We have been taking all the time in the world to release ourselves from the bondage of limitation, limitation that keeps us in our current dimension....
There has been an incredible inner transformation taking place within me as I have been enabled to align into a multitude of higher knowing multidimensional perceptions....
There where many creators! Some say there was only one creator and that is God! God was there too of course! We love this planet as...
Great spaces of light consciousness are descending to Earth creating patterns throughout your skyline, simultaneously the Sunโs rays are intensifying heralding in another aspect of the...
We have said that when itโs a really big thing that you want, you are holding yourself in an experience of a gap. Itโs really big....
your transformation transforms the whole world! Be aware of this magnitude, be aware of your responsibilities and your options. Any opinion that one person alone cannot...
It is important to provide a version of the truth that reflects the new reality and is plausible to the logical and emotional mind. In todayโs...
We are in much Joy that our messages are received in such an Energetical mode. This means also, that oneโs Being is opening up to a...
Your world is going through a lot of turbulence right now and will be for a while, but it is for a good reason. You are...
Just as there were rules to understand in the Old Reality, there are rules which are best adopted when taking action in the New Reality. The...
As high resonating energy continues to flood earth the spiritually awake as well as those who are not are feeling it and being affected physically, emotionally,...
We naturally try to avoid negative energy, because we deeply know that it diminishes life. We know much more deeply emotionally than we would if we...
The process of reunification is well under way, therefore, many faithful Servers of the Light are now striving to reclaim the many Facets of their Divinity....
We wish to bring forth a transmission of love, of freedom, of acknowledgement of your Divine power. Itโs already within you. The 5D crystalline consciousness is...