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Angel Messages

Archangel Gabriel – December Message.



a lot of you’re so diligent and committed on your spiritual direction which you are becoming into the addiction of constantly looking for what is wrong with you in a preference to correct it. What we desire to tell you is if you are in troubleshooting mode all of the time you will continually discover more problem to shoot.

have you gotten into the habit of constantly searching out what’s incorrect with you, rather than definitely accepting everything this is oh, so very right about you?

You cannot embrace your beingness your specific perfection and resist it on the equal time. while we honour your choice to be thorough, we want to offer you two ideas to put your mind at relaxation. the first is you can believe the universe to convey into your recognition, with brilliant efficiency, whatever that desires to be addressed through you.

we’re positive you have already skilled this. have you had old memories floor? matters come into your focus to trigger you and get your attention? opportunities for growth and enlargement by books or pieces of know-how resultseasily entering your attention? Or perhaps you have got simply actually felt the energies and the actually transformative nature of all you have been going through this year.

allow us to placed it to you this way you could not avoid your boom in case you tried! Your soul will usually lovingly direct you to anything you need to deal with. you can believe in the method so one can allow you to forestall being negatively centered on your self.

the second one is, you can not get your route wrong. Even in case you made all types of selections that took you in a path that did no longer honour you, all that would occur is you’ll get so uncomfortable it might become not possible to stay in that strength.

this will lead you to a surrender second which would result in multiplied ahead motion and on the spot path correction. you have a self correcting route! you may accept as true with this system of your own soul steering and active remarks even more than ever before due to your increased lively sensitivities.

dear Ones, we urge you to love and inspire yourselves ahead. allow the waft to serve you. Be present in your now second and be given yourselves as being a part of a more entire so that it will usually provide what you need. this will bring you far greater peace, comfort, and greater stability as you navigate your existence expression.

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Angel Messages

Trust What You Feel.



You are living in exciting times! So many of you are concerned about the state of the world,

and yet from our eternal perspective, your world offers so many beautiful possibilities right now.

You can connect with one another as never before. You can share information as never before.

You can interact, witness, and experience more than ever before. The world has become your family and the entire earth your home.

Within the space, it is possible for us to choose to align with vibrations that give us more vitality and exuberance for life.

To do this successfully, it can be helpful to be aware of the source of our conscious life force within ourselves.

This we may identify as our heart-consciousness, expressing Creator consciousness through all of the energy centers in our body and etheric presence.

Part of this is due to your modern technology. Your Internet opened up the gateways of connection for your entire world.

Before this technology, most individuals grew up in relatively closed systems.

They were influenced by friends, family, church, community, and maybe some carefully controlled news, but not much more.

Now you can access ideas, inspiration, innovation, and just about anything you desire.

You can make a recipe from a country you will never visit and encourage or assist a stranger you will never meet.

More than ever before in human history, you are able to experience your connection with one another.

This is our natural way of Being. Except for our intention and openness, we do not need effort to feel and live in our natural vibrations.

These are natural for us beyond our time enclosure as well as within it.

Through the natural vibrations of our heart-consciousness, we receive and radiate the energies of abundance, joy, freedom and love.

When we allow ourselves the experience of these vibrations, we are aligning with our true essence of infinite consciousness.

Likewise, your emerging technologies will give you access to whole new ways to combine information and bring your creative ideas into form.

We celebrate your expansion and exploration. Technology does not control you, for you are the creators.

You are the ones who choose how you will use it. It is neither good nor bad.

It is simply a tool that obeys vibrational law in the same fashion as the rest of the created universe.

Use your technology with love, and you will find love. Use it with fear, and you will find the fearsome.

Use it in anger, and you’ll connect with the angry. Nothing is outside of the laws of vibration. This is simply how your universe works.

By aligning with our Source vibrations, we no longer experience negativity, which stimulates our feelings as fear.

When we no longer align with it, fear no longer exists for us, because it needs us to create it for ourselves.

By following our intuition, we are no longer subject to conditions that stimulate fear,

because they are in a different, parallel dimension that we do not need to engage with, even though we may be aware of it.

Without emotionally interacting with it, we do not give it our life-force, making it unreal for ourselves.

In order for us to experience this kind of alignment,

we must release all doubt about our abilities and replace it with continuous confidence, gratitude, joy and love, our natural state of Being.

In truth, the world is no better or worse than it was in ancient times.

You simply didn’t have social media back then! You couldn’t see what others didn’t want you to see.

Now you can. Now you witness the best and the worst of humanity. Now you can see things as they occur.

However, what is revealed can be healed, and although some of the things you witness are horrific,

the good news is that you collectively are doing something about them.

You have taken those you will never meet into your hearts and prayers.

Some of you have sent money or resources to your human family at one time or another in your life.

Some of you have adopted children, signed petitions,

or quietly sat in the comfort of your own home and focused all your love upon those less fortunate. Your connection is good.

Making the transition from a life of ego-consciousness struggling to survive, to a life of gratitude, joy, love and abundance, requires transformation of awareness.

It requires confidence and trust in our heart-consciousness and intuitive knowing, which comes to us as realization.

Through our realization, we create our reality, subject to any limiting beliefs about ourselves.

As we learn to trust ourselves to enhance the energy within and all around us in alignment with our heart-consciousness, we empower our creative visions and feelings.

Once we are able to command every situation within ourselves, we can become energy transformers and shapers of our reality.

With greater exposure to the world, however, greater discernment is required.

More than ever before, it is important for you to manage your vibration so you can trust your feelings.

When you are in a high and loving vibration, what feels good to you is good, and what feels bad is not what you want to focus upon.

This is especially important now because you cannot always trust what you see and hear.

This is not a new phenomenon. There have always been those who can tell a convincing lie or paint a false picture.

With your social media, the Internet, and new technologies, the capacity to falsify information is even grander than ever!

Then again, so is the ability to share wonderful ideas and information, connect in new ways, and embrace the fact that you are a human family.

To transform negative energy patterns in the world of human experience, we can change the energy within ourselves.

By seeing the light in any negative person or circumstance, we allow the negativity to become unstable and dissolve.

We can modulate the energies in our thoughts and feelings into alignment with heart-consciousness.

By transforming our own awareness and energetic alignment, we transform the world of our experience.

So dear ones, keep reaching for better thoughts and feelings because you can trust yourselves in the energy of a high vibration.

Don’t worry about who is telling the truth and who is not.

Tell the truth to yourselves that you live in a loving and magnificent universe that is always guiding you toward what you wish to experience.

You are not at the mercy of technology, systems, or other human beings, no matter how imposing they appear. You are only, and always, at the mercy of your own vibration.


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Angel Messages

The Angels Happiness.



You are here on earth during one of the most incredibly rapid times of expansion humanity has ever experienced.

The challenges and contrasts of the last few years have inspired your desires to grow at an extremely rapid rate.

On this journey, you will realize that what you are experiencing is a lifting of the veil between you and Source.

This process of lifting the veil is allowing you to see beyond the illusion of your current reality.

Your reality is simply a fluid mirror and reflection of your inner self.

The more you are connecting with Source and your I AM Presence, the more Heaven on Earth you will experience.

The less you are connected with Source and your I AM Presence, the less Heaven on Earth you will experience.

Your feelings are coming to the surface as never before. For some of you, this is incredibly exciting.

You are reconnecting with dreams long buried as well as brand-new desires.

For some, this is very frustrating because you feel your heart’s desires strongly but don’t yet trust the universe to bring what you desire to you.

For others, it is a scary time because you fear that if you make the changes you want, you may upset your life or those around you.

This fluid mirror of your reality can change instantly, whenever you are changing from fear to love or from love to fear.

The less you think of your reality as being a static, fixed thing and more as a flexible and fluid thing,

the easier it is to be in control of the experience.

It begins with you.

When you are changing your feeling and thought world, you are changing your reality the mirror.

Know, that any justification of unpleasant feelings is an attempt by the ego mind to keep you in the drama world of the lower dimension.

Your conscious decision stop the ego mind from pulling you back into the drama of your past, present or future experiences,

will give you your ultimate freedom from the constant loop of a fear based reality.

Regardless of where you find yourself in this deep dive, the fact that your feelings are arising within is good.

Your feelings point you to what you want to create and are indications of your guidance on the path.

If a thought excites and inspires you or makes you smile with joy, then you can safely assume that you are moving toward that which you are focusing upon.

If you are crying over what you don’t yet have, the sad feeling is a strong indicator that you want something you don’t believe you can have.

If you are angry, this means that a powerful force is compelling you to change either attitude or action,

for anger is a force that propels one to expand in much the same way a force propels a sprout to spring out of the seed and grow towards the light.

Anger indicates that you are strongly thinking thoughts or doing things in opposition to your desires and that something must change.

It will shed the heavy layers of of the lower vibrational reality and unites you with the Ultimate Divine Love of Source.

You will feel the strength of this Divine Love that will fulfill you completely and will allow you to be most generous with giving Divine Love and Grace to others.

It will unite you with the Christ Consciousness on your journey back to Source.

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos and always will be.

You can blame the outside world for your feelings, or you can look at their deeper value,

which is to help you understand where you stand in the relationship with your greater self the Divine within you.

God wants every loving thing for you that you want. Are your thoughts in alignment with what you desire?

Then you’ll feel good. Are your thoughts running contrary to what you want? Then you’ll feel less than lovely.

Suppose someone cuts you off in traffic. You feel bad. You think they made you feel bad.

What makes you feel bad is, however, your own thoughts running contrary to what you want.

You want to feel safe. You want to feel respected. You want to dance with courteous drivers.

In God’s love, you are safe. You can choose to respect yourself.

There are hundreds of courteous drivers on the road you can focus on, despite this one that is not paying attention.

Your focus is your choice. Focus on what you want, and you’ll feel good.

Focus on what you don’t, and you’ll feel bad. You might argue, “But this driver is not courteous!

They are not respectful! You may be 100% correct in your assessment of the reality in front of you, but your focus is your choice,

and your focus dictates what you attract. This is simply how your world works.

Through the Universal Rose breath spiral, the three halls of record for Earth-Tara-Gaia,

and the appearance of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers, humanity is aligning with the solar symbiosis star born cycle that has brought on the long-awaited return.

This is the representative merge that is made between the eternal spirit body in the seven heavenly worlds,

that are finally being reunited with the divine counterparts of their physical incarnates located in timelines of the matter worlds.

The long-awaited healing of the Christosnhierogamic template for sacred marriage between the divine masculine and divine feminine principle,

was required to heal the Wall in Time to reset the particle spin that would be required to reset the planetary grid network.

And so, the new stage of solar symbiosis planetary ascension initiation into the starborn level of the Diamond Sun template connecting to the Cosmic Spirit Body begins.

The emergence of the Cosmic Mother Elaysa Sun as the Triple Solar Reisha network of the Universal
Logos has catalyzed the next stage of planetary liberation,

which surfaces awareness of the organic consciousness sequences that have merged particle,

and anti-particle systems to form into the creation doorway that links directly with the Cosmic Eye of God.

The Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father continue to reveal their unified presence on this plane through the peak of the zero-point transmissions from their Eye of Elohei God Flame,

which extends out into the dimensional stairsteps even further to reveal the emanation of the hidden eighth sun, or Aton Solar Body.

Consider your economy right now. For many of you, simply focusing on the price of groceries is enough to inspire upset.

However, think a little deeper, and you’ll see that the prices are not the cause of your upset.

The cause originates within. Perhaps you think you must experience lack because of these prices.

Maybe you resent those getting richer for reasons that have nothing to do with the actual value.

Perhaps you feel frustrated with your own financial state. You are not in agreement with the Divine within.

The Divine within can guide you to abundance. The Divine within would never waste time focusing on someone else’s lack of integrity.

The Divine within would reassure you and guide you to new ways to experience prosperity.

Every time you feel bad, you feel this way because you are looking at life in a way that is different than the perspective of the Divine within.

We would never argue that many external events and conditions make it quite challenging to see life through the eyes of God.

Still, your true power is available when you align your vision with the power that creates universes.

Dear God, bless this angry, impatient, unconscious soul who cut me off in traffic, but I give thanks for the many kind ones.

I give thanks for resting safely in your love. I give thanks for knowing that I cannot leave before my time,

and if I focus on my joy, the beautiful day, and the beautiful drive, I will be steered around harm.

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Angel Messages

The Angels : You Reach The Limits.



To know our true expansiveness, we can learn how to shape our beliefs about ourselves.

We can ask if they make sense and if they are based on the consciousness of our heart or in some aspect of fear.

We know many of you are devastated by the massive earthquake that rocked your planet last week.

Collectively, once again, the human family is realizing that you are all in this together.

You are part of the earth a living organism in which your souls are cells in her body.

You have called for love, and yet there is so much resistance to love in so many individual lives that Mother Earth herself had to create a release for this pressure.

She moves, shakes, and settles more deeply into a new skin, in much the same way you move, stretch, and shake when you feel the tension that must be released in your own body.

If fear is involved, they diminish our life force and limit us.

We can realize that it is possible for us to be aware of our inner knowing and to pay attention to the energies that we love and are grateful for.

Our choice is always for love and expansiveness or for fear and contraction.

When we are living intentionally, we can constantly choose our energetic alignment.

Each one of you is a microcosm of the whole.

So many of you who are sensitive have been feeling this shaking and quaking in your own minds, hearts, and bodies.

It is the movement arising from the spark of Divinity within, trying to help you settle into your new skin, so to speak.

Collectively and individually, you have all changed these past few years, and it is not possible to backward.

We are playing a psychological game with ourselves. We’ve placed ourselves in a psychic maze, and we’re trying to find our way out.

The way out is our choice of reality. We choose our reality with the vibrations that we pay attention to and align with.

By imagining scenarios filled with love and joy, we open ourselves to experience those energies.

By imagining scenarios filled with tyranny and adversity, we open ourselves to those experiences.

You can no longer ignore your feelings without feeling increased emotional pressure.

You can no longer ignore your body. You can no longer ignore that still, small voice calling you forward with love.

It is becoming increasingly difficult and often painful to ignore your hearts. Imagine standing in a trickle of water.

Resistance is no big deal. Now imagine trying to resist the flow of a vast and swiftly moving river.

You would exert far more energy and effort to fight that flow.

What we pay attention to is important for our personal energy signature and the limitations that we place upon ourselves.

If we feel fulfilled in every way, we experience the energy that we align with.

When we feel trapped in a limiting lifestyle, we stay that way until we change our belief about ourselves.

When we elevate our feelings to freedom, gratitude and joy, our limitations can be resolved and we can open ourselves to guidance from our intuition.

When we can believe that we are living in freedom, joy and love,

we create that level of energetic expression in our awareness, and we attract the experiences of those energies.

We have been busy in the heavens welcoming home the countless souls who have transitioned in this recent quake.

We have huge celebrations with them. They know that their death looks tragic to those of you here on earth.

They also see and feel the love that has been released. They know that humanity is allowing it to flow in a greater measure even as we speak.

Religious conflicts and cultural biases are put aside in such a catastrophe.

You relate to one another soul-to-soul, ignoring superficial differences.

You reach out to those you have never met. You share with those you will never know.

You are finding your hearts even more deeply, dear ones, while loving and assisting one another.

By examining our beliefs about ourselves, we can decide if we want to continue to live under their limitations.

There is no requirement outside of ourselves that we subject ourselves to limitations.

They are part of our game and the roles that we have assumed for ourselves.

In order to change our roles, we need to change our vibrations and our state of being.

We need to align our imagination and emotions to a new level of polarity and frequency.

If we can open ourselves to our heart-consciousness,

we can find that we have the perfect guidance for realizing our natural state of gratitude and joyous fulfillment.

Our new level of vibration brings our life experiences into resonance with us.

In this way we can realize that we have the ability to elevate the quality of our life experiences by resolving and transcending our beliefs about ourselves through our inner knowing.

You need not wait for disaster to release the love within. You need not ignore your hearts.

Whether or not anyone told you how lovable, worthy, deserving, and unique you are,

we, in the heavens, want you to accept that this is our view of your incredible souls!

It takes courage to come to earth.

It takes courage to dive into the contrast, perceived separation, and challenges that inspire such monumental expansions of love.

You have only our love, our respect, and our support.

It is time to allow love to flow. Do you feel like resting? Shut your eyes for a few moments and relax.

Do you feel like ignoring a phone call? Please do it. You can call back later.

Do you feel like finding something that will inspire you? Then sit quietly and imagine feeling inspired.

Ask us for help, and then listen to your heart when it guides you in the smallest ways.

Tiny steps often lead to big revelations and big changes.

Do you want more kindness on your planet? Then be kind, starting by being kind to yourself.

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