Awakening People Quotes
What is Being Present? World Awakening.

you are always in the present because you are always doing these things now.
To be fully present in the moment is to pay attention to what is going on. When you are in your head, you do not pay attention to what is happening.
It all begins with the birth of a child, whose soul enters the foetus in the mother’s womb during the third month of pregnancy with the help of an energy code.
This is how the game begins for each individual.
Understand that the beings controlling your planet propose to stop this developing enlightenment at all costs since it will bring their reign to an end.
As the dark forces strive to bring all of you and the planet into greater servitude and increase your allegiance to separation and fear,
the polarity of Light will at the same time create awakening and enlightenment.
Even the planetary bodies in the heavens have aligned to facilitate this great surge in consciousness.
Whatever you are doing, you need to be present, as in fully engaged in that activity.
When you are with someone, you need to be fully present. Some times messages are passed on through someone else.
But if you are too busy analyzing what they said, judging them in some way, then you are not listening, and therefore missing any vital information that could be passed on to you.
Present means engaged. Wherever you are standing, are you being engaged with your environment or are you disconnected from your environment, living in your head?
Your head is filled with stories.
Each of us has two brain hemispheres, right and left. The right hemisphere is intuitive and the left is logical.
After birth, each person begins a struggle to decide between right and left. Intuition usually says something very different from logic.
In most people, logic wins because it suits the dominant system that educates us.
Immediately after birth, the defenceless child is attacked by a system called the Matrix with a terrible force that is supposed to block the child’s brain, especially the pineal gland and it’s intuition.
Soon those who are destined to form new governments and economic structures will become more visible.
They have been preparing for this day and are already living among you.
Do not judge them harshly or create expectations about them, for many who step forward may surprise you.
Many have masked their true identities from within the very groups they seek to replace.
Reach out with your hearts to recognize who your new leaders may be. All new structures will be formed for the benefit of the collective.
This is an important key to identifying those who are finally ready to really support humanity.
Even national borders will not stop those who support true change from coming together.
You are always here, always now. When you are engaged in the here and now, you can get the cues coming to you.
In other words, you are not trying to escape anything about your now. You are not trying to shove your head in your device to escape a conversation.
You are not shutting the door on someone asking a favor. When you are engaged, you can respond, without having to run away.
And when you are engaged, present, the larger part of you also present can give you the best answer, point you to the perfect solution, so you don’t have to turn away from anything.
When you are present, you are honest with yourself and others about how you feel.
You are not trying to bury your emotions nor are you trying to hide them nor run away so as not to express them.
You are there. Whatever comes up is expressed. Whatever you need is expressed. Whatever you feel is expressed.
At one point, one must learn to stand up for ones self and that can only happen if one is willing to be honest, without thinking of what the other will think.
To understand that he is unworthy, inferior, stupid and useless.
They say we should be grateful that we have a system that tells us who we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to believe and what we’re supposed to do with our lives.
You are told that you don’t need to invent anything new, because other people who understand it much better than you have already invented everything for you, so it would be a waste of time.
So a lot of people find it unnecessary to think for themselves, and even more of them are incapable of doing so.
They always have to go and ask someone else what to do.
Taking responsibility for one’s own life and health really scares a lot of people.
Much to the delight of the pharmaceutical industry, the church and other systems that drain people of energy, time, health and money.
These conflicts will initiate an acceleration on the entire planet and assist in awakening millions to a new awareness of their divinity and a reconsideration of new values in their lives.
Multitudes will discover new goals and purposes more aligned with their divine nature.
As a result of these conflicts you will find millions of people swelling the ranks of the lightworkers and banding together to create permanent peace and a new reality based on divine truths.
These conflicts will also assist in eroding the outmoded patriarchal structures that no longer serve you.
Be prepared to experience some sorrow and to witness the suffering that will take place.
This will assist in opening your heart and easing your passage into the higher dimension.
You will also clear much accumulated karma, making way for the new order and the recognition of your true Divine Self.
Children of my heart, allow the hand of God to wield its magic.
Your Creator is watching attentively, protecting the Earth and Her people who have chosen to remain and embrace their new glorious destiny.
Instead of going into fear, despair and hopelessness, light a candle of hope in your heart. Know that beyond war, a brand new world awaits.
Miracles are just waiting to manifest. The gifts of love and grace from the Creator and your star family will pour down in ways you have never experienced before.
Present means here and now with all that is happening, here and now with the people I am engaged with, here and now fully engrossed in that activity I am doing.
That is here and now. Being present is being here and now so I can feel what is coming up, so I can speak what I feel, sense, what I need,
so I can have compassion and love to those in front of me, so I can enjoy what I am doing, so I can decide what I prefer from the menu before me.
It is easier to hide than tell someone how you feel and risk hurting their feelings.
It is easier to run away from a situation you don’t want to face and wish it disappears.
It is easier to get mad at someone rather than be honest about what you need, rather than tell them that you come first.
And these are things your society needs to work on if you expect to live in a world of authenticity.
In a way, present, engaged also means authentic. You are not trying to be someone else, to please another.
You are being you. And it shouldn’t matter what another thinks because what they think in that particular moment is also colored by their current state of mind,
mental and emotional state which has nothing to do with you.
The system tries to prevent you from circumventing them in every possible way and puts obstacles in your way temptations and manipulative demands.
It offers you loans to make you a slave to money. It steals your time so that you don’t have the opportunity to fulfil your true mission ,and find the reason why you were born here. An abundance of time for people is pure poison for the system.
It offers you a tempting job or project that you can’t turn down, or perhaps enjoyable hobbies to obsess over and waste your time with.
People on this planet have stood together by the millions and stated their intention for peace, and so it shall be.
You are marching across your planet demanding peace, and so it shall be. You have become the focus of the entire cosmos.
We watch you, with love, intention and bravery rise up against the tyranny of one world government, saying, This far and no further; your day is done.
The Creator and all of you co-Creators are smiling, saying, At last they are waking up; let there be peace on Earth, and so it shall be.
As the vibration continues to increase upon the planet, so will your responsibilities.
We, your Lemurian brothers and sisters, are gathering our teams on the surface to implement our plans with many of you in every corner and country of this planet.
Eventually, we will be working in good will with all who desire to serve the greater good with us.
Nothing will be imposed on you. Your desire to serve with us must be ignited by the calling of your heart.
So that is being present. And it is not something you do once and immediately learn, but a practice that you must apply daily, because you are so used to living in your stories,
so used to hiding the truth of who you are, the truth of you being a priority, the truth of how you feel in the moment.
Imagine a council of seven elders sitting around a round table. There is only love and good intentions between them.
They are interested in establishing a new higher system and have agreed on what it should look like.
But because they can’t be sure what the outcome will be, they’ve agreed to give it a dry run first.
It’s the best way to build something that’s flawless and will last as long as possible.
So the Council of Elders split into a constructive side and a destructive side to play their parts in a dangerous game called Matrix.
The wisest and most respectful member of the Council suggested that he stand-alone against the others.
All agreed. His six brothers decided to play for the destructive side to the very end.
It’s a game of cosmic importance for the future of mankind, and it’s an unrepeatable one.
You can be grateful that you have been given the opportunity to be a part of it.
The Universe is a vast family of many trillion members.
We have been allowed by the Council of Seven to voluntarily play its game. Nothing you see here is real, it’s a simulation.
If you wish to be of service, our mission will involve great numbers of people.
Many wondrous opportunities will offer themselves for those desiring to work with us side by side.
You are the way-showers, the nucleus of many small groups that we are nurturing.
The time of joy you have been waiting for is just beyond the clouds.
If you can allow the clouds and storms to play out this last game, this last illusion, you shall never regret it.
Keep the candle of hope lit in your heart, for beyond the dark clouds is joy, ease and grace.
The dawning of a new world of unity and love, where violence no longer exists, is now just beyond the horizon.
Take care of each other in times of need. Extend your love and comfort to those who have not had the opportunity to learn what you already know.
Become the pillars of peace for all those in fear, so that they can lean on you for comfort.
As others lean on you, we invite you to lean on us for your strength and support.
In the days to come, we will be close to you, extending much love and assistance.
Spiritual awakening
CoronaVirus Message .

there has been a lot of speak about the Coronavirus. after I related with this novel life shape and requested it to inform me approximately itself, what came via changed into a listing of its pinnacle gifts, observed through a message for humanity. i used to be somewhat surprised, and also comforted, via the information. My hope is that those phrases will assist people to relax and consider that lifestyles is appearing with benevolent information.
The presents of the virus:
Slowing down humanity’s frenetic activities
Activating networks of cooperation
Spreading beneficial DNA
Upgrading humanity’s immune system
developing the conditions for peace and nicely-being
delivered on 9 March: Saving lives, in particular over the long term, by means of strengthening the web of lifestyles
right here is the message that the Coronavirus had to percentage:
My pals, it’s far real that i’m right here to carry closure to the inharmonious ways of being which can be causing damage to human beings and the whole web of life. all of the equal, i’m no longer a vengeful being or anything this is supposed to be detrimental. i am clearly the rebalancing agent inside the universal equation of existence’s evolutionary manner. through fighting me with fear to your hearts, you oppose the bigger herbal structures and motive me to take other kinds.
What i’m, and my essential motive, will no longer be deterred, for i am life itself performing through the to be had styles of distribution. The virus that you see me as is certainly one of an countless collection of variations. This form of process is one of the methods I innovate lifestyles bureaucracy and deliver new DNA sequences with a purpose to ultimately be shown to be helpful. The back and forth among humanity’s collective immune machine and the virus is elevating awareness as humans take a look at their interactions, and it’s miles literally increasing the intelligence of the superorganism this is the species as an entire.
these assessments are everyday. I repeat: these exams are ordinary. For People who can pay attention this message and embrace me without difficulty, you realize that worry is a miles extra lethal poison. For those who will not be comforted by means of these phrases, someday you’ll understand that I come as an act of affection. when you may open to the affection that is at the very coronary heart of this case, the disaster that your media and governments decry will remodel right into a flower of lifestyles, spreading new attention and multiplying circles of cooperation. pay attention to your thoughts and see if you could identify the benefits of redirecting humanity’s interest from incessant wars and violence to the not unusual “enemy” that i’m inclined to be perceived as.
Love will move this a ways, and farther, to deliver healing to the mind of a younger species this is still inside the system of remembering itself as a divine incarnation. sure, you’re a divine incarnation capable of fabricating realities primarily based on goodness and beauty and compassionate understandings, moves, and ideals. agree with me after I say that I, too, am right here as an act of compassion. Accepting me on this way will lighten your heavy burden for the divine sends most effective love your manner. on occasion this love takes curious bureaucracy so one can circumvent your tricky defenses towards waking up on your own glory. i’m able to guarantee you that the maximum useful strategy can be to embody me as a friend of the human own family.
Awakening Videos
Universal Mother – Time to Embrace The New .

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of All Things. Be at peace children. I and the Company of Heaven are look, guiding, nurturing you through this method of metamorphosis. i’m coming back through to energetically assist you during this currently of intense upgrade, for the vibration of allowance. currently in your world allowance tends to alter cash. this can be not what i’m touching on. this can be the method of permitting on a deep soul level another to help you. we see that the collective consciousness of humanity struggles with this method of permitting, for your fingers are trained, programmed, to grasp tightly, in order that you fight against this allowance. Open hands, open hearts are what’s needed for true allowing of the energies of the god, of love, of all goodies, to flow through you. Energies flow, are in constant flux. you’re within the method of receiving daily upgrades, nearly moment to moment because the codes of heaven stream into this field of acutely aware awareness. Open up. allow these codes of sunshine to appease, to permeate, to clear. attempt to open up your crown and receive these energies that are simply looking forward to you to do so. Ah. There. does one feel any tingling on your crown? Ringing in your ears? Those are smart signs. Feel my love for you as we dance the dance of the ages along. you’re so staggeringly supported, my beloved children of the sunshine, of the way. i’m your Mother, the Universal Mother of All Things.
We are the Pegasus Collective. we surround you with white wings of sunshine, forming a revolve around you, and around this planetary sphere of most beloved Ge. we are everlasting, as are you reading these words. we are expressions of supply of imagination and purity of kind. we’ve got return from way and wide involved witness to the present extraordinary transmutation of the ages, for this switch, this event is really at hand, for the energies are in support of this.
We are the Pegasus Collective. we would like to co-create an expertise of joy and walking on air with you, weary warriors of the approach. Ground to your planetary mother, Gaia. Send a silver stream of pure sparkling lightweight deep into her heart and tie a knot. currently we bend low in order that you’ll move our backs. this can be however a number of the baby angels ride with us as they’re learning the ropes of flight. there’s abundant joy during this, in our giving this expertise to you, a sacred moment for us. for under the angelic could participate. you’re changing into this more absolutely in your current kind. this can be what crystalline enhancements produce. They produce more light. more lightweight is inside you currently, friends, because the previous is falling away.
We are the Pegasus Collective of nine. we are more than nine, however nine people are channeling through this one during this moment. we are transferral in angelic codes of purity, of joy, of fun. we see it’s time for more fun. And now, human of the sunshine, you’re sitting upon our backs. we are quite giant, are we not? You were expecting an sublunar horse with wings (whinnying laughter). No. we are way greater. they’ll expand and contract their forms at will. I see a personality’s sized horse, and nevertheless suddenly i’m microscopic against them on their back). You too have huge energy inside you that you can learn to make, to form with more absolutely. make sure of this. For you’re already doing it. are you able to follow flight? Hold onto our mane. (I am seeing a tuft of white mane become rainbow hued wherever i’m to carry on. Wings beating onerous and quick. the bottom fades from read. we are over snow capped peaks). You see properly. (I am seeing spectacular snow capped mountains with deep inexperienced pine trees and frozen ice blue lakes. we are landing beside a frozen falls. we dismount.) return walk with us, human friend of the sunshine. (We are walking towards the frozen falls. i’m not cold. As I look down at our feet I see wild flowers become from below the snow wherever their hooves are touching. we approach the falls. Suddenly it’s frozen not. The roaring water is extremely loud, we cannot speak over it. The Pegasus beside me bows to the water. The water elements. we practise the falls while not obtaining drenched, solely pleasant heat mist envelopes me. we are suddenly during a hidden world. Sparkles are all over. The fairies are happy. there’s abundant joy. i’m during a inexperienced field of happy beauty. The Pegasus beings surround.)
We are the Pegasus Collective of 9. we brought you here for you to check more clearly. For because the layers of your world fall away more and more of star gaia are going to be revealed to you. you’re presently within the interior of making joy in your word. each prayer is like look wildflowers bloom up from the snow. you’re melting the previous to create approach for the new and the new is gorgeous. The thawing of the human heart has been an extended method. several would like to stay in their frozen asleep state, frigid to alter, hesitant for the new. now could be the time to embrace the new, the modification from frozen to flowing waters. enable the crystal clear waters of the nice mother to appease you. She has brought us forth. She will this once an angel upgrade is required, and you’re our new charge. we are here to help the evolving humans from what they were into what they’re changing into. we bit our muzzle to your receptor. Feel our heat breath. Diamond codes lie inside. we ignite you. Be slushy, human friend of the sunshine. don’t be afraid for the clear waters of change to rush through. See what lies below the frozen human expertise. Paradise is simply a step away.
We are the Pegasus Collective of 9. Please fancy this magic meadow, this place of healing, as long as you wish to. we are charged with aiding humanity in her evolution from what’s to what’s to return. during this sacred house of the currently we welcome you. we welcome you home. For house is this affiliation, is that this closeness, is that this lightweight that you simply feel encoded inside these words. house is inside, for all is energy, and every one is connected – a difficult lesson, however true even so. you’re enclosed by light, by love, by family.
We are the Pegasus Collective of nine. once you are prepared for this meditation time to be complete, alert us. we are going to escort you home. but know that you are forever modified. One cannot meet the Mother of All Things and be something but blessed. we breathe on you once more. it’s our delight to serve the Mother. it’s our delight and joy to serve during this approach. we enjoy operating with young angels, and angels of all shapes and sizes. you’re trying out your wings, yes? it’s safe to do so. Do so here, during this house so bring this vibration of home back with you. so you may be a part of energetically bridging the realms. we see that you already are. we are the Pegasus Collective of 9. Peace.
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