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Angel Messages

2025 : The Year of the Angels.



This year will be the Year of the Angels, in which you will come into closer alignment with your Angelic families and also explore the power and beauty of your inner Human Angelic Template.

The Beings of Light have assured us that there are no longer matrixes or foundational structures vibrating at the discordant frequency necessary to sustain the obsolete paradigms of separation and duality that we have now successfully dismantled.

This means that even though there are people who are still desperately trying to maintain their power and the ability to oppress,

manipulate and control the masses of Humanity, there are no longer matrixes in place that will sustain their nefarious efforts and they are destine to fail.

Many of us make resolutions that this year will be ‘the year’ that we achieve those goals or make those long-desired changes in life.

Many of us begin this process in earnest, but for many it fizzles out within a few weeks.

It seems important to explore the reasons for this, presumably most of us make resolutions because we are keen to make changes, so it’s clear the motivation is present, so why does it fizzle out?

Perhaps we make our goals too big or want results too quickly, or maybe we haven’t really thought things through and commit to a goal that we’re not really that ready for?

Or maybe we just get caught up in a moment without really thinking through the changes we need to make to get to where we want to be?

In the second half of 2024 you made huge leaps in consciousness, releasing the old and soaring upwards on the spirals of transformation to a level that we call Angelic Consciousness.

This is a very fine and beautiful consciousness that celebrates love, creation and beauty.

It is what we call The Heart Song of the Angels. In 2025 you will become One with this frequency of Joy and Miracles.

During the first five years of this Life-transforming decade, 2020-2030, Lightworkers around the World working in collaboration with the Company of Heaven ,

orchestrated literally millions of activities of Light that successfully dismantled the shackles of limitation and the shadows that have enshrouded the souls of Humanity for aeons of time.

Now, as a result of that God Victorious accomplishment our God have confirmed that during the second half of this decade Mother Earth’s Ascension process will be greatly accelerated.

Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth will now proceed unimpeded by the forces of imbalance that have blocked us for millennia.

Of course, all of the above could be true, and there are a host of other reasons that can trip us up, but maybe unless we re-frame our goals, achieving them becomes too difficult?

Perhaps we need to tap into the essence of what we’re looking for (a new job, weight loss, a healthier body etc) and instead of focusing on the finer details, we hold that essence as our inspiration instead?

As an example, many people that start diets in January really want to lose weight, so when things fizzle out, that desire for weight loss is still there,

but maybe taking on a radical change in lifestyle that includes restriction isn’t a great plan for the longer term?

So, by focusing on how we want to feel once we’re fitter, slimmer, healthier etc, we change the shape of the goal and let the details take care of themselves?

As we have said, the Heart Song is a frequency that you can hold and transmit from your own High Heart Chakra that is situated at the Thymus Gland above the Heart.

Its Light Code colours are are pale blue and gold and its sound codes are angelic music!

Its dream codes are soft winds moving through fields of flower in the morning sunlight! Its energy is miracles and manifestation.

This frequency, from the Elohim Angels, creates the New Earth and transforms the old by activating the frequency of growth and beauty in Nature.

If you hold this frequency in your Heart and in your Being, you will become a channel for the energy of Renewal on Earth Wherever you go and wherever you are, that frequency will be activated.

You will BE the change

When we observe the negative things still surfacing in the outer world it is very easy for us to doubt this positive information that is being shared by the Company of Heaven.

That is because we think of the physical plane of Earth as being our most important and often our only reality.

What the Beings of Light want us to remember is that we are multidimensional Sons and Daughters and we simultaneously abide in several dimensions.

The wondrous things Humanity is Cocreating through our Lightwork must first manifest in the Realms of Cause where everything begins.

Then, in alignment with Universal Law, in order for the patterns of perfection we have Cocreated in the Realms of Cause to be drawn through the various dimensions into the physical plane of Earth,

the Sons and Daughters must magnetize these patterns of perfection through our Heart Flames into the world of form on our Holy Breath.

This is accomplished as we focus our attention on the Light and express the Heart-based patterns we have Cocreated through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

So many spend their lives living conditionally, waiting for a better moment, hoping for a sign to know when to make changes.

Yet, these signs rarely appear, and we mostly just end up waiting on the periphery of life hoping for something to change.

It’s time to seize the moment, to stop hovering on the edge and to have the courage and confidence to dive into life.

There are no guarantees, but life is short and what if that better moment’ never actually comes?

Sometimes, we have to roll up our sleeves and take a chance.

The more we can find peace with the unpredictability and uncertainty of life,

the more we can find new ways to live wholeheartedly and to stay connected to our goals and dreams through how we want to feel, rather than by what we think we need to do.

When we look for a state of being, this doesn’t eradicate the need for doing, but it takes away a great deal of pressure in the process.

Many of our goals or resolutions come from deep within our hearts and souls,

but there is an expectation in life to conform to societal norms and this can have a profound impact on self-confidence and self-belief.

As you move into the Heart Song frequency, your heart will call to others of similar frequency to create and celebrate in Joy.

You will be drawn to those of your own Angelic families, and in doing so you will feel the initiation of new soul and group missions for the New Earth.

Your Galactic and Solar energies may be refocused into the new Angelic Light Codes that predominate in 2025.

These will be Diamond and Opalescent Light Codes that shimmer with pure Angelic Light.

And you will experience a renewed sense of Who You Are and your connection to your Higher Angelic powers of Manifestation and Miracle creation on the Spirals of Light.

Also part of the Angelic frequency in 2025 will be the Angelic Soul Reunions.

These are close and loving partnerships of souls brought together to facilitate the unfolding and manifestation of the New Earth.

They will be souls who have been drawn together because their love is multi-dimensional and is able to move through Time and Space and to embody the Angelic Heart Song Frequency.

The reason it seems to take so long for things to physically manifest is because the physical plane of Earth is the very last dimension ,to reflect the changes we are Cocreating and it is the most distorted and the least real dimension we abide in.

As a word of encouragement, what the Beings of Light want us to fully comprehend now is that once something is Cocreated in the Realms of Cause nothing can prevent it from eventually manifesting on Earth.

The only variable is how long it will take and that is up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity.

Even if you are unaware of the magnitude of what your Light and Love are contributing to Mother Earth’s Ascension process, our God want you to know that you are an essential part of this unfolding Divine Plan.

Every prayer, every meditation, every Loving thought, feeling, word or action you express for any part of Life on Earth is woven into Humanity’s Collective Cup of Consciousness ,

which is now in the process of reaching a critical mass of our God’s Comprehensive Divine Love.

What might seem to us like humble efforts are in Truth accelerating this process in monumental ways.

Today, as we Birth the New Year 2025, the Legions of Light belonging to or serving the Earth at this time, both those in and out of embodiment,

are being Called to once again empower the initial impulse of the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.

These patterns are now pulsating in the Realms of Cause in all of their resplendent Glory.

So many of us spend our lives focusing on those aspects of ourselves that we feel we need to fix, beating ourselves up for not feeling good enough, trying hard enough or being enough.

When we focus on the imperfections, this shapes our perspective and we can become highly self-critical and judgemental, leaving little space for growth,

evolution and love. It’s time to let go of living conditionally and to stop focusing on our flaws, it’s time to start loving ourselves wholeheartedly and to let go of the idea that life is a battle.

It’s only a battle if we make it one. It’s time to cultivate happiness and love, compassion and acceptance, as these are the forces that can bring true enrichment to life.

Every single one of us has a role in life, we are all integral parts of the universe and together we complete it.

Even when we feel alone, insignificant or disconnected, when we take a deep breath, we can feel the universe all around us.

We are all a part of the intricate and infinite fabric of life, so it becomes clear that until we love and honour ourselves, we cannot truly love and honour others.

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Angel Messages

Archangel Michael: Begin to Awaken



In our expanded Self, we do not know fear. It is an unknown vibration.

We do not know doubt, depression or suffering or any other negative state of being.

In order to know these vibrations, we created a realistic realm of consciousness limitations, and we convinced ourselves that we are empirically mortal.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you

Beloved One, on your path of Ascension, you will see more and more through the illusion of the lower dimensional reality.

As you are being called towards God’s Light and Love of the higher dimensions, it still seems like an unknown new place.

This compels many to hold on to the illusion of the lower dimensions, where the known can be experienced, even if it is unpleasant.

Stepping into the unknown and letting go of the established life is so daunting, that each individual found different ways to cope with it.

Turning a blind eye to change, makes the journey only more difficult, it will not stop the change.

It is time to awaken to higher truths being made available to you now.

Understand the changes and upgrades occurring now are Universal, and not only unfolding on Earth.

Think of the expansiveness of Creation, and you will understand the reality and truth that you are not alone in the Universe.

You never have been alone.

There are in fact many higher dimensional beings who walk among you as humans at this time.

The purpose of our presence here is to offer guidance and assistance to you during this shift on Earth.

Realizing mortality is the basis of the human belief in self-limitation. Part of this belief in mortality is the belief that we are our empirical bodies.

These beliefs do not allow us to realize our essence beyond space.

Living with us, there have always been spiritual masters and shamans, who are aware in realms beyond the physical world.

Our ego-consciousness is not especially interested in those realms. It is entranced in the material world of duality.

We’ve been able to expose ourselves to the results of negative thoughts and feelings, and now we know more than we did prior to our incarnation.

By transcending ego-consciousness, we can open our awareness to our true essence of being.

The more you give this process into the hands of God and the Holy Spirit, the easier it will become for you.

Ascension is a gradual process for a long period of time, until a certain closeness to the higher dimension has been reached.

Gradually new higher dimensional experiences will enter your awareness each day.

Gradually, you’ll let go of outdated beliefs and programming.

Gradually, you will wake up from the dream, which is the great Awakening.

The Light of God shines upon you and as you are opening your eyes, coming back from a deep sleep, you will see that all was just a dream.

In a dream, everything is distorted and not real.

Everyone in the dream is acting not the way the would truly act.

No one is who they truly are as part of the dream.

Expect turbulence in the days ahead, for powerful waves of light from the Galactic Center arrive to Earth for deeper clearing of the dense energies.

This will not only cause glitches in the matrix, it is going to cause complete collapses of certain matrix structures.

The process of ascension can no longer be postponed. You are to move forward full speed ahead.

The Heart Center is your key. Tune into the light within, for it is there that the Soul awaits your arrival, your return to your true beingness.

It is via the Heart Center that you will see and enter the new world.

You are divinely protected, you are honored, and you are loved more than you can imagine.

We can realize ourselves in our eternal presence of infinite awareness, able to express ourselves energetically as anyone we desire to be in any dimension.

We can open our awareness to the awareness of all conscious beings.

In our essence we are empathic, telepathic and much more.

Our consciousness is infinite, and we arise as fractals of universal consciousness, able to create qualities of experiences in all realms.

This awareness allows us to live here among our brothers and sisters of all humanity,

creating and enhancing everything that we love and every experience in alignment with our heart.

We now know what negative energy feels like, and we can return to our expanded Self-Realization by filling our awareness with gratitude, infinite love, compassion and joy.

In this way we transform our lives with our unlimited Self-Realization, which now includes knowing fear.

We can release fear by aligning our attention with the inspiration of our heart in every moment.

Everyone, including you, are sons and daughters of God and fully Awakened to the Light and the Love of God within them.

But, in the dream this truth is concealed.

As you begin to awaken, the shadows disappear, the veil is lifted and you will realize that is was just a dream.

Then, in an instant, you’ll take the final leap to be One with God and with your fellow brothers and sisters in your new life.

As Heaven celebrates your re-entry into the Kingdom of God, all is being restored to you and you will be free forever.

Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

By knowing the consciousness of our heart and aligning with it intuitively, we can change the experience of our reality.

We have an inner knowing that is natural for us and that connects us with universal consciousness.

It is infinite and all-knowing of everything that everyone has ever known.

It is beyond polarity and is entirely life-enhancing in the way we describe as unconditional love, and it is much deeper than any description we can provide.

When we can realize its reality, it is present for us always, making all of our limiting beliefs unbelievable.


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Angel Messages

Archangel Michael



We feel within you a growing awareness of the TRUTH OF YOUR BEING.

Your Divine Self is amplifying its presence within you each and every time, you invite that connection.

Let me tell you, this is not the first go round. All of you have been here over and over and over again.

You’ve been investing your time and energy your spirit in an opportunity to create something very magical.

And you have done so, dear ones. Now what is taking place is that the game is changing.

It’s very simple; you’ve reached the end of a game. But you’ve done this before, it isn’t the first time you’ve reached this level.

The interesting part is that you now have the ability to walk into this consciously, and that has never happened before.

Each time, you meditate, your expand your flow. Each time, you ask your Divine Self,

All That You Are, your Higher Self, to come more fully into your embodiment, it does so.

Everything you ask for from within, from your heart, even as a feeling of desire, or longing,

is then flowing to you and you are increasingly able to receive more of the energy that your eternal wholeness streams your way.

And as this energy and light expands, so too, do you. Expand. Energetically and in consciousness.

Your energy and your consciousness, are the lenses through which you have your experience,

and as these determinants of experience are elevating, your will find that your sense of the world opens up.

As we work with you in these new energies, we will share opportunities for you to see yourself from a different perspective and then build a solid base from which to grow.

All of you have imprints that you’ve carried in your bodysuit, and some of these are from energy stamps you’ve received.

An energy matrix is the way that you’re naturally wired, but an energy stamp is when something happens to you.

When an event changes you a little bit, it stamps you with energy. Then you carry that energy stamp in your body suit, but now you can release these.

As you pay more attention to your inner knowing, your inner connections 

As you plan less, and push yourselves less, discovering that you can be easier about things,

and instead simply tune in more and then go with the flow

You’re discovering that you never needed to overwhelm yourself, motivate yourself, strive, or try to control things, and you’ve begun to relax.

And this relaxation is so much deeper and so different than the way you might have thought about relaxation in the past.

This is some deep and most beautiful connection with the totality of your being, that is arising within your embodiment as awareness 

This is YOU discovering an inner sense of feeling safe. A sense of well-being that is deep and coming from inside you.

One that is more steady and simple, and yet more of a surprise than most anything you can remember.

Some of you are having physical challenges, but that’s part of being human. Oh, don’t you love that part?

One of the greatest opportunities you now have is to straighten out your own crinkled energy lines.

You have this beautiful torus that goes around your physical being, carrying you through time-space.

It’s actually what creates the illusion of time in which you live. The lines of the torus flow through your heart chakra.

Every time you have an experience, it hits the outside of these lines. Most often these are positive experiences.

You’re going through life, integrating with other people, and those people have an effect on you and your body suit.

In reality, everything that you work with has an effect on your life in some way.

It’s subtle, but life-giving, this new gentle feeling of inner sanctity and refuge. It doesn’t mean you do not have any fear, ever, but alongside it there are now,

moments in which you feel a much deeper sense of relaxation and ease and this is new.

For a very long time now, human beings have lived their lives, running.

Feeling threatened by the risks and dangers of being alive. They’ve learned to worry about things, to fear that the tenderness of their body and their heart,

were not sturdy enough to handle what Life would dish out.

But this is not the case. In fact, it is your tender heart and your soft, vividly alive and vulnerable body, that give you so much sensitivity and so much potential for joy.

Only through feeling so much, and being so aware could you learn to appreciate all the gifts that are here for you.

For the same aspects of your awareness that used to be the way you picked up on threats and activated you nervous system,

sounding the alert, are the same aspects of your sensory awareness and inner knowing that now are conditioning you to inner peace and well-being.

Astrology tells you that every single planet out there is affected by every other planet.

Often humans can’t find the planet they’re looking for. However, they can see the effect that the gravitational field has on other planets.

Everything in the universe is connected in that way, dear ones, you have that same connection.

When you have energy stamps, something frightening or even quite traumatic has happened to you.

Instead of these beautiful straight lines of connection that you have coming though, the energy stamps crinkle those lines.

And when the jagged energy lines start to make their way through your heart chakra, it hurts.

Sometimes you don’t even want to run the energy through because it hurts too much. So, you just pretend that it’s not there.

You run the cycles of energy outside, instead of bringing them through your heart chakra.

It is these same sensory and translation capacities that now are picking up on a feeling of immense love and support all around you.

You are evolving into a being that notices the subtle energy realms with as much naturalness and faculty as the prior version of your humanness noticed objects, things. Smells and sounds.

In the world in which you are living there have always been many many layers of living form and energy in the same space you’re in now.

If you were to pick up on all of it, you’d be overwhelmed, but you’re not built that way.

You’re made to filter out and translate into experience things that are resonant with your energy field at this time,

moment to moment selecting the similar energies and translating them, and this is your unfolding experience of life over time.

But the difference is, now, you are so different, and increasingly so, energetically, and what you are translating?

It’s higher light. It’s closer and more alike the Divine Plan then most of the past and your resonance is moving towards the Divine Perfection,

a state of being in which you translate the singular flow of Infinite Light that is timeless and eternal, in each and every moment of earth-based experience.

Yes, dear ones, you are very imaginative about how you deal with these negative energies.

But now you can release a lot of that, because the one thing that you have in common with every other being is that you’re a part of each other.

You all bring something from Home to Earth, so you are naturally wired for certain aspects such as harmony.

You actually have to learn how to be out of harmonics and how to put up walls.

Often these walls are a natural defense or the result of your empathic abilities.

You are trying to keep the lines of your torus straight, so to protect yourself you either put up your walls or you pull back your energy.

Although your torus will help smooth out the crinkles, you don’t want to entirely lose the experience that created the energy stamp.

Those crinkled lines are now part of your personality, and they give you the opportunity to express yourself as a spirit through a body suit on planet Earth.

In the meanwhile Beloved Friends, know this: you’re changing and as you change on the inside,

what you experience in the world, and in your consciousness is also changing.

What is seen and known and showing up as your experience, is elevated because you are elevating.

Isn’t it wonderful to have friends located elsewhere? Viewing things from high places,

and who can shine a light upon the implications of even the most infinitesimal upleveling happening within you as you soften,

let go more, believe more and expect good things?

Making peace within yourself is opening up more and more of the wonderful things that have always been here for you.

And you perceiving them now? It’s perfect. You’re right where you are and it’s wonderful. Just as it is. Know this. Always, know this.

You are always, an expression of Life, the Divine Perfection.

You are never off track, everything is contributing to who you’re becoming and what is becoming your unfolding life,

is endlessly enhanced by what you’re creating in each previous moment and the consciousness that arises from the expansion and flow you’re allowing.

Close your eyes for a moment, dear ones, and let’s begin this healing circle.

In the very beginning we’re going to put the healing circle into a time bubble.

And what that simply means is that every time anyone comes to this, they’ll be with you in the current time.

That allows you all to combine your energies in different ways.

Everyone that comes through this time bubble and watches at a later time also adds their energy to it.

Many of you will be coming in looking for a healing.

You may have an issue that you want to heal, yet you may leave the circle without that being completely healed.

But then suddenly a week later you’re healed, because another person came in to reach that critical mass of healing energy.

Every time a new person joins the circle they’re adding their energy.

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Angel Messages

Trust What You Feel.



You are living in exciting times! So many of you are concerned about the state of the world,

and yet from our eternal perspective, your world offers so many beautiful possibilities right now.

You can connect with one another as never before. You can share information as never before.

You can interact, witness, and experience more than ever before. The world has become your family and the entire earth your home.

Within the space, it is possible for us to choose to align with vibrations that give us more vitality and exuberance for life.

To do this successfully, it can be helpful to be aware of the source of our conscious life force within ourselves.

This we may identify as our heart-consciousness, expressing Creator consciousness through all of the energy centers in our body and etheric presence.

Part of this is due to your modern technology. Your Internet opened up the gateways of connection for your entire world.

Before this technology, most individuals grew up in relatively closed systems.

They were influenced by friends, family, church, community, and maybe some carefully controlled news, but not much more.

Now you can access ideas, inspiration, innovation, and just about anything you desire.

You can make a recipe from a country you will never visit and encourage or assist a stranger you will never meet.

More than ever before in human history, you are able to experience your connection with one another.

This is our natural way of Being. Except for our intention and openness, we do not need effort to feel and live in our natural vibrations.

These are natural for us beyond our time enclosure as well as within it.

Through the natural vibrations of our heart-consciousness, we receive and radiate the energies of abundance, joy, freedom and love.

When we allow ourselves the experience of these vibrations, we are aligning with our true essence of infinite consciousness.

Likewise, your emerging technologies will give you access to whole new ways to combine information and bring your creative ideas into form.

We celebrate your expansion and exploration. Technology does not control you, for you are the creators.

You are the ones who choose how you will use it. It is neither good nor bad.

It is simply a tool that obeys vibrational law in the same fashion as the rest of the created universe.

Use your technology with love, and you will find love. Use it with fear, and you will find the fearsome.

Use it in anger, and you’ll connect with the angry. Nothing is outside of the laws of vibration. This is simply how your universe works.

By aligning with our Source vibrations, we no longer experience negativity, which stimulates our feelings as fear.

When we no longer align with it, fear no longer exists for us, because it needs us to create it for ourselves.

By following our intuition, we are no longer subject to conditions that stimulate fear,

because they are in a different, parallel dimension that we do not need to engage with, even though we may be aware of it.

Without emotionally interacting with it, we do not give it our life-force, making it unreal for ourselves.

In order for us to experience this kind of alignment,

we must release all doubt about our abilities and replace it with continuous confidence, gratitude, joy and love, our natural state of Being.

In truth, the world is no better or worse than it was in ancient times.

You simply didn’t have social media back then! You couldn’t see what others didn’t want you to see.

Now you can. Now you witness the best and the worst of humanity. Now you can see things as they occur.

However, what is revealed can be healed, and although some of the things you witness are horrific,

the good news is that you collectively are doing something about them.

You have taken those you will never meet into your hearts and prayers.

Some of you have sent money or resources to your human family at one time or another in your life.

Some of you have adopted children, signed petitions,

or quietly sat in the comfort of your own home and focused all your love upon those less fortunate. Your connection is good.

Making the transition from a life of ego-consciousness struggling to survive, to a life of gratitude, joy, love and abundance, requires transformation of awareness.

It requires confidence and trust in our heart-consciousness and intuitive knowing, which comes to us as realization.

Through our realization, we create our reality, subject to any limiting beliefs about ourselves.

As we learn to trust ourselves to enhance the energy within and all around us in alignment with our heart-consciousness, we empower our creative visions and feelings.

Once we are able to command every situation within ourselves, we can become energy transformers and shapers of our reality.

With greater exposure to the world, however, greater discernment is required.

More than ever before, it is important for you to manage your vibration so you can trust your feelings.

When you are in a high and loving vibration, what feels good to you is good, and what feels bad is not what you want to focus upon.

This is especially important now because you cannot always trust what you see and hear.

This is not a new phenomenon. There have always been those who can tell a convincing lie or paint a false picture.

With your social media, the Internet, and new technologies, the capacity to falsify information is even grander than ever!

Then again, so is the ability to share wonderful ideas and information, connect in new ways, and embrace the fact that you are a human family.

To transform negative energy patterns in the world of human experience, we can change the energy within ourselves.

By seeing the light in any negative person or circumstance, we allow the negativity to become unstable and dissolve.

We can modulate the energies in our thoughts and feelings into alignment with heart-consciousness.

By transforming our own awareness and energetic alignment, we transform the world of our experience.

So dear ones, keep reaching for better thoughts and feelings because you can trust yourselves in the energy of a high vibration.

Don’t worry about who is telling the truth and who is not.

Tell the truth to yourselves that you live in a loving and magnificent universe that is always guiding you toward what you wish to experience.

You are not at the mercy of technology, systems, or other human beings, no matter how imposing they appear. You are only, and always, at the mercy of your own vibration.


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