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Spiritual awakening

Message From Saint Germain.



we can realize that we already have done this, and we can recognize it now.

We can be living in a higher dimension of freedom and sovereignty with all of our needs fulfilled.

This dimension exists for us when we imagine and feel ourselves living in it.

This is our natural state of being. We are constantly created in deepest love and joy.

In many, many areas, change is happening. Some not so seemingly great. Some quite miraculous and wonderful.

All depends on the time-line at this point that you have all chosen, all of you that resonate, that is important, that word resonate to my word now.

All of you are beginning to understand more and more that change is inevitable, and change is necessary and needed at this point in your evolution.

But change, as someone rightly said earlier, is adapting, adapting to what is needed.

They are our boundaries within universal consciousness. They define the energetic spectrum of our reality.

As we use our imagination and emotions, we continually change dimensions.

When we are unaware that we are constant creators and are stepping from one dimension to another, we do not believe in miracles.

When we create something extraordinary that appears to be a miracle,

we do not change anything, but because the energetics are not in alignment, we move into a dimension where the energetics match.

Usually this would be essentially identical to the dimension we just left, and those who are present energetically align with some aspect of ourselves, including the miracles.

They are not miracles in this dimension. They are part its unique timeline.

Of course, you are angry because you assumed you let go of everything before becoming new you.

And so you have except for this piece. It could be financial, physical surroundings, physical well-being, or relationships.

Perhaps you attempted to create your joy. A joy that feels right but has been elusive for most, if not all, of this earth life.

Your best efforts seem to produce nothing. As if you were a shining knight ready to slay the dragon only to discover you cannot find the dragon despite riding hither and yon.

If you had not decided en masse to complete this life in love, you might never have accessed this hidden piece or accessed it at a different place and time.

You will likely address this issue this week. Your greatest fear will materialize and then disappear as if it never existed.

This is what we want, because it is our real experience, when we have transcended our limiting beliefs about ourselves.

We can realize that we are unlimited in every way, and we can live now in the world we most want to experience.

To realize its reality, we have to align our personal vibrations with it.

It is possible for us to be aware of our infinite essence expressing itself as our human selves,

while participating in our lives here in ways that come from compassion and joy in the enhancement of all life. We can intentionally express these qualities.

That is what you are doing now. You are adapting. You are taking on the changes as they come and moving with them rather than against them.

That is important now. Do not fight against the changes, but go along with them, as the go with the flow is very important now. Because again, change is inevitable.

The old programming of the third-dimensional illusion is fading away more and more.

But in order to do so, there must be a revealing of the old programming, revealing of the shadows as we come into the light.

And as those shadows come into the light, they fight. They fight to hold on to those very shadows.

The dark forces need to be in those shadows. For they are not comfortable in the light. And the light is their undoing.

The light is what is taking them out of their comfort zone and moving them into areas of expression that they were not ready to do as of yet.

According to our vibrations, we change dimensions from moment to moment, which changes our experience of reality.

In the timeline that excludes the miracle, our limiting beliefs restrict our awareness.

it is needed when relying on ego-consciousness, but it disables our creative awareness and limits our experience.

Our true knowing is our creative power. It comes to us in our seeking it. We can have our miracles only when we realize that we already have them.

This is how we transform our experiences. We change timelines and dimensions, and we can live with miracles.

Perhaps you wonder what will happen if you ignore this fear once more.

Nothing other than your new life will not be as joyful because this piece relates to your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

How you move through this piece is your decision, just as whether or not to do so.

Most likely, these words make you angry because we of the Universes promised you the sun and the moon. You now have to return to the shadows to claim it.

This is not a punishment but a growth step in your creation abilities.

Until you finally close this fear, you will create your joy by maneuvering around it like a spot of ink on cream-colored fabric.

Even though the fabric is cream-colored, it is marred by the spot of ink, no matter how small that spot is.

This is how we are created to be, and how we prefer to live in infinite awareness within our attention.

By expressing the true intention of the creative life force that constantly enlivens us, we gain creative power exponentially.

In this way, our influence spreads throughout humanity, making it easier for everyone to open to awareness of our expansive Self.

We can create realization of realities. Our reality is our interpretation of the energetic circumstances that we align with.

Each of us has conscious qualities that are unique to us in the way we modulate the conscious life force that we wield with our attention and our vibratory alignment.

We can express ourselves from the feelings of our deepest essence.

As we do this, we are living in the dimension that aligns with our vibrations. The qualities of our personal lives can be vastly different from the situations around us.

They may appear chaotic and threatening, but they are in a different dimension and do not have to affect us personally.

They had a plan, and that plan is being thwarted in every respect at this point. Even though it may not appear so.

And even though it may indeed appear to be a time of great sorrow for many. But for many more of you, it is a time to rejoice.

Not for the sorrow that is happening, but to rejoice in that indeed you are coming to the end of all of this. The end of the movie, if you will.

It is approaching. And I, as Saint Germain, have been delegated at this point to be the one in charge of the great changes that are happening here on this planet.

That is the dream, the dream that occurred so long ago by those in the know. They had the dream.

And the dream is coming closer and closer to being realized where ALL men and women, all are created equal in the eyes of the God force.

Where no one is to be excluded from that freedom. That is the New Age. The New Golden Age of Gaia.

We are creators of our experiences, which we share with all other conscious beings, who also participate in universal consciousness.

We are free to create whatever we want, provided that we do not limit ourselves, but we have gone to great lengths to limit ourselves, and we have not realized what we have done to ourselves.

If we have any fear of the unknown or doubt about our capabilities, we are keeping ourselves from knowing the unconditional love and fulfilling energies that we can align with.

Everything is as it should be in every dimension, and we do not change anything. We can transform our experience by recognizing the reality that we choose and realizing that it is real.

We do this by changing to a timeline that expresses the reality that we recognize.

This is a complex process, but we do it all the time. Our reality is what we realize it is.

For each of us, this may be different in some way, depending on our own perceptive ability and perspective.

Eliminating this fear is not a punishment but instead an expansion of your creation capabilities.

A quick scan of your being will tell you what that fear is.

Maybe you are now angry enough to ignore the clearance window that is presenting itself.

As is true for all activities offered to you via eclipses, alignment of the stars, or whatever your inner body tells you is an open window to the new,

this weekā€™s opportunity will continue if this is not the right time to address your fear.

This weekā€™s energies merely allow you to address the issue more easily than might be true in the future.

Perhaps you wonder why we of the Universes featured the past few weeks of joyful creation if you had a remaining fear to address.

Even though your creative skills are not dampened by this long-hidden fear, we have noted that your creations are not quite at the level you wish.

A review indicated you hid a specific fear so deeply that you had no idea it was within you.

The energies of this week will be an opening allowing you to address that fear with the least amount of trepidation.

This weekā€™s opening is a gift from you and the Universes to you. Claim it. And then allow that deeply, deeply hidden fear to ooze out of your totality.

We do not have to change anything outside of our own consciousness. Everything already exists in the quantum field, waiting for our recognition and realization.

By imagining ourselves living in a realm of beauty, love and joy, we align our vibrations with those qualities and move into the dimension that enhances life.

We can go back and forth in energetic dimensions and stay as long as we choose.

The qualities of our experiences are created by our perspective in our mental and emotional processes.

These create our personal energetic signature, expressing our non-localized presence of awareness.

Once we succeed in directing our attention entirely to life-enhancing energies, we enter a timeline or dimension that is filled with those energies.

This shift in our life experience is a result of the shift in our consciousness.

We can vibrate at the level of our heart-consciousness, and we can direct our ego to align with our inner knowing.

That is where you are all moving toward in this ascension process. Will everyone ascend? No.

That is not possible at this point.

But know that as more and more do become aware of what is in reality here, not the old illusion,

but the new reality that you are all creating, When more and more become aware of that, then the tipping point has arrived.

And you are coming very close now to that tipping point. Even though it may not appear so.

Even though you think only millions at this point have awakened, that is far from the truth.

There are many, many more that have awakened, or are in that process of awakening.

Awakening to who they really are, and what this is really all about.

And then they, just like you all, they will understand that this is a movie and that the movie eventually does come to an end.

That end approaches, as many, many more from beyond this Earth those of your brothers and sisters from the stars will commence to move in and bring more and more change to this planet.

As it is destined that those of you, the awakened ones, and those of us who are here to assist many, many more in their awakening process.

The lesson here is that we are free, sovereign Beings, able to create whatever reality we want in whatever timeline and dimension we recognize as real.

This is what we do, and itā€™s time to realize it. Weā€™ve been sleep-walking through life, not knowing how weā€™re creating it as we go along.

When we decide that fear, doubt and anger have served their purpose,

we can recognize our limiting beliefs and resolve them, by realizing that they are self-imposed and have become undesirable.

We know what they are. We can resolve them and release them, opening our awareness to our multi-dimensional, infinite essence and creative ability.


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Spiritual awakening

Bringing Change



We are totally and completely engaged in all of the goings on there on planet Earth.

We have been following your stories for quite some time,

and we are very interested in capturing the essence of what it means to be human and living on Earth at this time.

We want to know what it feels like for all of you to have the experiences that you have, and when we gather that emotional data,

we are able to then co-create with you better circumstances that will help you to access higher-vibrational states.

It came to me that this ā€˜couldā€™ be another something ā€¦ that doesnā€™t happen! I am not being negative.

It was just a passing thought. The thing is, I donā€™t care if a lockdown comes or doesnā€™t.

I am not in control of it. I do care however, that I keep on going, doing what I do, because the Love that is me,

knows I came here to do this, and the Love that is me, knows that I AM in control of my thoughts and my every action.

And, THAT, my friends, is what you have taught me. And, THAT is how each one of us will change the world.

Everything in the universe is co-creation. Everything that occurs happens by agreement, and one of the agreements that you all have is with us.

We are here to assist; we are here to help you create a better-feeling reality for all of humankind.

And that is why we are much more likely to work with you if your aim is to create a better reality for all than if it is just something that you are interested in as an individual.

But we also do recognize that there is a ripple effect that occurs when we help one of the helpers.

And so, if you are one who helps other human beings, and you have a desire for yourself,

like a romantic relationship, we certainly do everything that we can to be of assistance.

We, of course, welcome you and Each One that chooses to follow this pathway that we offer.

We are happily connected with you at this time and we know that those who need to hear what we present will feel uplifted.

It is not that we KNOW BETTER, it is that we KNOW what we say will resonate within your Heartā€™s Truth and assist you in remembering all that we all know!

Yes, your messages do that, when we take them to heart. We are getting stronger in our resistance to the lesser Lighted happenings.

We are allowing our TRUTH ā€¦ our Inner Truth, to rise up within us and know that it is only by focusing on LOVE and LIGHT and LAUGHTER,

that we are doing what we came to do. We cannot change the world if we let the darkness grab hold.

We are studying the effects of the new realities that are created, even before they have a chance to be experienced by you.

They still have an essence of their own that we can explore, and many of you try out these new realities when you are not in your bodies at night.

It is like you are at a clothing store, and we are the sales clerks, and you are trying on outfits and telling us how they feel to you.

This cooperation is what being linked together is all about for all beings throughout this universe and beyond.

We take our role very seriously, while also attempting to always have fun,

and you all are doing your part when you focus on whatever the new desire is that you have hatched up,

and you are also being of service every time you feel one of your emotions, because again, we get to collect that data.

Well, thatā€™s the thing, isnā€™t it? We can! And we are!

Yet, if it wasnā€™t for you and White Cloud, my Being would not have woken up to the knowing of the strength within me.

It has helped us to remember this, and so much more. Thank you.

Blossom, we shall remain with you, for it was decided that this agreement would serve many well.

Souls who walk your Planet, chose to come into the density to have the experience of lifetimes that create circumstances,

that allow the awakening to LOVE of LOVE to occur. For some, this may take many, many returns.

Hence the saying, ā€˜Happy Birthday and many happy returns.

Correct. All returns are designed to bring about change and growth. Yet, not all returns bring about the change one originally had in mind.

Free will, can lead one down paths one had not expected to encounter.

And we are not the only ones who are working with you in this way.

We all compare notes here in the higher realms, and everyone has a different perspective and a different approach on how to best help humanity.

But this you can know for certain; we are all attempting to help you all the time and in every imaginable way.

You are the children of the universe, and we are your doting grandparents, and we also are your co-creators who see you as valuable members of this universe.

And many of you are contributing so much because of what you have agreed to live and experience in your human earthly lifetimes.

We are very, very appreciative of each and every one of you, and we would like for you to feel that appreciation and see if you can also appreciate yourselves.

So, the you that you are experiencing now, the you that chose to be here amongst all the turmoil and unknown outcomes is simply a role you have come here to play.

Do not think for one moment you have never been through such times before. You have and much worse.

And we came back for more?

Yes. Yet, this time most of you knew that which lay ahead and wanted to come down to rectify wrongdoings. The lessons of old had an impact on your Lighted Soul.

Wrongdoings played out by ourselves, or others?

Both. For ā€˜othersā€™ ARE yourselves.



Therefore, the Plan had to take place in order for Light to reign, once again.

Decisions were made due to debauchery of all that one could encounter, for self-satisfying gratification ā€¦

and a collective agreement came into play that would bring forth ā€˜law and order.

By this, we mean that it was decided that no longer was it to be that the free will that led your Planet into the imbalanced state that it is in would be allowed to continue.

It was decided that ā€˜interventionā€™ was needed.

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Spiritual awakening

Your Personal Dawn.



In past messages, we of the Universes adjusted our information to compliment your new being and your former self a no longer required dance.

So, we are eliminating some of the pieces we inserted to reassure your former being that you were not odd or losing your mind.

The energies continue to build and I hope most of you can feel this MASSIVE SHIFT that happened overnight leading us into Friday!!

My Heartfelt super expanded all day, with these super pristine diamond plasma light and pure Divine Source Love streaming through our fully opening Crystal Hearts.

Here in the non-physical realms we are loudly applauding you all as you so beautifully prepare to bring the collective human awakening to its most glorious conclusion.

This is the main purpose of each of your current individual human incarnations.

And remember, you are never alone! When you incarnate you each have your own support team in the non-physical realms,

watching over you and giving you gentle nudges whenever necessary you each made clear to us,

before you were born into your present bodies, that you might well need a nudge from time to time to assist you to remain on your chosen paths,

and we completely honor those instructions and we are always with you to answer immediately if you call on us for guidance.

The massive shifts of the past week changed your approach to earth life.

Even though you experienced many lives in other locations, you are of the earth now.

Your focus shifted the past few days from spiritual out there somewhere interactions to your earthly life.

While you were of 3D and throughout your now completed transition, you needed reassurance that you were not alone,

that your family in various ethers, if you will, supported and cared for you.

Even though your families of the ethers continue to care for you, you have left that Universal security nest to create new security while of the earth in this lifetime.

No longer will you need to travel to other Universal locations for pep talks or love because you are now creating that while of the earth.

This is a new dawn with a new action plan.

Mine felt like one massive open Stargate, anchoring pure Source Light through us, into the Crystalline Core and Grids of Earth and Cosmically so.

A little hard to ground, but just so beautiful to start feeling truly alive, as if for the first time!

Everything felt SUPERCHARGED, so much CLEARER and LIGHTER, which is OUR NEW NORMAL, and weā€™re only just getting started!!

Today, Saturday, a little adjustment is unfolding as we continue to expand and contract as we up-level and align to,

and stabilize the new higher dimensional frequency bandwidths and realities,

merging ALL AS ONE NEW DIVINE ORGANIC CREATRIX FIELD, through our own Multi-dimensional merging and walk-in process.

Not one of you is here alone, by chance, and without the constant availability of our loving assistance!

You each made a totally free choice to be incarnate at this moment in the awakening process, fully understanding how difficult it would be.

You are all doing magnificently, and we want you to be aware of this so that you can release any doubts you may have about how wonderfully helpful,

effective, and essential your presence on Earth is at this moment of the awakening process.

As you each engage ever more fully with the awakening process your own and that of the collective be aware that distractions of a worldly nature are quite normal.

You not only have your own egos attempting to distract you, but also the collective one which is resisting the call to awaken.

Do not let that concern you, all is divinely taken care of, and your irreversible collective choice to awaken is leading you forward most beautifully.

You are strong enough to create a new life without the expertise or hand-holding once required as you transitioned from 3D to the strong, capable, loving being you have become.

Most likely, you cannot yet sense what we are speaking of, for you seem much as you did yesterday or last week. Y

et you do not feel at all as you did last month.

Slowly, in your mind and rapidly in ours, you have shifted from requiring Universal assistance to becoming part of that Universal assistance.

Perhaps some of you feel the Universes have deserted you.

You no longer require our hand-holding or reassurances that you are moving in the correct direction for you have arrived.

Our future messages will be about your strengthening capabilities instead of how you can cope with loss, fear, and anger.

It is over. Your old life is gone.

You will feel your life energy, balance, peace, happiness, and joy returning as you kick all parasitic energies to the curb as they arise in the moment,

and you become super consciously aware of all that unfolds, atOne with Source.




Ascension truly is a journey for BRAVE-HEARTS!

Your egos, individual and collective, are but split off parts of your minds the parts you use as your human identity,

and their purpose is to assist you during your daily lives in form as an aspect of your autonomic nervous systems,

which keep your bodies operating normally without any need for you to pay them undue attention.

However, because your bodies are delicate and can easily be damaged, your egos have developed individual warning systems for each of you,

so that they can easily attract your attention if any untoward threat to your body should arise;

and because they love and greatly desire your attention they spend a lot of time looking for new ways to capture it.

They are really rather like small children attempting to attract their busy parents attention,

and, like small children, they will mature, they will be re-integrated into the wholeness of your true nature.

Therefore, do not blame or condemn them, realize that they are always doing their best,

and treat them gently with love and affection, while not allowing them to bully you into being helicopter parents who can always be cajoled into satisfying their every need without discernment.

It is good for them to have quiet time without your constant attention, while knowing that should real needs arise you will be there for them.

You are busily creating a new life with new strengths and capabilities.

Perhaps you are horrified that we are deserting you. You have become part of the Universal team instead of requiring help from your Universal team.

In a 3D sense, you left your home of origin to create a new home with complete control of your life and interests.

Some of you will bemoan or fear that independence. Such is to be expected until you realize your skill set is much deeper than you believe.

You can manifest, love, and direct your life without our assistance.

In the future, you will be an important part of the Universes.

What you achieved on the earth in this life will be emulated repeatedly as other Universal beings transition their locations in ways that best suit their beings.

Earth shifted from fear to love. Other locations wish to change in different ways.

Your shifting expertise in a short amount of time will be emulated repeatedly with your assistance.

You will seldom require our assistance. And if or when you do, that assistance will be provided as a friendly suggestion instead of parental oversite.

You have left the nest only to return as a capable Universal adult if or when you feel like doing so.

WE HAVE TO CUT THROUGH , unapologetically to reclaim all of our power, gifts, abilities, gnosis and wisdom, which is us re-claiming our true Freedom and Abundance!!

Huge Divine Union Energies have been filling the field with the highest and purest Frequencies of Divine Love, helping to save and heal us ALL!

We are completing the unification of our multi-dimensional Selfs. INTEGRATING ALL aspects and POLARITIES within us,

through Divine Love & Neutrality, AS ONE, which is what the Twinflame journey is all about and the main mission at hand.

It is us resurrecting our True Self, as we birth the Holy Grail within us, embodying the Holy Trinity!

The full resurrection/ Rebirth of the inner Christ/ Holy Child!

The remaining density, karmic load, false memories, artificial overlays, and inserts are fully evaporating from our and the Cosmic Field,

along with all fear-based energies and memories of the false Matrix realities.

Our bodies still require a lot of rest and grounding, especially when the frequencies rise we may feel very high, as we continue to go through this rebirthing, expansion, and contraction process!

Remember that you have to let go of the heavy density, FEEL the EMOTIONS, the pain, the sadness, grief, and sorrow, to dissolve it fully.

Itā€™s energy held in your body that needs to be purged, just know it for what it is and CELEBRATE THE LETTING GO OF ALL THAT IS NO LONGER NEEDED!

When you awaken, as soon you will, the experience of Love flooding into your hearts will delight and inspire you.

You all know that Love is your nature, but most of you do not regularly experience the sense or feeling of that divine truth in your daily lives,

and often even find it hard to believe that Love is your nature,

as you observe the constant flow of unloving behaviors occurring that are causing pain and suffering to so many on a daily basis.

However, actually being aware of this, as you are, effectively intensifies your intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives because,

appreciating as you do that your intentions are extremely powerful, you continue to make a point of resetting that loving intent at the start of your day.

Doing so is a major duty of your present human life purpose.

Yes, your presence on Earth Now, is essential, and you know that.

That is why you are presently incarnate, and whatever personal issues you may find yourselves dealing with that may be causing you anxiety, pain, or suffering generally,

are also reflections of what much of the unawakening and presently unaware ones are also dealing with.

By dealing lovingly with those issues of your own, you greatly assist the collective to do the same.

Remember. All Are One, separation is unreal.

Therefore by just being, you and the collective are doing indispensable work to bring the awakening to its most magnificent fruition.

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Spiritual awakening

Necessary Transition.



We have an enormous amount of respect for all of you who have chosen very challenging lives for yourselves,

because we know that you are not just doing it for your own experiences.

We know that those of you who come forth and take on a lot are doing it for your entire ancestral line.

You are helping past life versions of yourselves, and you are helping the generations that are to be born into your family in the future.

If we thought things were getting tough before, we can be amazed at what is now occurring in our lives.

The process of shifting into a higher frequency has become even more complex, messy and confusing and even frightening at times.

It is true that this transition is really delicate for many of you. Many of you do not understand what is going on.

Why so much violence awakens around you. We have often told you about it.

This transition creates cellular disturbances in many of you because it is often difficult to leave the old one to move on to a new way of life totally different from what you live and have lived.

However, this transition is necessary, very necessary as we have often signaled to you.

Of course, a large number of humans would like it not to exist in order to remain locked in the tranquility of the habit of life that you had.

We can speak to the past in your language because, from now on, this transition, which is there, well there, effective, will lead you towards a total change of life.

Your life will no longer be the same, you know, and it is no longer the same.

We will explain: first of all, there is a story of time: you live with linear time, a time made of minutes, hours, days etc.ā€¦

and what have you been noticing for some time ? You notice that the days pass very quickly,

as if time said to you: be careful ! you are going to another way of life, you are heading for non-time.

Weā€™re finding that if weā€™re still clinging to old patterns, beliefs and emotional reactions, or to relationships or conditions that are holding us back in our awakening process,

this push to let them go can get quite harsh. We are rising rapidly into a higher frequency now,

and what this entails can sometimes be emotionally painful and, for some, physically so, as well.

You are helping parallel aspects of yourselves on other timelines and even in other universes.

You are also helping all of humanity by moving through a very challenging life circumstance,

or what some might even call a trauma, because you are showing others that there is another way.

You are showing everyone who is connected to you that they too can handle lifeā€™s challenges, with grace, with dignity, and with love and joy flowing to them and through them.

Lifeā€™s traumas do not have to crush anyone, and what we are seeing there on Earth at this time is that far,

fewer of you are being crushed by those challenges that you placed in front of you before incarnating.

It can be somewhat easier if we can stay aware that what weā€™re experiencing is a type of death process.

Our old 3D identity is in the process of dying; and if we arenā€™t able to easily drop those things that are
attached to this identity,

they will be, sometimes rather abruptly, stripped away from us.

The speed at which your days pass shows you that, little by little, the linear time that you live will fall apart to become what we live.

Of course, this is not for your earthly time tomorrow but it is preparing at high speed.

There is a second point that will show you that your life will not be the same, it is the fact that, at all times,

even if you donā€™t fully realize it, youā€™re going to have more and more precise thoughts on the Universe,

on the Galactic Brothers that we are.

You are going to ask yourself more and more questions about Life beyond Earth on other planets.

It cannot be otherwise because your cells, your cellular memories are reactivated by the energies of Peace and Love which are offered to Earth from the Celestial Spheres.

The cleaning of human cell memories will allow the erasure of everything that had been instilled in you by society, by religions and that was not Truth.

You have been so manipulated for generations and generations that you all believed that life was what you live or have lived.

Now, True Life, as we have often told you, is spiritual, only spiritual. We do not say religious because religious such as Catholicism, Christianity, etc.ā€¦.

deceived you about True Life and the important beings that you are since you are divine sparks without exception.

So, to finish this message, we tell you that this transition is very necessary in order to purify who you are,

in order to upgrade the understanding of True Life in each of you and in order to bring you back on the path of the Supreme Father who is in you,

totally in you and in everything that lives around you.

We need to understand that the new high-frequency energies on the planet are no longer allowing us to carry on with our old, limited,

low-frequency understanding about ourselves. Itā€™s too small, too limited, too powerless for who we truly are.

So sometimes radical changes need to happen.

Sometimes things that are really important to us are pulled away, seemingly by external forces but itā€™s really our deeper Self that is doing this.

We need to trust that, if something is disappearing from our lives, itā€™s because it is something we can no longer take with us.

The first thing you want to do when facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge is accept it.

The second thing you want to do is to recognize that you chose it.

The third thing you want to do is acknowledge your emotions that you feel in regards to it.

The next thing you want to do is feel those emotions.

And finally, having cleared those emotions you will have a much different perspective on what it is that is actually happening.

You will be able to see it as a springboard, a way for you to grow even more spiritually.

All of lifeā€™s traumas, challenges, and tragedies are nudging each and everyone of you in a particular direction.

And yet, at the same time that this death of our 3D self is occurring, we are also, simultaneously, being reborn.

A new 5D identity is rising up within us. As old patterns are dropped, more and more room is made for this new Self to manifest within us.

Itā€™s just generally not as visible yet as the old identity that is fading away is. It can be difficult to notice it when weā€™re in pain, confusion or exhaustion.

And yet we can, if we can just shift out of our old and familiar 3D consciousness and our passive acceptance of our limited and constrained 3D life.

We can be aware that the ascension birth process, much like the physical birth process, can be painful, messy and exhausting until we are fully born and free.

And we can also begin seeing ourselves through the eyes of 5D consciousness,

recognizing the magnificence of who we really are as powerful multidimensional Beings and realize how our life is already beginning to function in 5D reality.

We can trust we are being guided in the best direction we can go in to get where we are headed into a whole new world and life that operate in a radically new way.

Some of you start support groups. Others form bonds with those who went through the circumstance with them.

Some have spiritually transformative experiences during the trauma, and when you hear about someone who not only survived one of these very challenging experiences but also is thriving now, you get inspired.

You are all meant to inspire each other, and no one is meant to pity anyone else there on Earth.

But having compassion for someone is different from pitying them,

and you are all meant to have compassion for your fellow humans who are going through the suffering that they are going through.

And when you can hold space for one of those individuals to get what they are supposed to get out of it and eventually thrive,

then you really are being of service to them, and you can watch and wait for their moment where they will inspire you and everyone else who eventually hears their story.

And that is how you clear ancestral trauma and help everyone who shares planet Earth with you at this time.


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