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Spiritual awakening

Awakening is Happening.



Nowadays, everyone’s throwing the term around.

Even the most unlikely people are referring to this shift into 5D like hardcore truthers reporting on political events in the world,

and relatives and friends who haven’t ever been interested in spiritual phenomena before.

It truly does seem that a global awakening is happening.

You Have Always Had The Answers And I Have Always Been There To Remind You If You Forget Along The Way!

Do You Sometimes Find Yourself On A Rollercoaster Of Emotions When All You Long For Is Happiness?

Realize That Happiness Is A Feeling That Visits And Hides As You Try To Hold Onto It!

It Is Like A Song That Is Sometimes Covered By Other Notes Like Louder Music With Disharmony!

You Long For Silence But The Music Plays On As You Feel Lost Again!

Soon There Are Layers Of Emotions With Feelings That Drown Out The Beauty Of The Song Of Happiness.

You Search For It And Long For It Once More! But It Remains Elusive Like A Beautiful Butterfly!

It Is Before You And Then It Is Gone! You Sometimes Faintly Hear The Music. But You Cannot Find It.

For those unaware, who are absorbed by the dark’s agenda, and fall victim to the old divide and conquer tactic, it is time to move forward and away from the games of the matrix.

You say you’ve been right about the conspiracy theories, but perhaps what you did is you manifested your fears.

It is time to stop seeking the next rabbit hole, and start seeking within your heart.

You are missing a grand opportunity that’s being offered to you, to rise in consciousness, and transcend the darkness which you’ve spent so much time on trying to expose.

Earth prepares to enter a new reality of light. We call this reality the Fifth Dimension.

The Fifth Dimensional grid pulsates the vibrations of love, compassion, empathy, and light of truth.

This is what you must master in the now via the Heart Center, in order to raise your own frequency and see yourself in the new reality.

But what is really exciting is how those who have been spiritually awake for some time are now also experiencing new levels of awakening, as well.

The 5D frequencies are definitely flooding the planet at this point, creating more and more opportunities to wake up more easily than ever before to the true nature of who we are.

You may be noticing this happening in your own life.

Perhaps, even despite challenging events occurring, you are occasionally having experiences that reveal who you are on a deeper level than ever before.

Or your understanding of your spiritual Essence is suddenly clearer than it’s ever been.

Maybe you’re having profound experiences in which you seem to temporarily pop into a higher reality and you’re experiencing yourself as a much more powerful,

light-filled Being. And you’re yearning for them to last longer and to know how to have more of them.

Happiness Is Part Of Love! It Is A Gift That You Find And Embrace As A Word,

A Circumstance Or An Action Makes You Forget The Joy You Felt! It Will Return. Be Still And Know This.

Realize That Happiness Is Not Something You Chase On A Path!

Happiness Is The Path!

It Is Within Your Heart And Mind! It Is Within Your Interaction With All Of Life!

Imagine In This Moment, The Feeling Of Happiness. Free Your Heart And Feel It!

Whatever Brought You Happiness In Your Waking Dream, Go There Now!

Was It Holding A Tiny Kitten When You Were A Small Child? Was It Looking At Balloons In The Sunlight?

Perhaps It Was The Birth Of Your First Child Or Having Someone Tell You That They Love You!

For Everyone There Is Happiness Available! It Costs Nothing But Gives You Everything!

The More You Show Your Happiness To Others, The More It Grows As It Is Felt In A Vibrational Frequency Of Love!

The World Is Hungry For A Smile, For Hope And For Peace.

One Pleasant Reaction From The Heart Makes A Difference To Another Being, Whether A Person Or An Animal.

It is time to return to the heart, and seek to understand yourself more, while taking a break from giving all your attention to the outer world.

For what awaits you within is far more greater than what you see in front of you.

It is time to become open for the higher emotions to come forth and be experienced on a regular basis.

Joy, gratitude, love, bliss, optimism, trust. Observe and understand your emotional body, for it holds a vast amount of power.

The emotional body is a very important part of you.

With the emotional body you have the power to transmute the low vibrational energies into high vibrational energies.

The High Heart is part of this emotional body. And that is the instrument that takes in low vibrations and transmutes them into higher light.

We can turn the old vibratory thought forms, such as anger, hate, depression, fear, into higher light and compassion.

Through compassion, once this godly emotion becomes permanent, DNA activation is in full swing. We create a protective grid around ourselves.

All of these experiences are signs of the new awakening energy now present on the planet that is rapidly transforming every living Being in preparation for the shift into 5D.

And this energy is something you can more consciously tune into and take advantage of in your spiritual journey.

If you pay attention to it and add your intention to shift more quickly into your higher 5D identity, you can find that you actually can do this more easily.

It’s true that very rapid spiritual evolution for everyone is happening anyway.

No matter what you do or don’t do at this point, you are going to be transformed into a much higher version of yourself.

But how that transformation occurs how rocky and painful or smooth and easy that process turns out to be, can be determined by you, by how consciously you make that transition.

You can become more awake to how your 5D Self is already beginning to make itself known to you and be alert to the ways in which this is happening.

Happiness Cannot Be Constant Or Held, For Many Other Experiences Must Come So That You Understand The Purpose For Each Unique Moment!

Whether Grief Or Despair, Your Soul Will Bring You Back To Remember Laughter And Memories Of Joy!

A Single Moment Can Turn Your Life Around! A Moment Of Gratitude Can Bring Happiness Back To Your Being!

This Frequency Is Available To Heal And Guard Your Heart!

If Only For A Moment, Cherish This Moment Of Happiness! For It Holds Peace And Love To Sustain You As The Path Of Light Is Opened Wider!

In This Light, We Will Always Find One Another!

Now, if enough people reach this level, a protective grid is formed around the planet.

What does this mean? Lower dimensional beings would no longer be able to perceive the planet, let alone attack it. This is what makes humans so powerful.

The darker the situation seems to get on Earth, the closer you are to the light, to shifting into the new reality.

Old timelines are being collapsed, leaving very little energetical support for the dark’s plans to manifest.

Layers of the veil continue to dissolve, this allows access for those who seek to broaden their perspectives, and seeing higher truths.

This next phase brings about the light quotient desirable and necessary for planetary shifts to take place. Brace yourselves.

his will enable you to receive, hold and transmit the 9D frequencies of the Aldebaran Star Garden and to anchor these frequencies for the New Earth.

You will also be initiated into the new Tree of Life for the New Earth and the Age of Aquarius.

This is the Tree of Life and Grace, called the Tree of Grace,

that has been inaugurated at the centre of the Star Garden to hold the central pillar of Life for the New Earth.

Those of you who are ready will step into the frequencies that will activate the Emerald Heart within you.

The Emerald Frequency is a 9D transmission of Light Codes from the Star Garden of Aldebaran that carries the Light Information for the creation,

and manifestation of New Earth through the evolution and initiation of species.

The Star Garden is in the keeping of the Council of Light of Aldebaran, which includes members from Sirius and the Pleiades.

It is a great Library and Seed Vault for all Templates of Light for life forms that are seeded in this part of your Galaxy.

It is from here that the Emerald Light Codes are transmitted out to anchor holographic forms of new life templates and to issue evolutionary updates.

The Emerald Light Codes are a 9D frequency and therefore only available to those who have raised their consciousness to this level.

Divine Justice and Order are being fully re-turned through us as we fully dissolve all false light matrices and Realities/ Timelines and artificial overlays.

All wrapped up in the memories and the inverted Consciousness the old realities were based upon,

so that now we can fully remember the Golden Timelines realities that we have merged ALL AS ONE!

As we complete this Paradigm Shift of THE ONE Consciousness, our realities shift for us, collectively!!

THE LIGHT HAS ALREADY WON, as we have trance-ended the false Matrix realities, illusions, and inversions within the ONE MIND!

OUR HEARTS & MINDS ARE BURSTING WIDE OPEN, as we fully let go of all the trauma and pain, as we shift the way we have perceived what happened.

As we heal our own wounds and traumas, we also help heal that of those around us through the Infinite Power of Divine Love and Neutrality, as we see through the Eyes of God again!

As we re-member our Original Innocence and Divine Self Essence. Our Eternal Authentic Self! As we re-member that we are truly ONE.


At the Eclipses, those who are energetically ready will be able to align their frequencies with the Emerald Light Codes by activating the Emerald Heart Aspect of their Sacred Heart.

This will align them with transmissions from the Star Garden and will allow them to receive and transmit these Light Codes on and for the Earth.

This will be a gradual process, to allow each individual to slowly shift into these higher frequencies without burning out.

We ask you to be gentle with yourselves and to allow the process to unfold in a gentle way.

The Tree of Grace : The New Earth Tree of Life

At the centre of the Star Garden stands the new Tree of Life for the New Earth.

It is called the Tree of Life and Grace, or simply the Tree of Grace.

It embodies the Divine Feminine energies of Grace and Compassionate Love that are at the Heart of the New Earth Consciousness.

This Tree of Life holds the central pillar of consciousness for the Earth, and also is a great Library for all the Templates for life forms of the Earth and the Solar System.

It is the Great Mother who holds all life within herself.




The Original Twinflames ignite each other’s Cosmic memories of Golden Realities lived and spent together that we’re weaving,

merging, and accessing together as we melt and merge our mental, emotional,

spiritual and physical bodies together as we allow our Hearts and Minds to fully open in full trust in One another.

Cleansing all remaining negative entities, interference patterns, black magic and artificial overlays, fallen angelics and karmic residue from all layers and levels of creation.

KNOW THAT YOU ARE SAFE and feel the blessings being showered upon you now as you fully align with your true authentic Self,

in full alignment and atONE with Source and ALL that is, where all fears dissolve.

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Spiritual awakening

Activating the Christ Energy



Many of you are undergoing a process of light body reconnection, at this time of our ascension path.

Since the beginning of this seventh universal Year of Wisdom, many are experiencing the awakening of their light bodies, while others continue building it, reaching further stages.

As we embody more light and continue linking our human self with our Divine one,

we will begin to experience certain physical sensations, as a result of building our light vehicles, for this process comprehend a total reconfiguring of all of our bodies.

Energetic forces are expanding daily on the planet, these energies are here in support of you in the re-establishment of your own inner sacred connections.

The time is now to step forward and claim your place within the sacred arena of the light.

On your earth plane there is a rearrangement within the energetic profile within the Grids and Vortexes that are placed throughout the planet.

The energetic profile of Earth is rapidly undergoing change,

it is being realigned magnetically to the Universal consciousness Grid and this is creating what we call, ‘the great shift’ on your earth plane.

This is a time when we are finally moving from a more passive phase into a more active one.

However, knowing ourselves and our personal cycles is pivotal to know where we truly are in our ascension journey and what we need.

If you find yourself in the initial phases of activating your light body, healing it of all distortions, imprints, and implants, fatigue is going to be a constant,

as the physical body needs time to release and embody a higher frequency, and we need to give it time before continue working on other techniques.

Otherwise, it will collapse, especially due to the massive amounts of different energies that we cannot yet digest,

causing us many other physical sensations and even imbalances that may result in illnesses.

You may experience a tilting of your senses over the upcoming month as the Earth moves into a higher frequency setting rotation,

as it becomes linked and stabilized to the energy of this Universal consciousness Grid.

This is another ‘turn of the wheel’ as Earth enters its next transitional phase.

Through this changing energetic arena on Earth, you individually have a vast opportunity to make accelerated changes within your life.

You have the power through conscious choice to let go and set in motion changes for yourself within your life.

There has never been a time like this to utilize these energetic shifts that are geared to support the changes that you set in motion for yourself.

This is the time for self-launching, creating what you desire for yourself at this juncture.

You are a creator, let go and allow yourself to activate, create and receive!

It is important to remark that the light body is not just the Merkabah, as it is often called.

The light body is the sum of building the silver cord or hara line, having the entire chakra system healed, and having built the shoulder portals, as well as many other body conduits.

It is not until we have worked on the restoration and reconnection of all the previous that we can regain our conscious connection to our God Self and the rest of the God dimensions.

Guides remark on the importance of removing fear as well from our mental, emotional, and physical bodies,

during this process, connecting with nature to help us be grounded and release the excess of energy.

Fear is precisely what continues creating impediments for the energies to freely flow within ourselves.

When we begin working with our light bodies, we literally become another person, for we are ready now to release old egoic layers and embody higher aspects of our Self.

It is then that a period of confusion, and fear, starts. We need to trust the process, align with our God Self, and Guides Team,

and begin to look fear in the eye, as fear can be a transformative energy, if we embrace it, learn from it, and dissolve it as another human illusion.

The Christ consciousness becomes active and the feminine Christine will merge into the unity of joy.

Higher and higher the energies vibrate and they open to proclaim the new.

A deeper layer is opened in man’s consciousness and the Divine life source overflows with love and activates the chakras so that the manna can be received to enrich the soul.

The physical will become feather light and open the mind for spiritual awakening.

The head will receive a reset so that it can connect to the new energy of liberation.

The Christ energy is connected to the Divine Source and opens the human heart, intuition begins to speak from a deeper truth.

The love of the Christ consciousness will begin to flow and many make the great leap into the new world of oneness.

The angels descend to earth to lift man into exaltation.

The shadow of pain wants to weigh them down, but the higher light world will intervene directly to raise the light vibration. They are lifted upward into the frequency of oneness.

The sun has touched the earth in its crystalline core and from the earth a higher energy is now rising upward, preparing humanity.

The new knowledge is entering you and the codes of light are opening.

These sacred codes are contained within the higher self and when your higher layer becomes active they come alive.

We are not alone in this process, for there are many benevolent beings such as the Arcturians and the Hathors helping many to reconfigure their light bodies,

with their highly evolved light technologies.

The Hathors recommend us to work with sound therapy to help heal and build the light body,

as the Hathors communicate with us through sound, mathematical patterns, and mental telepathy.

Sound brings healing, clearing, purification, and restoration, helping us stabilize the body after having healed what was damaged.

The most important during this process is working on forgiveness, and soul retrieval,

if we have not yet initiated this process, focusing on gratitude and compassion is vital to help us navigate through the rehabilitation process of our light body,

something that shall be linked to the work with our DNA to truly shift old patterns, distortions, and manipulations.

As we consciously choose to awaken our light body and reconnect our DNA layers, we too begin the process of ancient wisdom embodiment,

as this process will unlock our soul’s memories, allowing us to remember who we are, and what is our purpose, at this precise time within Creation.

A process that will help us remember unity, for once we restore our shoulder portals, which is the last phase of light-body reconnection,

we will begin to also reconnect with all the planes of existence, and benevolent beings, that are part of our journey as well,

and that due to our physical disconnection, we were not yet aware of their presence and assistance.

The shift of the old and new timelines become more stable at the end of this year, they find their new position in this great reversal.

The old and new are getting further and further apart as the differences become too great.

The parts of the old earth that have become enlightened will join the renewal.

The old sacred knowledge will surface and renew itself. Many memories will open up and be purified.

Divine love resonates in these light vehicles. The Activations of the Christ Energy that the starseeds will receive are opened through the cosmic DNA.

Not everyone remembers this particular experience, the transition can sometimes be too great and peace is what is sought.

Many starseeds are approached by the crystalline lightships and receive an upload so that the crystalline body can become active.

The higher crystalline part will descend and connect with the heart, so that the lower human part can be transformed and released.

We are always assisted more than we can imagine. However, no one can do the inner work for us.

But we can ask for help from our Guides team and open our hearts to healing and the Truth.

We just have to have the will to initiate the process, ask for help and be courageous to navigate our own shadows, for we will never walk alone among them.

The effects can be felt in the physical body and there may be some temporary confusion or an increase in physical complaints.

This reset is a special form of transition in which the old can be quickly released.

The awareness of time changes and the timeline on which one walks is sometimes shorter and sometimes longer, everything changes.

Experiences become so special that the gifts from a higher dimension will open up and this brings some fatigue,

because the mind and psyche have to process all this. Therefore, the advice is to take it easy and take space to integrate all this,

because the new experiences may be understood and that takes time.

Many star seeds carry a unique blueprint that activates the earth codes.

The original blueprint is about to manifest through a new crystalline connection.

The call to share this information is important, for the starseeds can activate others through their light codes, creating a higher collective consciousness.

The trainings in the Lightships are progressing and later the starlight beings will walk beside you.

Many Lightworkers will receive a clear signal and spontaneously change course.

Young adults who awaken from their heaviness are absorbed by the light as they sleep.

They are immediately placed in a higher frequency, giving them hope again.

The path changes significantly; Christ consciousness will open in them as well.

Those who have fallen into a lower state will rise again. People will come into their path to help them.

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Spiritual awakening

Embracing the Changes



We greet you dear children of the Earth. It is important to know that this year that you have just started is going to be the year of Purification.

What do we mean by that? We want to speak to you first of all about your own cleansing. We explain:

When we have gone thru dramatic changes it can feel overwhelming to take another step forward.

In our human physical form we are conditioned to use what has occurred as a template for what will occur.

As the templates are now dissolving there is no “template” with which to place before ourselves.

It may be that from time immemorial or more recently, you have had recurring pain in your body.

No matter how much you try this or that treatment, it doesn’t have much effect, so you despair that you don’t understand what is going on.

“How I would like to live in a physical body without pain, I would like so much to know the lightness of the physical body, to feel happy in it etc… .

How often do we hear these phrases there! Very often… too often, we will say.

Indeed, we, in the places where we live, we know how to suppress the pain, we know how we can live in a light, airy body.

For that there is only one miracle and it is in you, we have already told you.

This triggers the human logical mind which demands an outline that can be stepped into.

This is the containment that we have worked hard to resolve and to release.

Attempts at living this way are not supported and will work against us.

We will feel a slight resistance and feel that we are being opposed.

Moving into sunlight may take us a moment to adjust to the light itself for we have been working in the dark for so long our eyes have simply become accustomed to this.

So we are led into the field of sunflowers and we are asked to adjust to the change in temperature and SON LIGHT.

For some of us it may feel a bit overwhelming and we may feel very vulnerable, we are fully supported by the Angelic Realms during this phase,

they sit with us as we relearn how to walk and most importantly how to play.

So dense is the frequency bandwidths of the old earth that often we simply get used to the weight that it pushed upon us.

When this is released it may take a while to adjust to moving and feeling safe whilst doing so.

When you have a pain, or something that oppresses you, if you have negative thoughts etc., don’t blame the other person in front of you, just be honest with yourself and say:

But what does this person in front of me create for me? What does the exasperating presence of my brother, my sister etc. create for me?

Only in this way will you become honest with yourself, even if it hurts your ego.

Yes, the ego is often the cause of all the pain in your body, it is the cause of conflicts because, out of pride, nobody wants to let go and wants to be sure of what he says etc…

Your ego makes you sick, very sick, that is why there is so much duality on Earth whether in families, at work or at the level of governments.

So learn to let go of your ego by focusing honestly on yourself.

Try to understand why you hate this person, why this other person annoys you, why you are jealous of another and so on.

We will tell you that it takes a lot of honesty and humility to stop blaming the other person in front of you for all your problems.

There may have been a problem in your life with this person, but the feeling you are experiencing that is creating your pain belongs to you, ONLY YOU.

The other person in front of you is not responsible for the feeling that creates your pain; you created it yourself.

As we prepare to align more fully with the next Phase of our journey we will find there are moments where we require to download deep and expansion information.

This will see a few things occur that we require to let wash over us as we simply let go and allow the frequency to move thru, around and within us.

This is an intense opening and we require to give it our full attention, indeed at times it will not be possible to multi task and simply get on with everything at once,

when the universe speaks we are required to listen and to understand that as we communicate at these levels it will get EASIER.

Like many who began their interactions with the races and realms during phase one and beyond are aware,

once we understand the key is LETTING GO completely it becomes like breathing.

Then we no longer need to go into trancen or any altered states as we simply align and communicate at an everyday waking life experience level.

We know that by saying this, we are going to make many of you jump up and down and say, Yes, but if I feel this way, it is because of him or her.

We agree that at the root of your pain there was an altercation or something else;

but who created this feeling in you that is creating pain and eating you up? It is you, only you.

This is why, at this time, a large number of humans will find themselves confronted with increasing pain, increasing discomfort, etc.

All of this is necessary in order to lead you to what we have been talking about for a long time and which is arriving in a great acceleration: the New Earth.

We have already told you that you are in the transition phase between the third and the fifth dimension.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO LET GO of everything because you risk suffering more if you hold grudges, anger, jealousy and all the heavy and painful feelings that you know on your planet but that make you unhappy.

So why continue to remain unhappy? Choose to live happily!

But for that you are asked to “work” on understanding your pain, your unhappiness.

You are asked to let go of all the negative feelings that we have just mentioned above.

It is very important now to be honest with yourself and with others by realizing with humility that it is you who create your suffering.

Some of you who will read this message will have understood what we mean,

but we know that the ego of other humans is so strong that they will not want to stoop to acknowledge their responsibility.

Evolution is the process that is now kick started fully and we must simply allow the interactions to flow.

The ability to digest complex and expansive information comes naturally during this phase of the process,

we must however be open to challenging that which is accepted by humanity and which is at times vehemently defended.


We say to them: if you cannot clarify the meaning of your physical or moral suffering,

it will come a little later or in the next life.

Dear children of the Earth, you are going to be shaken during this new year, not only in your innermost being but also in your countries and continents.

You will be forced to face honesty and humility, it is a delicate learning process for a human being, but you will get there, we confirm it.

Have confidence in your divine force within you, it brings you Peace, Serenity but for that we repeat it once again,

go and meet it in the depths of your being through moments of introspection and meditation.

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Spiritual awakening

The New Lightworker



The group has practiced coherence today, and each time that occurs in a meeting of this kind, it opens the channelling for greater subjects of love.

We are our infinite presence of awareness, with absolute control of our creative essence.

We may be able to remember this state of Being from before this incarnation.

With eternal awareness of ourselves, we can live beyond polarity in resonance with our heart-consciousness.

We are attracted to life-enhancing energies, and we can resolve our ego-conscious need for stimulation and attempts to defy mortality.

Group coherence, when scientifically measured, is where the individuals in the group are of like mind and a similar emotional state.

Today, you just went through the actual measurement of those attributes.

Imagine, for a moment, having many people in coherence and thinking about the same thing.

It’s almost like you have a radio broadcasting station and, suddenly, it goes way beyond what you think it could. It’s not a linear broadcast.

Coherence has a propensity to create a greater coherence.

This effect hasn’t really been measured, where one group goes into coherence and another group somewhere else receives it.

Coherence is, therefore, an energy that, by its purity, can build on itself.

When you start having focused coherence, you start to see that others fall into that same coherence far easier because of those in coherence next to them.

It may even seem contagious.

Once we realize that mortality is only a belief that accompanies fear and doubt, we can realize that we can change our beliefs about ourselves.

This changes our experience of life. We may even learn that we can be beyond beliefs in our awareness.

There are many ways of doing this. One of them is intentionally opening our awareness to our heart-consciousness.

This awareness gives us confidence to be able to involve ourselves completely in experiences that we love.

We can be passionately joyful and grateful for the conscious life force constantly filling our sense of Being and providing us with creative power.

This is a premise, dear ones, that we have given you in metaphysics that says that balance broadcasts balance.

True balance of consciousness creates energy. When you have one balanced individual in a group of those who are not, or among chaos,

that individual is not just one among many, but rather, it’s like he has generated light in a dark place.

People begin to feel the one who is balanced, and their own reaction to that balance then reates other balance.

Many times, coherence creates more of itself without any conversation at all, and you start to see the power of the created synchronicity that we have called coherence.

This is only one attribute of many, which is starting to occur on this planet. We told you about another one: We said that light begets light.

This means that the light of high consciousness actually creates more of itself in a way that you’re not aware of, and that this attribute is not yet explainable to you.

If you look at the example of a Lightworker creating light in a dark place, what you start to see is that light doesn’t stay in one place.

It’s not linear or local, like an object or liquid would be. Light goes everywhere all at once.

In a dark room, when someone lights a match, everyone can see a little better.

Beyond the limitations of ego-consciousness, we can realize our creative ability.

Without understanding our ability to modulate energy, we create all kinds of chaos and drama in our lives,

because we allow our attention to be directed randomly, including to negative, life-diminishing vibrations.

Whenever negativity arises in our awareness, we can realize that we need to redirect our focus to the life-enhancing energies that we love.

We can recognize their symbolism in every situation, allowing us to be thankful and joyful in constant fulfillment and alignment with heart-consciousness.

With complete confidence in our inner guidance, we can live as we truly desire, among others who live with the same inner guidance and heart-consciousness.

This leaves the parasites in a lower band-width of energy. Our relationships become heart-felt and inspiring.

As we pay attention to our heart-consciousness, our personal radiance increases greatly, and we can fill our awareness with beauty and love.

So it doesn’t just benefit the one who lit the match.

Then, eventually, others light a match because they see that the one who has lit the first match can see far better than before they can see their situation better in the light.

Pretty soon, others get the idea, and more and more can see better.

As we’ve said so many times in these last thirty years: If you can see one another better, then you’re not afraid of each other.

The fear that has happened on this planet has been generated from those who can’t see the other one, and who surrounds the wagons, as they say,

to protect assets and resources because they don’t know about the other cultures or societies, or even their own neighbors.

They can’t see them, so they fear them. However, when you can see each other, you can see they are just like you.

You can see that humanity has so much in common and even, perhaps, you worship the same beautiful Creator.

Perhaps it’s in different ways, but when you can see that you all understand the image of God, you begin to relax.

What would happen if you had that kind of coherence on the planet, even marginally?

What would happen if you started to see one another better, and that formerly dark room, which is humanity, started to be illuminated?

When you began to actually see one another, what would that be like? The answer is revelation, and it has already begun.

As we attract other awakening brothers and sisters, we intensify one another’s expanding awareness.

We can recognize and feel one another’s presence by the light in our eyes and the vibrations of our hearts.

By our state of Being and our radiant energy, we are expanding the potential awareness of humanity.

By our heart-directed thoughts and emotions,

we can create a new world of unconditional love and joy for ourselves and all with whom we interact.

Did you realize that the invention of what you call the Internet seems to correspond with all of the things we began to tell you about in our 1989 arrival of Kryon?

The Internet, dear ones, has allowed so many people on this planet to see you, and you to see them.

The new Social Media that is being used by hundreds of millions of people is all about seeing beyond borders, and, for the first time, actually viewing how other cultures live.

This, therefore, allows for revelation because of their similarities.

That’s a different paradigm on this planet from any other time in history. It’s a revelation about humanity itself.

There are those who say, Well, this whole technology explosion is dangerous to us. It actually takes away from the socialization of individuals with individuals.

If that’s you, then perhaps you are not appreciating the bigger picture?

For the first time on the planet, cultures are looking at each other directly,

instead of simply listening to their leaders regarding who they should or should not fear.

Young people all over the world are starting to see other young people in foreign lands.

They are doing this, not as individual to individual, but en masse by the millions. They are beginning to realize that others are not as they were told.

When you can tune in and talk to regular people in country after country after country, you start to see something, and you get a coherence of understanding.

There is the realization that you all want the same thing! What would happen if you dedicated a day or two to just understanding one another?

Perhaps you would call it Understanding Day, where the whole idea would be to put yourself in a place of compassionate understanding with people in foreign places.

You don’t have to be smart or intelligent or evolved, dear ones, to understand love.

You just don’t. You don’t have to have intellectual understanding of consciousness to be loved.

You just don’t. That same care and love of MOTHER is pouring at you right now, right now, from the Creative Source.

It’s pouring at you! However, there’s an invisible shield that keeps it away and it bounces right off this self-created barrier.

This shield keeps all that caring and love from being seen and felt, and you can give it as many names as you want,

but the shield is strong so much so that you don’t even know that love is even there!

You can call this shield lack of belief or the fear of change. You can also be trained out of it by those you trust.

Or you can be too smart to be interested in such odd things as metaphysics.

What about a metaphysical shield? A spiritual shield? Can you be fully engulfed in the study of energy and still have this shield?

Yes. We will call it intellectual metaphysics.

This is where someone is so involved in the mysteries of metaphysics and all the energy, that they never feel the love.

They are just too much into the minutia of how things work to stop and be loved.

Ask yourself. Are you really, really interested in all the mystery school information,

and how energy may have been developed with consciousness of the past,

and all the mysterious historical structures and what they mean … but you don’t really want to listen to Kryon?

That’s a shield. You want everything but the love. Yet, the love is the answer to a much more balanced and healthy life.

You want to cook the meal over and over but never eat it. You study gourmet cooking, then dash out to eat fast food.

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