of the All of the All. Within individuality and diversity is the essence of Source.
The truth as it is revealed will help to remove that which blocks the Source of all Life from flowing within each and every being.
Magnificent beauty shines through all people, all animals, all of nature. See that beauty in yourselves and look for that beauty in one another.
This is the next step, if youâre wondering what it is: Absolute, complete, and total passion for life and passion for the passion that you feel about life.
It will heal your body. It will heal your relationships. It will attract to you abundance, and love, and resources, and money, and connections, and opportunities, and richness, and anything you could ever want more of. More freedom, more of everything.
If you want to heal your body, if youâre listening to this saying, yeah, well,
maybe at one point in my life when I was younger or before I had these aches and pains, or before I went through that terrible thing,
or before I lost all my money, oh, well then we are speaking to you and we are speaking to you with absolute emphasis.
You of all beings can imagine the most incredible quantum leaps because youâve been holding yourself in resistance for so long, when all along all you had to do was be in love with being in love with life,
to be in love with being in love with yourself, being in love with being in love with all that is here for you,
and being passionate about being passionate, being completely satiated about how completely satiated you are.
A few weeks ago, I started doing my monthly channeled message and guided meditation telecalls.
In that call, as we sat in our circle, I was suddenly aware that Unicorns were flying around above us.
And they were radiating rainbow light and sparkles.
I started to laugh inside, because it reminded me of something youâd see in a small childâs bedroom but that was just a self-conscious,
somewhat jaded part of myself and as I let that go, we began to receive the beautiful energy of these Unicorns.
They were shimmering to us the essence of innocence, joy and magic.
Here is a message that came through from the Vastness of Being about Unicorns:
They have come back to the consciousness of humanity to bestow their light on open hearts to help support the growing and expanding energies of love.
For what is necessary for the expansion of humanity into true oneness, are those very aspects of childlike innocence and joy, which can only exist in an open heart.
Oh, when you get this, when you just let yourself go and you start singing and you start laughing and you start looking yourself in the eyes and going, You did it. You did it.
I love you. Youâre so amazing. Isnât this fun? Oh my gosh, how wonderful this life is,
you canât even imagine the power that has to move the most incredible miracles and magical things and grandest manifestations into your reality right now.
You are magnetic on a level as if the whole entire Universe is here for you and rigged in your favor because it is.
You want to know the next step? Fall in love with being in love with your life,
fall in love with being in love with you, fall in love with being in love with the freedom you have,
fall in love with being in love with the abundance you have, fall in love with being in love with the wellbeing you have, and on and on and on.
We have said you can tell what signal the Universe is getting from you by what is reflected back to you in your relationships, in your friendships, in your family, and even in technology.
But when everyone around you starts going, How is it that you are the happiest person Iâve ever known?
How is it that you are the most blessed person Iâve ever known?
How is it that you are the most beautiful, abundant, incredible, amazing person I have ever known?
well, then you know that the Universe is very clearly getting the signal and, beyond that, has already directed everything in all of the Universe,
full speed ahead like on a rocket ship propelled in your direction, for the fulfillment of all of your dreams come true.
Before you lies your masterpiece, the reality that you have chosen, the miracle that you expected. Itâs now. Itâs now.
Unicorns became elusive because of the energy of fear that Humanity runs in the field of consciousness,
but so many humans are rising above that fear and choosing a new path forward of oneness and Unity.
So, the Unicorns are able to come in to assist in this expansion.
There are many etheric beings who lived on Earth who went deep within or beyond her realm into other octaves of light.
These beings have been kept alive in the consciousness by creative humans who have communed with them and kept their light in their hearts, through magical stories and fairy tales.
It is a great blessing that the Unicorns came to you.
Your self-consciousness was smaller than your own innocence and love. Remember this and allow it to expand within you.
Sharing this message with love and gratitude,
From time to time, we remind you to stand in the perfection of this moment and just for a moment look at how far you have come.
While it will appear to be instant manifestation, oh, dear master, you have been creating this for longer than you can imagine.
Your whole life has been preparing for this. Everything until now was leading to this now because this is the time, this is the moment.
And after you take all the time you need to really look at how far youâve come every moment of raising your consciousness,
and your vibration and choosing love and being in your truth and letting go of the lack and the limitation,
and the fear and the separation and letting go of the need to fix and change,
to come into the place of pure love Look at how far youâve come.
Not only is your transformation complete, and not only is your realization complete,
your ascension into higher levels of existence and new levels of creation and new manifested realities is here now.
Your ascension, your realization, your transformation, it is complete.
Spiritual awakening
The Transformation of Earth and Humanity.

Today we want to return to the future of the Earth. In the previous message we were talking to you about the possible transformations of your planet.
We are approaching the Equinox with you, with a sense of anticipation, as we see many of you are, too.
You are right to look forward to this alignment, for the potency and possibilities of it, are great.
And as you give your attention to this alignment, you join others who amplify the energy and openness of Life on Earth to these vaster frequencies emanating from the Universe,
into your planetary sphere for the purpose of activating and supporting the Earthâs ascension and your healing and conscious evolution.
But first, we wish to say that that was quite a message from the one, Ashtar!
And there are messages that are going to come through from many different sources as we find it now more and more.
And they are going to pick up in intensity we will tell you. Because those times that you have been waiting for, wishing for, dreaming about, are upon you now.
And you are indeed what has been called âin the storm.
It is not the storm coming any longer; you are in the storm now. It is raging all around you.
But you, always you within that storm, within that eye of the storm, continue to be in that eye of the storm and let things revolve and rage around you, and be calm.
Be calm within the storm, and know that all is at hand, and all is exactly as it needs to be for the greater plan to continue to work out in this realm.
This is why we have always told you that your thoughts, your words are very important in the life of the Earth and of humanity.
Any thought of Peace, of serenity will bring sweetness to the Earth and to its humanity.
But, of course, spiteful thoughts, gestures of violence whatever they are bring to Earth and its humanity the duality that you are currently experiencing.
The transformation of the Earth can only be followed by a transformation of humanity.
One is not without the other. Earth and you, earthly humanity, are one being. You are bound by the Creatorâs Universal Energy Love, you are Him, HE is you.
So, understand that when there is a strong duality it all reflects on all of you, Earth and humanity, but also in your galaxy and in your universe.
The Earth being in a phase of great transformation it also involves a transformation of your galaxy,
because the new energies of the Earth have repercussions on the energies of all the other planets around from you and much further.
Life on Earth is accelerating and there are many timelines in play now.
It can be very beneficial to you, to ground and connect each day, to your Divine Self; your own greater wholeness.
We suggest you do this rather than grounding into the Earth, for the Earth is dynamically present and also present in many different versions simultaneously now.
So depending upon your vibration you will connect with a resonant version of Earth.
What can be more beneficial to you now, is anchor into your own greater wholeness, the totality of your being.
You can do this by imagining running a thick line of light up your spinal pathway into the higher realms and connecting with All That You Are.
We suggest you do this daily and also that you invite your Divine Self, to share with you gifts of consciousness.
You can always ask your Divine Self to give you whatever consciousness would be most beneficial to you now.
We have the first of the banks here in the United States have defaulted.
I have heard that all the banking is mirrored with the Quantum Financial System.
I am just wondering how we access this Quantum Financial System, if you know?
You are correct in the term of âmirroring. That is a wonderful way to put it.
And we will say here that that was not the first bank to default. It is the first one to be known to do so.
But there are others that are in that process now as we speak. And you are indeed going to experience the falling of the dominos here as they go, one by one.
We are not only speaking of the Central Banks, as you understand them, but the entire system is coming down.
And as it comes down, there is another system ready to move in to replace it, the Quantum Financial System is indeed ready to replace this.
But there must first be those things that have to occur first to allow for the general population to be acquainted with this new system that you already know about.
And we will say as far as preparation goes, everything that you are doing now, talking about now to prepare, is what you need to do.
And do not have fear though, as Ashtar was pretty prominent in saying here.
Do not feel the fear, do not experience fear, as the rest of the population around you will be experiencing that,
as they go to their banks and find that their money is gone, that they cannot get it out of the banks.
That is certainly coming. Because it must be the crash. And we speak fully of a crash that is imminent here as we can say.
For imminent to us is different than your imminent, so you take from that which you can. But it is coming, certainly. Does this answer your question for you?
You understand that the sweeter and more serene the transformation of the Earth,
the more your galaxy will bring to your universe peace and serenity around you, on all planets.
This shows you that everything is linked, strongly linked.
Nothing in the universe and all universes can transform without the transformation being, we would say, general.
Currently you are experiencing these changes in transition with more or less difficulty.
But know that your whole being is gradually transformed too.
You cannot live on a planet that turns into its body and energy without your bodies turning into their cells, DNA and forms.
Yes, you transform, you can sometimes feel it without understanding it.
We have sometimes heard some of you say: itâs weird, I feel like I have something changed in me but I canât define it .
Yes, that is the reality, but some humans are more receptive than others to these internal transformations.
Dear children of the Earth do not doubt that we are very present with you to help you in this transformation linked to the transformation of the Earth.
You need help, you need to be reassured and we are doing this.
You could also ask for any consciousness you wish to receive,
such as the consciousness that knows how to move through the day ahead with calm and inner peace.
Or the consciousness that knows how to be living and present in a situation you have on your calendar that feels a bit challenging to you,
or one with someone you love dearly and whom you wish to be present with in your greatest awareness.
All the Universe is supporting you, always.
You are surrounded with love and there are many planes of expression happening within this same space in which you are focused.
You only translate into perception those experiences you are resonant with.
You are translating into perception far more than you realize.
Many ideas you receive are being offered to you, as guidance from the angelic and from your own family of light who are guides who are always with you and assisting and supporting you.
You may not attribute the ideas you receive to these etheric helpers and thatâs okay.
They and we have no need for credit, but what is beneficial to you, is to begin considering how much love is being beamed to you all the time.
It is beneficial to consider that you own Divine Self is broadcasting to you, always,
going out before you and is aware of what is unfolding in your day and in that broadcast always giving you guidance,
and nudging you along the path that will bring you the greatest expansion and the most joy.
We will tell you that you will know how to do this when that time is there.
It will be presented to you and to the public of how to go about your exchanges, and these types of things.
We cannot say more, though, at this time, because things are still somewhat in flux as the changes are moving forward.
One Who Serves. Could you just get a little more detailed on us Lightworkers who still have money in our banking accounts.
Would it behoove us to pull as much of the cash out as we can and keep it safe in our homes or wherever, because that likely will just go away?
Should we try to take as much out as we can because we will lose that money in the bank?
Trust whatâs going on in you and around you. Do not be influenced by the media which, under the thumb of rulers imbued with their power,
will tell you things that could weaken you even more in your confidence in life.
Donât let yourself be influenced we repeat, have a good discernment on everything that is happening around you in your countries,
and understand that all this is only an immense manipulation in order to hold the people,
wherever they are, under the power of a handful of humans wanting to own the Earth and a small part of humanity.
Be in confidence in Life, we repeat it and repeat it constantly, because it will allow you to live your human life in sweetness.
Spiritual awakening
The Full Truth Coming Forward.

You are all feeling these changes more, and more, and more within you.
The energy is flowing more and more freely within you, and you have adapted to the energies that have been coming in from those great planets of the solar system,
through those great beings that ensoul those planets that have been bringing that energy to you from the Great Central Sun of this universe,
through all of the galactic central suns, all of those beings that ensoul those galaxy suns.
The more you exhale allowing these ribbons of light to extend from all parts of your being,
the more you ground yourself into your being, your essence and your truth as well as into the Earth.
You can imagine these ribbons of light; they each have a purpose.
They are each reaching out and touching an aspect of the Universe of the Creator, and the world around you, gifting love.
Energy flowing down. Light waves flowing down. Gamma light waves flowing down, bringing you into the higher vibrations in the planet.
Those gamma waves coming into the planet,
raising the vibrational frequency to higher and higher vibrational frequency to the higher dimensions within this realm.
And you have been adapting to these energies more and more so that you can take these energies.
Today, wish to speak with you about the Love of Generations.
Every Soul incarnate in a physical body upon the Earth has experienced love.
Whether it is love for another, love for an animal, love for Mother Nature, love for self, or for an experience.
Every Soul incarnate on the Earth in your current reality and previous generations has experienced some form of love and so they are able to connect with the love within their being and to share it.
Imagine all of those many souls, all engaging in love. How powerful it is that every being upon the Earth knows what love is,
they hold love within their being even if it is only a small amount, and if they choose to, they can connect with it, embody it and radiate it.
So that all around you that are losing their minds, feeling the fear, expressing the fear in many different ways, just as those of the dark forces want them to do.
But you, those of you, that know, those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you know better to not feel the fear.
To not feel the panic that others around are more and more beginning to do.
For you know the way is open in front of you, even to those that feel the way is closing to them.
But you are the ones, you are those Wayshowers. You are the ones that are paving the way forward,
showing the way to all of those that are ready to also see and hear the truth as it is coming forward.
For nothing, and no-thing, can stop it at this time, even though they may continue to try, and they will, and they are.
But all of their words of fear, words of death, words of sorrow are falling on deaf ears to those of you that will not hear them.
In a world where it feels that negativity, chaos, or harm is greater than love.
This realisation is immensely important. Yes, we can probably say the same for harm or hurt,
every soul has probably experienced some form of pain while being incarnate on the Earth.
However, love is immensely empowering, immensely powerful, and so, as we realise that every generation has experienced some form of love,
you can recognise that this loving energy is flowing to you now.
Not only from your ancestral line, but every ancestral line. You have this abundance of love that is flowing to you constantly.
Its purpose is to magnify your love and to support you in embodying love, as well as living as an example of love.
Love is a way of connecting to the Creator. We can recognise that every soul that has been incarnate in a physical body has connected to the Creator,
whether they realise it or not, and so it is true to realise that the Creatorâs energy flows through all ancestral lines,
all generations, and that the Creator is present in everyone.
And I, and all of those that are working here with you and through you all, beseech you now to continue to move forward step by step.
Do not fall back. Do not allow the fears to come up within you. For there is certainly nothing to fear except fear itself.
For in reality, in your new reality that is coming upon you more and more, and within you, there is nothing to fear.
For fear is just but an expression, an expression that holds you down to the third-dimensional illusion.
But you are moving beyond that illusionary veil. And for you, that veil no longer exists if you deem it to be so.
But my friends, you are on the verge of a great many changes that are coming upon this world and upon you,
not the least of which shall be our ships showing more and more within the sky, and more and more people looking up at those skies and seeing those ships,
because their third eye is opening more and more to match to their physical eyes.
You may look back at your generations or your ancestral line, and it may be filled with pain and hurt.
However, there will be a moment of love even if it is the love of a newborn, and so there is a connection with the Creator.
It is important as we realise that every soul incarnate on the Earth has experienced love, and a connection with the Creator that you can call this energy force to be embodied within your being.
You can then magnify, nurture, and build it, sending it back through the generations and the ancestral lines to empower all love and connection with the Creator.
If you achieve this multiple times, then the energy of love within your being and the energy of love, within every single person, who has been incarnate on the Earth will be magnified as many times as you achieve it.
This is a very powerful way of enhancing and developing the connection of the Creator and the love of the Creator within all souls,
within all realities and dimensions, thus, you are creating and magnifying love in your own current reality, you are also supporting all beings in their ascension journey.
And as more and more look to the skies and see our ships,
those of the forces of darkness will not be able to do anything to stop the truth coming forward, the full disclosure coming forward.
And it is coming forward. Soft disclosure has reached its end. You are about to see the full truth coming forward from many different sources.
As I say again, you are on the verge of a great many changes to your world.
I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
And that you would more fully continue to connect with your Higher God Self, just as we did here in this expression in your meditation.
My purpose is to share my love and connection with all souls who have been incarnate on the Earth.
As I do this, I invite them to send their love and connection to me.
I will then carefully nurture and nourish the love and connection I embody, and that is given and shared with me, and send it back to all souls.
I invite you to share your energy again with me until the process is complete or I say stop. Thank you.
Imagine that you are sending your love and connection to every soul through every generation through every ancestral line, your own and others.
You send your love and connection and invite that love and connection to flow back to you from those souls,
allow yourself to receive as your body and being fill with light, love and connection.
Breathe it in and breathe it out, focus upon magnifying the energy within your being then send it out again, and you can call it back from all souls.
Again, magnified within your own being and continue this process, the love and connection will build within you and within all and you will feel the presence of love growing.
This is a wonderful way of enhancing the love and connection of the entire world, not only in this dimension and reality but other dimensions and realities as well.
You are creating a love boost and a connection boost and I honour you for this.
You do not need to worry about any other energies coming to you because your focus and intention is love and connection,
and so that is all that you will receive and give.
When you are complete you may say stop. Then allow Mother Earth to hold your feet and embrace you as a symbol of grounding you.
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