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Spiritual awakening

More Shifts Coming.



We come forth as a community, as a collective, to bring forth our energy, our wisdom and our support at this time.

We notice that the levels of anxiety, of stress and worry are rising within many beings and feelings of chaos, confusion and fear are developing also.

But in the long term it will be seen that all serve a purpose and collectively will open up a path to a new era.

One that will quickly surpass anything of the past and ease you into advancements that you can only dream of now.

The question immediately arises as to what can Humanity expect and the answer is virtually anything they can think of that lifts up their standard of life.

Free energy would solve so many problems that exist now, removing the burden of cost that is sometimes impossible to meet.

We have planned this for thousands of years.

It began with the great ones of our kind leaving Venus and sending aspects of themselves to Gaia for her support and to further plant the crystalline seeds.

It matters not which ones of us are you, for we are all one. Truly we have planned this together, with love and tender care.

No detail has gone unattended. This is a divine plan, the liberation of Gaia from the clutches of the dark into the embrace of the light.

The light is embracing you and your world now. Let it embrace you.

This is not a time to give up, even if we feel quite lost. It is a time to open up! We are in the process of a major breakthrough.

When we unpack and integrate this powerful time, we will have access to more of our divine selves and have more capacity for love and compassion and a renewed strength that will move mountains.

This is a significant time in our ascension process.

Powerful frequencies are shaking us up. They are pulsating throughout the earth’s ley lines. It feels like our nervous system is being pushed to the limit.

We are dying to the past energies and programs in a grand finale of sorts, while new and powerful energies are flooding in.

We recognise this as a natural aspect that occurs during ascension.

It is often when one moves through an ascension shift or a transformation that they have a moment or moments of enlightenment, inspiration and liberation.

However, they also experience fears, wounds, suffering, confusion, anxiety coming to the surface,

and this is because the new vibration activates your energy and that which is not aligned with that new vibration you’ve adopted through your ascension transformation, all that is no longer aligned rises up into your awareness or into your physical body for you to recognise and acknowledge.

It could also completely uplift the quality of life by removing the poverty being currently being experienced by so many people.

It is rampant in the poorer countries where there is little relief from it.

The inequality that exists seems to be of little concern yet it is staring the rich and powerful ones in the face.

Clearly great adjustments are necessary if the poorest people are to be given a better standard of living and care.

It will come because it has to as the higher vibrations commence to lift the people up for a better quality of life.

Those who cannot rise up with it have a separate path to follow that will continue to allow their evolution.

No soul will be left out and all will eventually find themselves in the exact place where they should be.

The point of all of this is that you are all destined to evolve; therefore you need to be at a level that allows you to continue your growth.

The light from my planet is beaming most brightly now to yours. As we prepare for the equinox there will be more shifting.

Gaia’s heart has shifted and so all upon her have this opportunity as well to shift into the higher dimensional realms of forgiveness, of love, of renewal.

And so you must unclasp the rocks in your hands that are pulling you down into density, such as fear, lack.

You must forgive and it will quite literally lighten your load, lighten your steps and laughter and smiles will more easily escape from you with joy.

Timelines are beginning to split and we might feel a little split as well. We are vacillating between realities so dramatically now that everything feels shaken up or fractured.

Reality is not showing up as we expect, and we begin to realize expectations come from past experience.

Our expectations are the hardest things to let go of.

When heightened frequencies pulse through the earth the first thing that we face is another layer of our collective shadow.

We are facing a major clearing of unspeakable wounds that have accumulated not just in years, but in entire ages.

We can feel the epic atrocities and utter devastation that humanity has been responsible for.

These wounds, our collective shadow, are the last vestiges of miscreations that are being asked to be acknowledged, healed, and finally released back into the light.

How much of our collective shadow we release will be equal to how much divine light we will receive.

It is important to recognise that fear, chaos, confusion, worry, anxiety they are natural aspects of your existence upon the earth and they will lessen as your vibration increases and quickens,

and you let go of the baggage, the energies that are limiting you that you are holding onto.

The more you become grounded and centred into your being and your truth, the less reactive you are to your reality around you.

You are more able to remain in a space of peace and balance. Of course you may still experience sorrow, pain and suffering,

but your ability to recognise what is occurring, to deal with it, to transform it and come back into your centre will become quicker and easier.

There is a collective shift, as if humanity is currently trying to shed fears, and because it’s occurring collectively,

everyone is experiencing some form of anxiety, worry or fear as it is amplified by the collective even if it is only a small amount.

Helping others to evolve is a natural thing and often done by those who have already ascended as they understand that All is One, held together by invisible threads.

Helping others is a noble cause that helps them to serve others as they have been already. It is commonplace as you pass through the higher realms.

One day soon many of you will ascend and you will have earned it as all do, because there is no short cut or a back entrance to it.

Once you get the feel of how things really work, the path you need to tread becomes much clearer.

Also looking back you are almost certain to realise the way help is given all along the path of life.

You are always able to get help when you need it but must let those involved show you the direction to go in, as they will understand what your chosen path is and help ensure it is followed.

As the truth begins to sink in you will understand so much more about the spiritual side of life, and realise how important it is to your advancement.

Any experience you have that is of significance is pre-arranged to give you the opportunity to evolve along a path that allows the experiences you need.

It may not always be the case but all experiences that are of value to you are carefully thought out to give the maximum benefits.

We have not had the terra forming. We live in a variety of higher dimensional layers and we coexist with peace and harmony, fully aware that each has their own embodiment and life lessons that they set out to learn.

We do not impede anyones progress and our wills are not infringed upon.

We have remained out of the clasp of the lower dimensional realities and it has served for us as a protective shield, where one may escape to learn, grow, to thrive and to heal.

There are vast healing areas on our planet that we are already sharing with you.

Some of you may be already utilizing our healing chambers, and traveling with your spirit team during your travels.

Although we are much higher than the astral realm, when drifting off to sleep best to ask your angelic team to escort you to our healing chambers with divine love and protection.

We are some distance from you but some of you travel quite farther than you may believe, as you are active on both sides of the veil.

This is why you are so tired. You forget when awake in the body, so that you may succeed with your earthly life.

Otherwise the reality split would be too alarming, disarming, and you would not fully embody the light that you came here in this chapter to do.

We see this as being completed.

Remember this process is not personal, it is planetary! We may not know many of the details the collective wounds are releasing as we process them through our light bodies.

We don’t need to know. Although many of our personal issues that are intertwined with the collective may arise to be released as well.

We have outgrown who we were and new aspects of ourselves are birthing. It is a very confusing time.

We might feel a bit lost for a while between not knowing who we are and who we are not.

We have been walking through life with only a partial presence. We have become painfully aware that some parts of us are missing.

This knowing motivates us to keep seeking to embody our full divine presence. Seek and we will find.

We will not be the same after this transformation.

This is one final and massive step toward the ultimate goal of true oneness and ultimately a world devoid of duality upon a foundation built with unity in our diversity.

What an exciting time to be witnesses to this transformation.

We wish to share with you a practice to support you at this time.

Maybe you are not experiencing anxiety, worry or fear but it is always valuable to have an understanding and a technique that you can use when it does arise within you.

Much of anxiety and fear and worry is connected to habits and patterns within the sub-conscious mind, within the mind and the brain like pathways that already have been created.

When you have an experience, your mind almost knows the exact pathway to take even if that pathway is worry, judgment or fear.

In order to liberate yourself more fully from these feelings and impacts of worry and so forth, there is a need to almost energetically rewire your mind,

your brain, so that when an experience occurs there is a new pathway that develops and that the mind is able to adopt.

We the Acturians are working with many in rewiring their brain and their mind, and in fact this means…because the brain is connected to everything…

the mind is connected to every part of your being and your body…we are actually rewiring your entire body and being.

Our purpose is to create more peace so the pathways of peace are created.

However the energy that we will use to create these pathways of peace is love unconditional love the true and pure love and essence of the Creator.

Not all of them are necessarily welcome situations depending on what lessons you need, so take all in your stride and do your best in response.

Take them seriously as they are for your benefit and need not be experienced again if you do so.

If you are responding to the demands upon you and in a positive manner you can ask no more of yourself.

You will know when you are on the right path as life becomes easier and you go with the flow quite easily.

Where other souls are involved in your life they too will be given opportunities to evolve, in which you will take part.

It is too complicated to explain such matters in detail, but be assured your Guides are present with a watchful eye and will not overrule your freewill choice.

When you sometimes do things that seem out of character, it is most likely that your Guides have influenced you to do it;

they have such powers that enable them to help you experience according to your needs.

Be assured that you have your private moments where they do not intrude.

The whole set-up is so involved it is sometimes difficult to explain it, but the important issues that include you will normally be made clear to you.

I present to you an amethyst necklace, as a friendship gift from your Venusian family to you.

We are all star seeds, we are all the out breath of Creator. It is a challenge to aptly see and understand how this could possibly be true while within the body.

See the planets in our system. They are all individual and yet they make up this solar system. They are a planetary system.

Such as it is with souls. You are a soul system, the human collective is a collection of massive god spark energy of full creator potential enwrapped within the flesh.

It is astounding to see an organism of creation with such power, diversity of DNA with the divine spark of love.

That is why we say that you are love, because you are. Even when you do not act lovingly you are love, because it is what you are made of.

Creator is love. Do not confuse Creator with the void. The void is the realm of unlimited potential. Both exist within you.

The void of infinite creator potential is within the well of each creator. And you are creator gods and goddesses. It is true.

This deviates from your religious teachings a bit, and it is for this reason that these truths were hidden.

For humanity had chosen the darkness of experience so the ascent could be that much more dramatic.

Drama also involves pain, and quite a lot of it.

There is much pain surfacing in the hearts of humanity as they are unpacking their ancestral trauma of thousands of years of suppression of the divine will of self expression in freedom.

Over past ages, bit by bit, we have built a nearly impenetrable armor around parts of our sacred heart to contain and control our shadow selves and all the unhealed miscreations that were becoming too overwhelming to face.

But the problem is we can not hide from the unhealed parts of ourselves without also losing access to our divine presence.

A solution to this problem is now being offered.

Our protective armor around the collective heart is being stripped away by these new rising earth energies, in tandem with our collective desire to be fully present.

Our will, and the collective will, are working in tandem with the universe.

We are being made vulnerable in a holy state of surrender. All that we have avoided in the past is rising in a tsunami of bittersweet, healing love of brokenness.

We understand now that there is no longer any benefit in avoiding our shadow.

Our desire to be completely present and awakened within our divinity is stronger than our fear of facing the shadow that holds us back.

We are no longer prisoners incarcerated by our fears and insecurities.

Facing our shadow now becomes a spiritual crowbar to release our imminent rising into our presence and our divine destiny.

You may wonder why we are not anchoring peace as that is the outcome that we wish for, but love is supportive, it is comforting, it is immensely familiar to you, your being and your soul.

Love is the representative of the essence of the Creator it is open, it is expansive, it is flowing.

It is something that can be recognised within the physical body and experienced in the physical body.

When love is anchored into your being, it has the ability to align all aspects of your being with love.

When all aspects of your being are aligned with love, it’s as if your body and your being goes into an automatic pattern that is supportive and nurturing for you connecting you with your soul,

grounding you, supporting you with energy, cleansing and clearing your being, awakening new knowledge and understanding, offering you the courage, the confidence to achieve what is necessary.

Your being and body shifts into a very natural and spiritual state that was intended and is guided for your existence upon the earth where everything is easier, more flowing and manifests quicker.

This is why we use the energy of love.

Invite us to surround you, and we will begin to pour love into your being.

We are drawing this love from the soul, the essence, the core, the centre of the Creator, so please acknowledge that it is a pure vibration of love.

Obviously many of you converse with your Guides when you go out of the body at night but few have a waking memory of them.

As time passes you most likely feel their presence at times during your waking hours when they come close to you.

Some of you who are more sensitive know when they are around you and that is surely a comforting feeling.

They keep you out of danger should you be assailed in any way, and there is no limit to their powers to protect you if you are in danger.

However, as you must know by now, some experiences are unpleasant and are necessary if they have resulted from karma.

In general terms you are of the group that are ready to ascend, but, until you do, you still mix with all types of souls of a low vibration who can be very testing to say the least.

Some will bait you for an argument when they find out you are on a spiritual path, so you must be prepared for such an encounter and not be taken off your guard.

If matters get out of hand, just walk away and leave them as that is in no way a cowardly response, but a sensible one that may avoid nasty confrontation.

It takes strength of character to do so and you will feel all the better for doing so.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.

This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

I love you. I know you. I am one of you. I wish for you to feel this love and know that my brothers and sisters of Venus stand in full support and we are constantly beaming our love light to you.

The planet of love, Venus, shines brightly on you at this time for this reason.

We are and have always been fully in support of the ascension of all planets that choose to undergo this experience of evolutionary manifestation.

And that is what is occurring on your beautiful world. Your hearts are manifesting a new reality. It is arduous.

Many of you are deeply, deeply fatigued, and we know this. We see this fatigue. We send you our healing rays of love of light and healing.

You are welcome to come to our healing chambers.

Many of you have had your life reviews here in between lives and have recovered here many times from your earthly sojourns and it will feel very familiar to you.

For those of you who wish for the space ship experience, know that your healing pods are prototyped and programmed individually for you.

Yes, this is an enormous undertaking and that is why there are trillions of loving beings involved in assistance of liberation Gaia.

We are coming to a place where we enter territory that is brand new to us.

One of the ways we can enter this new territory is to break open even further. This is exactly what’s happening now in tandem with splitting timelines.

Our great losses, unimaginable betrayals, and life-altering devastations are all part of our divine plan.

If they didn’t break us open when we experienced them the first time around, they will break us open now.

Our collective heart is stretching and expanding beyond what we have ever experienced before.

It is very intense and deeply painful, yet we discover a new brave but innocent place inside of us to help us take yet another step into the great unknown.

We are on the ride of our lives, just remember to breathe.

We are going deeper and higher than any place we have experienced thus far in our soul’s journey.

This has been triggered in part by the gift from an unspeakable and life-altering devastation that has taken place on the spinner wheel of Mother Earth.

Anything that takes place on any one of the four sacred heart pumps affects the whole planet and all life.

This sacrifice is unmeasurable and is unlimited to the levels of transformation it will birth.

We are only beginning to see what this event has triggered in the hearts of all life on Mother Earth.

We are being readied to expand into our holy vessel of light further than we have ever gone before.

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Spiritual awakening

The Next Big Energy Burst



It is rest time because the next big energy burst will arrive shortly.

Even though you are familiar with energy bursts, so much has happened in the past few weeks that we of the Universes,

suggest you take a few moments daily to review your needs,

and then forget about what you do not have and focus on what feels comfortable or joyful.

Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth the grossly mutated psychic astral realm of illusion,

was Transfigured from a dense tar-like substance into a transparent gossamer-like veil.

Now, the ever-increasing Light of God is easily flowing into the physical realm of Mother Earth unimpeded.

This greatly intensified influx of our God’s Light is assisting each and every person in unexpected and very life-enhancing ways.

This is true whether we have been able to perceive this on a Conscious level yet or not.

This upcoming energy burst will affect most of you in ways you did not anticipate because,

like the bursts of the past few weeks, this energy burst will push you away from 3D Earthly concerns.

Even though that is what you have been hoping for, the result will be somewhat disconcerting initially similar to moving to a new school or community.

You will not necessarily know how best to proceed and may become frightened or angry.

And so it will be for many transitioning from the 3D world and actions.

Perhaps you wonder why you need to do so, given that you seem to be adjusting to a new you combo.

3D actions and words will become so painful in the next few days and weeks that you will wish to escape that milieu for your new being.

To be Consciously aware of this Divine Intervention is very comforting and supportive during these powerful, but often challenging, times.

Today, the Company of Heaven is going to guide us through an activity of Light, that is designed to Uniquely Awaken each of us to a Higher level of Divine Consciousness.

This will help us to more tangibly perceive the assistance we are receiving through the newly transparent and gossamer-like veil.

This activity of Light will be stated in the 1st person so that we will each experience it personally.

Many of you also wonder if the Universes set this division of words, actions, and beliefs in motion to help you transition more rapidly.

In truth, you set it up eons ago, knowing that sloughing off 3D words, actions, and beliefs would not be easy in one lifetime.

So you set up transition action markers once those transitioning reached a certain point, a specific energy burst would be delivered to the Earth by the Universes.

This upcoming energy burst is one of the strongest you have yet experienced, prodding, pushing,

and strongly encouraging you to ignore 3D pain and gravitate to new you wonders.

What once was is no more, including your need to somehow walk the tightrope between 3D and new you. Your tightrope will be removed in this next energy burst.

I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presences of all of my Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity.

As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I proceed.

As I invoke this Activity of Light for myself, I invoke it on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

This is possible because we are One and there is no separation.

from your glorious Heart I was Breathed into Being as a Christ Conscious Child of God, and into your Loving Heart,

one day, when my learning experiences on Earth are complete, I shall return as my I AM Presence grown to full stature.

I thank you for the privilege of having Life and for having a physical embodiment during this Cosmic Moment on Earth, when the God who fell from Grace aeons ago will,

at last, Cocreate the experience of returning to our full Divine Potential of Christ Consciousness.

How will the elimination of that tightrope affect your day-to-day activities and needs?

The key point will likely be that you no longer worry about 3D impinging on your new life or world.

Similar to no longer worrying about the 3rd-grade bully once you transfer to a different school.

What was is no more, including your concerns about what that bully will do to you and yours.

Perhaps you question that concept because you are concerned about those still affected by the third-grade bully.

You do not yet realize that you and your cohorts will begin emanating a more substantial energy mass than those who remain in 3D,

encouraging others to follow your path of comfort and joy instead of pain and fear.

Your vibrations will be stronger than those of 3D, encouraging others to follow your new you lead into a new world.

Even so, a number will refuse to adjust, change, or comply with the new energy and continue suffering.

There is nothing you can do to change that other than to be yourself as you radiate the new world from your being.

Beloved ones, thank you for allowing me and all of Humanity to serve as Instruments of God during this auspicious moment when our God,

the Holy Spirit, is reclaiming her rightful place of Divine Love in every person’s Heart Flame.

I AM deeply Grateful to individually and collectively serve as a surrogate on behalf of ALL of Humanity.

I now offer the Cup of my Consciousness as the Holy Grail through which the Light of God will flow to ensure that every person on Earth,

will Victoriously return to the Uniquely Awakened state of Christ Consciousness through his or her own endeavors.

as I Uniquely Awaken into the Enlightened state of Christ Consciousness invest me with the Power and Love,

to magnetize and radiate forth with every thought, feeling, word, action and belief I express,

the Divinity of my I AM Presence and the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.

You can protest, send financial resources, pray for peace, or do whatever feels necessary to help others transition.

But the most expressive and substantial element in your new bag of tricks is to be yourself, allowing those in pain to note what their life could be like.

You are beginning to radiate a light that enhances any space you occupy.

No longer do you need to force yourself or your actions upon others. Your inner light will be a beacon of joy and hope without any effort on your part.

Such has been the case for some time now.

The difference is that until you complete this next energy burst, your inner light is on a dimmer switch.

You will radiate vibrantly by removing anything that dims your inner light.

Perhaps you remember paintings of angels with golden halos or in a golden glow. you will be that.

And even though you may wish to dim your light at times, such will no longer be possible once you complete this next energy burst.

Rest now, for the energy burst will begin near the end of this week.

Do not fear the odd sensations you experience as you evolve internally. It is your eons of dreams coming true.

On the Holy Breath, I now Breathe in and out deeply and rhythmically through my Heart Chakra.

With every Inbreath, I align with the Comprehensive Divine Love of my God and the Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit.

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Spiritual awakening

Time to Get to Work.



I come to be with you at this time and indeed these momentous changing times you are approaching right now.

All of you know why these changes are happening now, and you are all anticipating these great changes.

But know that it is indeed time to get to work!

People love to be in love. Yet love is a big word. It’s the biggest word in the language.

Any language. So we have to ask…

True love is never the result of how another person looks, behaves, or interacts with us.

It is a choice to be loving no matter how that other looks, behaves or interacts.

What does that mean in your discussion earlier? it meant different things for different people, and that is how it must go.

It is different for everyone. What does work mean?

For some going to work means a job going each day to the same place over and over. That is what work means to some.

To others it means to go within and find that inner knowing within self, that God consciousness within you,

that is always there and find that within you and begin to manifest that outside of yourself.

Perhaps yes, to open a door for another, but only that one that is ready to have that door open for them.

This doesn’t mean that true love requires us to stay in a relationship that is abusive or that is no longer working or that’s not fulfilling.

Do not confuse the words love and relationship. We are not proving that we love someone by staying in a relationship.

Indeed, there are instances when we may be proving we love someone by leaving.

So it is not true that love demands that we love long after our own happiness has disappeared.

If a person is abusive to us, it is abusive to that person to allow their abuse to continue.

For if we allow their abuse to continue, what do we teach them?

Yet if we make it clear that the abuse in unacceptable, what then have they learned?

That is how it must go. You cannot do it for them. You cannot walk through the door for them.

They have to do it and they have to be ready to do it.

And as long as there is a glimmer, just a smidgen of glimmer that they are ready, you can open that door or a crack.

And if they show an interest more, you can open it up a little bit further and a little bit further and so on and so on.

That is going to work. That is what is meant by this.

To allow for the process to develop both within yourself and within others in their own speed.

It is their journey, just as it is your journey. We cannot live that journey for you.

You have to live the journey. They have to go through the journey. It just says you have gone through it.

Just says you have come to the awakening point within yourselves and realizing that God consciousness within you are one in the same.

Just as you have realized that, they are in the process of realizing that as well, but at their own pace, to allow them to have that pace.

And whenever possible, whenever it is called for, whenever they ask for it, then it is time; yes to intervene.

If we are no longer happy in a relationship, we confront one of the most important questions in life: Do we have a right to be happy?

The answer is, yes.

To remain in a relationship in which you are no longer happy because you said you would only produces unhappiness all the way around.

Maybe it’s time to get out.

Of course, it is true that no one can ever really get out of a relationship.

We are always in relationship with each other, and the only thing that changes is the form the relationship takes.

You cannot end a relationship, you can only change it. So do not think in terms of ending your relationship, think in terms of changing it.

You may wish to change its form , or you may wish to hold onto the form, but change its content.

Deciding to love someone truly love them is a very high choice. It is the mark of a master.

You all have a mission. You have, many of you have been working in that mission,

just in the process of coming together each and every Sunday for the conference calls that you have,

is working on your mission,

because it is working on yourself, moving within yourself, again finding that God consciousness connection that has always been there,

but it was blinded by the illusion that was set up in front of you.

That illusion, if you allow it, is no longer there. The veil, if you allow it, is no longer there.

So be ready, my friends, my brothers and sisters, be ready.

Be ready to go about your father’s mission, your higher God-self mission, which is your mission, one in the same I and my father are one.

Loving someone as a reaction is a different kind of experience. It is the mark of a student.

The danger of loving someone as a reaction is that the one we love may change. In fact, it is certain that they will.

They may gain weight, or lose it. They may alter their personality. They may change their ideas about something important to us.

And if we are in love with what others bring to us in relationship, we could be headed for enormous disappointment.

So we come to the second big truth about all this: love is not about what the other brings to you , it is about what you bring to the other.

Indeed, the purpose of all love relationships is to provide us with an opportunity to decide and to declare,

to announce and to express, to become and to fulfill, Who We Really Are.

This is perhaps another way of restating the first truth, because Who We Really Are is a choice, not a response.

It is a decision, not a reaction although it is true that most people think it is the other way around.

When I talk to young people about love, I tell them that there are two questions having to do with life and relationship that everyone would benefit from asking.

Say that within yourself daily. Many times within the day, if you can, I and my father are one.

I and my God-self are one. I am in my father.

My father is in me. We are one together as God consciousness, unity consciousness together, and together all of us, all of us together,

will form that unity consciousness and create the new world that is right there in front of us, right there ready for the creation to begin more and more in earnest.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness,

and that you continue to understand and know what you are here to do, why you are here for it, and what you are to do,

and what comes next in the next moment, over and over moment to moment, continue to be in that moment.

It is important to ask these in the right order. Many people switch them around and suffer for it the rest of their lives.

First they ask, who is going with me in my life? Then they ask, where am I going?

Often, the choice of destination is conditioned and compromised by the choice of companion.

This can make for a very rough journey.

Recently a young woman in her twenties asked me, What does it feel like to be in love?

I told her I could not answer for anyone else, but I know what it feels like to me. It feels like there is only one of us in the room.

When I am with my beloved other, it feels as if there is no place where I end and she begins.

When I look into her eyes, it is like looking into my own. When I sense that she is sad, it is as if the sadness pierces my own heart.

When she smiles, the heart of me smiles with her as her.

I wish I could feel this way about everyone. That is what I am working toward. I am feeling it with more and more people very day.

Of course, in true love nothing could be further from the truth. And in true love, such ideas or thoughts are never part of the experience.

No one owns anyone , and no one acts as if they do.

This has major implications, as one might imagine.

So now I am going to list the fifth, and perhaps the most controversial, truth about love that I know.

Love never says no. Not to persons of equal maturity and intelligence.

No matter what the request of the beloved, love says yes.

This does not mean that personal opinions are not expressed, or personal preferences not announced.

It means that, in the end, a request from the beloved is never denied. Who are we to deny anyone anything?

Again, that is difficult for many people to grapple with. Yet this is the way that God loves.

I am fond of saying in my lectures and retreats that God has only one word in her vocabulary.

God always says yes.

No matter what you want, no matter what you choose, he never says no.

This idea can be reduced to two-words: God allows.

I believe that the words God and love are interchangeable, you could then say, love allows.

In the end, that is what love does. Love allows. It never restricts, it never limits, it never stops, it only allows. In true love relationships, you get to have what you want.

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Spiritual awakening

The Beginning of the New Republic.



I come to be with you at this time, in these indeed continuing changing times. But what times are these? What change in time are these?

I wonder about these air disasters. I wonder about our collective power.

I wonder about the acceleration we feel in almost every part of life.

Let us speak about the time you are living, for it is at the cause of every one of your wonderings.

Acceleration is a well-chosen term. Each part of your life accelerates, and there will be no part untouched.

Humanity chooses a “quick” Ascension. This was expected, yet the fallout was not.

The quickening shows up in all things human. Once a choice is made it manifests at breakneck speed.

This is due to both the choice and the energetic in which it is made.

You are right in the midst now; of the beginning, as your discussion earlier of the new golden age.

Again, but not only of America, but of the entire world, the entire planet is going through a metamorphosis; if you will, a transition.

And you are right in the middle of that now, but also know that as we have said many times, you are the catalyst,

you, the light workers and warriors, the light beings that are here on the earth to move this entire process forward, this entire ascension process forward.

The controllers who ran the Earth had to follow a method. First, there was exposure to what they wanted.

This had to be maintained so that there was belief. Belief on our part.

We had to believe that this reality they presented was the only real one.

Belief often accompanied fear. Humanity followed orders and rules and belief systems out of fear.

These controllers were brutal. They used the moniker of religion to cover a multitude of sins.

Human sacrifice was built into the system from the start.

Systems, rules, and obedience created a world of order, more or less. The controllers kept that order in place with fear.

But before that can happen, before the ascension can take full swing, you first have to crumble the old, the old illusion, the illusion must fall.

And the illusion, my friends, my brothers and sisters, the illusion is falling fast now.

You are beginning to witness the advent of the changes coming in, the advent of the new disclosure of revealing everywhere.

Starting here, yes, in this United States for America, the beginning of the new republic, and this is the beginning of the new republic,

and your president, the one president Trump knows about the republic.

This concerns creation, which has been on my mind lately.

The controllers understand the genie in the bottle. It is us. Our thoughts and beliefs are creative. It is why they only need to create the culture.

They did not have to physically enslave all of us to get us to do what they wanted. We’d do whatever we believed was right.

We learned what was right from them, from their control systems.

They taught us to follow their rules in order to win the prizes they told us we should want.

Manifesting was not magic. It was the result of hard work, dedication, and following very specific steps.

These steps followed rules and institutions. Rules and institutions that were put in place by them.

So, we did , and we’d see our dreams pop into our reality after a good deal of time passed. Creation was slow.

He knows he is the catalyst for this, but he also knows that he is not just for America, even though he says, make America great again.

It is not only that, he knows it is a bigger responsibility, a larger responsibility that he has in front of him.

Not only to make America great again, but to make the earth great again, to make the world great again,

to make everything come together as it needs to, as it was meant to, as you are the ones,

you are the ones throughout the galaxy that have come here to be a part of this and to move this expression forward,

but not only again of the expression here on this planet, but the expression throughout the solar system and the galaxy,

the ascension of the entire galaxy is in beginning process now because of what you are doing here on this planet, what you came here to do.

In the current energy, it’s not slow. The reasons for that are many, yet at the top of that list would be that the controllers have lost control.

In these last five years, we’ve all seen the Emperor. We have noticed the lie.

This did something to our creative juices. We no longer follow any specific rules.

The controllers have lost their stranglehold on the race, and we’re sort of running wild.

This means our thoughts are all over the place, and there is a good deal of scrambling.

All of us are reaching for something, without looking for the control systems to give it to us or tell us what it should be.

This consciousness rising is turning the tide in our reality. Creation feels instantaneous. We see synchronicities everywhere.

We are also talking about them online and verbally. There is so much power in our collective creative ability.

This is what the control systems have attempted to harness for their own benefit for generations.

We haven’t fully accepted responsibility for this yet, and so it feels as if no one is in control.

So allow the process to continue to play out, and yes, do not succumb to fear, do not succumb to any of the control that,

those that have been in charge in the past but are no longer, but those that hang on and will continue to hang on with their dying breaths,

they will continue to attempt to hold on to control of the planet, control of humanity,

but they have lost and they know it, they at the deepest levels of them, they’re being, they know they have lost.

But they will continue to cry out to hold on as much as they can, but alas, they have failed and the plan,

the great universal plan is certainly in works right now, certainly it is in the entire flux of it being right now,

to move forward into the next stage, the next phase if you will. Some have called it the second phase,

and that is what you are approaching right now, that second phase.

So be ready, be ready, but not in fear, do not allow those that attempt to hold on, attempt to spread fear, do not allow that to come into you,

know that the illusion is fading and your new reality that you have come here to create and are in process of continuing to create now becoming the new reality,

It looks that way too. There is so much blame. There is also unfocused fear. All of this is powerfully creative.

Yes. What occurs for the race now is a reset. This feels turbulent and unleashed. It feels as if creation is out of control.

Until mankind accepts responsibility for its participation, it will continue to feel haphazard and potentially deadly.

Life is meant to be experienced full-on. Where that full-on is focused determines the course your life takes.

Until recently, man has looked to authority for methods, rules, and benefits. This is a dismantling.

We’ve said this before, yet you are in the middle of it now. As your world lets go and rebuilds, there will be disruption.

This is not to say that no one is to blame for events. It is to point out that you all have a part in their creation.


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